Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2460: Gossip (a reward for book friends

  Chapter 2460 Gossip

  The royal patriarch said: "Send the child to Taiyuan, don't take it back to the Wang's house. Ma Feng from Daizhou will arrive in two days, and then send the child to him."

  Wang Geng, Wang Cheng and others looked confused.

  The royal patriarch let them see what it means to take advantage of strength.

   is not only to calm the Wang family, but also to rectify the Cui family's name. The Cui family spared no effort to attack the Ma family. Within two days, the Taiyuan area was full of rumors.

It is said that Wang’s Sixth Lady was bullied at the Ma’s family, and her aunt Cui’s was deceived by the Ma’s family. She did not realize that her niece was suffering in the Ma’s family. After recovering from the illness, while returning to her family's home to move the soldiers, it is bound to make the Ma family pay the price.

  Wang admitted this statement.

  This is also their reward for letting the Cui family take action, and the work done by the Cui family’s daughter is largely covered up. As for the price that the Cui family’s daughter and the second room of the Wang family have to pay in this process, the royal chief will not bother.

  This matter was agitated, especially after the emperor’s special promotion, even the harem knew about it.

Mingda and Changyu are very interested in this, but unfortunately they are not able to go out now, and it is not easy to call the friends outside to see you in the palace. They can only report a cold today and a stomachache tomorrow. Zhou Man came to consult them.

  The weather has been very stable recently, so people in and outside the palace rarely get sick. In addition to repairing books, Man Bao also takes care of the pulse.

  Mingda and Changyu messed up, Man Bao could only carry the medicine box to the harem, then put down the medicine box and sat cross-legged with them in the open curtain, having tea and chatting.

  While eating, he shook his head and said: "Xiao Yuanzheng knows that, I have been watching me for these two days, thinking that I was wasting medical treatment."

  Changyu: "You don't have any patients now, we are not a doctor for nothing, and we didn't let you prescribe medications. Why is it wasted?"

  Man Bao: "Wasting paper and ink is also a waste."

  She said: "Paper is valuable, because I write books, Chongwenguan dislikes me for being expensive, and always suspects that I took the paper from Chongwenguan to the Taiyuan Hospital to prescribe prescriptions."

  The cost of a department is for the same department and cannot be shared.

  She always spends a lot on paper.

  Whether it is in Chongwenguan or Taiyuan Hospital, she spends the most on paper, and Man Bao doesn’t want to use their paper anymore. The one she buys in the mall is cheap and easy to use.

  But sometimes the things she wrote down need to be shown to others. Although the paper she picked from the mall is similar to theirs, there is no difference, but someone with a heart can still see that it is not court-made paper.

  It’s not a problem to use your own paper, but Mr. Zhuang said that public and private should be separated, and the separation should be done very well.

She has always spent a lot of money on paper. If she uses her own paper for recording pulse records and the like, Chongwenguan and Taiyuan Hospital will definitely reduce her expenses in this area, and then extend other problems. She will be bullied.

  Because of what Mr. Zhuang said, although Chongwenguan and Taiyuan Hospital occasionally complained that she used more paper, she never lost her expense.

   "Although I don't prescribe medicine, I still have to write a pulse record every time I go back, isn't it a waste?"

  Changyu said bachelorfully: "Then you can write that I am sick, just say that I am frustrated, panicked, sad, etc., just make up some things, and then give me some calming soup."

  Mingda almost squirted the tea out, and smiled: "It's more wasteful."

  Manbao nodded, thinking that she hadn’t caught the point, so she didn’t continue this topic at all, but asked, "Is there any news today?"

   "Hey, didn't Bai Shan tell you?"

  Man Baodao: "It's not his rotation today. He is at the Hanlin Academy and he didn't enter the palace."

Although the emperor likes to invite Baishan into the palace to ask about politics and chat, he also likes to use him to organize papers and the like, but he can't be him every day.

There are three walking   , and occasionally it is someone else’s turn.

  So Bai Shan occasionally stays at the Imperial Academy instead of entering the palace.

  Xiao Yuanzheng does not allow the Taiyuan Hospital to participate in the affairs of the court, and the Taiyuan Hospital rarely discusses this matter.

Half of the news about Changyu and Mingda came from the emperor, and half came from the servants and maids in the palace.

  Mingda said with some excitement: "Ma Hongzhong and Wang Liuniang have officially reconciled. I heard that his uncle was the master and asked the Wang family to take the child away. From then on, the Ma family has nothing to do with Wang Liuniang and the child."

  Man Bao asked with bright eyes: "Really?"

  Changyu: "Of course it is true, my father said it himself."

  Yes, this gossip news was told by the emperor to the two sisters. The news is so fast that Wang Ruile, who lives in Tang Mansion, probably doesn’t know it yet.

The source of the emperor's news was Yin Li, but this time it was not for gossip, but for something else. Gossip was just by the way.

Changyu learned the news from his father in the morning, and immediately wanted to share it with Man Bao. She said: "The father said, Wang Min went to see Ma Feng overnight, and the two of them didn’t know what they were talking about. Ma Feng returned. After arriving in Binzhou, he asked the clan to come forward, first to take his brother's position as the head of the patriarch, and then to separate them from the branch."

   "The result is no difference," Chang Yu said with a look of regret: "But their family is so scared, they are willing to give the child to the Wang family."

Mingda said: "They are surviving with a broken arm. This child is better for the Wang family than staying in the Ma family. Otherwise, the Wang family may not be able to throw rats, but they will definitely hate them for threats. The Ma family and the Wang family are still too far apart. It's big, so the Ma family can't afford to gamble."

The reason why the emperor told his two daughters was to let them know, "Our family is a first-class family in Dajin. No one in this world can compare with our family except for the people in the world, so you must remember that you will come later. Outside, as long as you do not violate the law and provoke the people of the world, don't be afraid of other people who bully you, come back and tell your father that he will be the master for you."

Of course the Ma family can’t afford to gamble, they know that Ma Hongzhong has been expelled from the school. There is the Wang family, and the words of "no talent and no virtue" of his majesty. He will never leave his whole life. Think of it.

  As for his younger brother, he heard that he was suppressed by the Wang family and could no longer stay in Taiyuan Mansion. He has already voluntarily resigned and wants to go out to study.

  At this time, Ma Feng snatched the position of patriarch from his brother, which was a fatal blow to their Dafang.

Man Bao had a feeling different from that of the emperor. She and Mingda Changyu said: "It can be seen that the world is impermanent, people should still stand upright and walk upright. In the past, Wang Liuniang was absolutely weak in the Ma family, if it weren’t for his family’s behavior. Misconduct will not end here."

  “It can be seen that strength is not always necessary. When a person is strong, he will behave properly, and when he is weak, he will not attract a fatal blow; when he is weak, he should be as tough as Wang Liuniang to have that line of life.”

Mingda and Changyu were stunned, and Changyu said in a daze, "The emperor said that he would give me more guards in the future. If someone bullies me, he immediately calls the guards back to the palace and he will call me the shots. ."

   Mingda said: "...Father has a lot of possibilities. Since we are married, we have to stand up by ourselves. We can’t find our father for everything."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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