Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2461: Vaccinate yourself

  Chapter 2461 Inoculating pox yourself

Man Bao Zi was at ease for a month and entered Huangzhuang with Taiyi Lu. This time, the children who were tested were all eight to sixteen years old. They were divided into two batches, one for eight to twelve years old, and one for twelve years old. Years old to sixteen years old.

   Both men and women. When the test results came out, it was found that the effect of vaccination was better than that of adults. Not to mention the higher fever rate, the appearance and recovery of acne were faster, and the amount of acne was not much, and the overall decrease was about three.

  It can be said that the data performed very well, so Man Bao decided to give himself a vaccination after asking Mr. Mo’s opinion.

  She had eaten sugar pills before. It was not 100% able to prevent and treat smallpox, but there was an 80% possibility. Therefore, she only needed to pay more attention to smallpox patients in the past two years. As long as her mouth and nose did not touch smallpox, she would not get smallpox.

  But she still wants to completely cut off this possibility.

  So she and Xiao Yuan are talking about vaccination. She is very straightforward, “It happens to be waiting for the data to be compiled now. I am not very young, so I just got the vaccination.”

Xiao Yuanzheng didn't expect her to be so courageous, and hurriedly said, "Although you have not had acne, you have been in contact with so many smallpox patients in the past two years and it is fine. Obviously, the chance of catching smallpox in the future is not high, so why bother to vaccinate at this moment. Woolen cloth?"

Man Baodao: "Now that the experimental data comes out, I will inform the place to start vaccination later. If an imperial doctor takes the initiative to vaccinate and says that the vaccinia is successful, the vaccinated person will be more confident. And I also want to try my own test results. ."

  Man Bao asked Teacher Mo. He is also very confident in their test data and doesn't think there is any problem.

  There is really a problem. She will buy the detoxification pill again. Manbao has prepared the points specially, and paid the points so that Keke can monitor her situation at any time.

  On cherishing fate, the entire hospital is under her.

  Unfortunately, Xiao Yuanzheng and the others didn’t know, they just thought Zhou Man was courageous and...loyal.

  I have to say that if one person is vaccinated at this time, everyone in the world can be vaccinated with peace of mind. In addition to the emperor and the prince, that person is also the officials of the third grade and above of the middle school, as well as the Xiaoyuanzheng and Zhouman of the Taiyuan Hospital.

  Except for this group of people, I am afraid that no matter who is vaccinated, it will make people suspicious.

But it’s impossible for the emperor and the prince. The officials of the third rank and above in the middle of the Dynasty seem to be a big wave, but apart from the local officials, the number of people in the capital is only about 20, and they all have important positions. , Who wants to fight with his life?

  Xiao Yuan thought for a while, but reported it to the emperor.

  The emperor gave his reply after a little thought, and said to Bai Shan: "The lord of Liyang is worthy of the daughter of Mianzhou shepherd, and she is indeed loyal."

  Bai Shan:...

  What can he say?

  He didn't worry much about Man Bao's life safety, not to mention that this vaccinia had been tested back and forth so many times, just because his little father-in-law was by Man Bao's side, he didn't worry much.

  However, he was worried about her food, and after the vaccination, he needed a light diet for some time.

   So that day, after returning from the government, Bai Shan asked Xiao Qian to make a few bowls of steamed meat and rubbed the meatballs. After they were all steamed, he rushed to Huangzhuang to give it to her the next day.

Bai Shan handed the basket to the guard, and repeatedly said: "I told her to eat while it's hot. Time is running out. She must eat, drink, and don't save time. I wrote a note about what I like to eat. I'll send it when it's done."

  The guard took the basket with a dazed expression. He didn't understand where the words came from. Why did you listen to Master Zhou long does it look like?

  The guard sent the basket to Zhou Man.

When Manbao opened the basket, the steamed meat and meatballs inside were still hot. Manbao took a bite of steamed pork with a quarter of a lean and five-fold fat. It was soft and fragrant, and the greasiness on the fat was absorbed by the rice noodles. Not at all greasy, the main rice noodles are delicious.

  Man Bao’s mouth was so fragrant, the doctor Lu on the opposite side kept watching her.

  Man Bao reluctantly pushed the bowl toward him, and said, "Doctor Lu, would you like to try my sister-in-law's craftsmanship?"

  Doctor Lu said: "Eating so greasy in the morning is bad for the stomach."

  This is how he said, he also chose a piece to eat, and then decided to share some of his green tea with Zhou Man.

  Man Bao put the rest of the western cakes away and said, "Steamed bibimbap for lunch."

  That's delicious.

   Jiulan asked: "Lady, Lang Jun asks you what you want to eat, so he can prepare it."

Man Bao also knew that if she was vaccinated, she would have to eat lightly for a while, so he touched her belly and said: "In fact, the most craving for eating is the smoky noodles, the spicy smoky noodles made by my sister-in-law are mainly fragrant, and The noodles are also delicious."

   Jiulan tangled for a while and said: "Manny, the noodles I kneaded may not be as good as Grandma Zhou's."

   "It's okay. It's the same if you have scum, and you can't eat it for a few days."

  Doctor Lu: “It’s like you want it. Isn’t it just getting acne? People who get acne on our hands have gone out for two or three thousand. What are you afraid of?”

  Man Bao: "I'm not afraid, but I will eat lightly for a while. I feel reluctant to bear it."

  Doctor Lu:...

  Man Bao is really reluctant.

  The testers didn’t think it was because they said the diet was light, but they still had big white steamed buns, big white rice, and meat in the vegetables every day.

  It's just that there is less oil and salt than the time when the body was raised.

  For those who could not even cook a full meal before, this lightness is not light at all, but it is still a gourmet meal.

  But it’s not for Man Bao, she is delicious.

  Grand Doctor Lu stood up and said, "I'll go take a look, and I can go out tomorrow."

  Tomorrow, Mr. Lu will be able to go out, and Manbao is also fine, but she wants to get acne, so she doesn’t bother to go back and forth, and...

  Man Bao looked at Dr. Lu and frowned his little eyebrows and said: "Essential doctor Lu, I have acne, should you take care of me?"

  Lu: "...that's also two or three days later?"

It really didn’t take so much time. As soon as the emperor promised, Xiao Yuanzheng talked to the people in the Taiyuan Hospital, and the next day he brought Dr. Liu over, and routinely asked Man Bao, “Is Dr. Zhou going home? Look at your loved ones?"

  Report to each individual, make preparations and so on.

  Man Bao: "...No need, my parents are not at home, they are in Yongzhou, and it will only take a few days."

  Xiao Yuanzheng also simply nodded and said: "Okay, then get acne."

  Man Bao stared, "Plant today?"

   "Didn't you say that you can't go home? Then plant it earlier, earlier."

   "That's right, but Bai Shan promised to send me Qianzi in the afternoon..."

  Emperor Lu raised his eyelids and took a look at her. Dr. Liu smiled and said: "It's okay, we will eat for you by then, and it won't be wasted."

  Man Bao:……

  Anyway, things were decided like this, so all the imperial doctors went to adjust the vaccinia for Zhou Man.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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