Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2465: bill

  Chapter 2465 Bills

Seeing that they were about to quarrel, Man Bao quickly turned to the subject and said, "Four brother, when do you see when you have time to get acne inoculation with me? Well, Lixue and they will also ask for a leave and go to Huangzhuang to get acne inoculation together. "

  Lao Zhoutou, "Can't you plant at home? Go to Huangzhuang?"

  Man Baodao: "There is a safer place over there, ready-made places, I will discuss with Xiao Yuanzheng later to see if other expenses are needed."

  The cost is unnecessary. At least it is not used at the moment. The Xiaoyuan is eager to get more and more people to get acne. He counted in the Taiyuan Hospital. Basically, there are people over 8 years old and under 16 years old in the family.

  If the Minister of Korea and China has any doubts, their attitude of being too hospital is a guarantee.

Someone from Xiao Yuanzheng’s family also participated. Xiao Yuanzheng’s six-year-old grandson was also sent in. Taiyi Lu also wanted to send a person in, but he only had a little granddaughter. He was too young to be willing, so he finally chose the youngest. His son was sent in.

  So, the vaccinia has not yet been publicized. The family members of the imperial doctors of the Taiyuan Hospital got acne first. Among them, Zhou Man’s family members have the most.

  Man Bao faced the gazes of his colleagues, and said helplessly: "No way, there are many people in my family."

  The six smallest heads, including Zhou Lizhong, they all came to get acne, but only Chu Lang who was of the same generation as Man Bao came.

  Others rarely travel far away, so they don’t have to get acne.

  However, Xiang Mingxue and Zhou Lijun also came, and they often go out, especially to the grassland. They must also be very careful.

  A group of people hulled into the imperial house, Man Bao and Lu Taiyi were locked in the imperial house again.

  This time, because all the officials were involved, and there were a large number of them, even the emperor became concerned and asked them every day, for fear that officials would sacrifice for their duties.

Fortunately, there are so many doctors staring at them, and the vaccinia has been tested many times and the prescription has been improved. Therefore, there is no accident. At most three people have a high fever, but the amount of acne is not large, but One night or one day passed.

  So all the officials and family members went out smoothly after staying in Huangzhuang for half a month. When the emperor saw it, he was ready to move, and wanted to give himself a knife to inoculate acne.

   Then the courtier persuaded him to go back, and the prince expressed that he was willing to replace the emperor to inoculate acne.

   However, the courtiers were still persuaded.

  The prince is not young anymore. According to the data provided by the Taiyuan Hospital, the risk of adult vaccination is greater than that of the young, so the prince should not take this risk.

However, the emperor and the prince could not get acne, but the courtiers also saw the benefits of vaccination. If vaccination was done once, smallpox would be eliminated in the future, which would greatly improve the safety of their children and grandchildren. .

  So many courtiers thought about it, and they also planned to pick out the children under the age of sixteen in the family, and send them to Huangzhuang to get vaccinia.

When the emperor saw the result, he was very satisfied with the result, so he didn't insist on getting acne inoculation. Instead, he called the Xiaoyuan Zhengdao: "Since so many officials are going to Huangzhuang for acne inoculation, then you are too hospitalized to entertain them. It is best to take them out. A charter comes."

Xiao Yuan was responding, and when he returned, he gathered all the people from the hospital. "Your Majesty’s intention is to start with the officials and family members above the third grade and go down layer by layer. Of course, it is voluntary. You must also check it well. Those who are suitable for vaccination should be picked out. Don't be sloppy. If there is a business trip in the middle, then we will give up all our efforts."

  Xiao Yuan is discussing with everyone to add some new bedding to the imperial village, and the men and women have to be separated.

  Of course, there are males and females in this official family. They are all three-rank or higher officials, or are noble children. If something happens due to improper management, what should they do if they turn back to the hospital?

  Don't think they dare not. These ministers, especially those noblemen, have a very big temper. Xiao Yuanzheng doesn't want to mess with them.

  As the most educated, smartest, youngest Manbao among them, he has to hold an abacus to calculate the money they listed.

   Counting that Man Bao was heartbroken, he wrote down the total to Xiao Yuanzheng, and asked, "Is it free?"

  Xiao Yuan was surprised, "So expensive?"

Man Bao: "You said that the bedding needs to be changed. Each bed has to be equipped with a small table, and a cabinet must be added to a room. I calculate it according to the purchase price above, or It's the cheapest one."

  Xiao Yuanzheng was also heartbroken. He thought for a while and said, "I'll go to your Majesty."

  The emperor was silent while looking at the bill he gave up.

Xiao Yuan was standing below with his hands together and bowed his head, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this is just what needs to be purchased. The vaccinia and medicinal materials needed for vaccination have not yet been included in it. There is also half a month's food and accommodation for each group of people. It was never counted."

  Emperor: "...I remember that the official family members of the hospital are free of charge."

   "Yes, but because our family members are all from their own family, so they are more casual. We didn't buy anything at the time, and the food was simple. The cost of medicine was 13 pairs..."

   means that although they are free, they spend less, and they have different meanings. If they hadn’t tried to lead by example, would you dare to get acne?

  The emperor also felt reasonable, so he waved his big hand: "Then collect the money with them, um, one person..."

  The emperor took a look at the above and finally said, "I'll only receive one or two pennies for one person. Isn't this too much?"

  Xiao Yuan immediately said: "Not much, if it is a minister, the minister is very willing to pay this money."

The emperor was relieved, so he waved his hand to let Xiao Yuan go down.

  Xiao Yuanzheng took the emperor’s will and returned to the Taiyuan Hospital.

  As soon as he said that he wanted to collect the money, the doctor Liu frowned and said, "I'm afraid they don't want it."

  Emperor Lu also said: "We did not pay the money at that time, and now let them pay, I am afraid that the courtiers will have opinions."

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "If you don't make a list for them, it's for their good. If you don't buy anything, you can do it for free."

  Xiao Yuan just glanced at her, "Do you think that the grandchildren of Zhao Guogongsu Guogong will be willing to cover the bedclothes that others have covered?"

  Man Bao rolled his eyes, "Then I will make a list for them."

  Man Bao’s list is listed, it is not one or two can stop, but it does not matter, Man Bao said that the extra subsidies from the emperor and the hospital subsidies.

  Xiao Yuan was watching for a moment, and seeing the two medicinal materials used in the prescriptions listed above, he couldn't help asking: "Not everyone knows how to use medicine, right?"

"It's not that everyone can carry it without taking a medicine," Man Bao said: "We prepare in advance, and that is our heart. But since the preparation is ready, it will naturally be included in the cost. Adults don't care. I don’t understand, but the ladies in the inner house will definitely understand.”

  She remembered that Grandma Liu said that there are not too many things ready to entertain guests in the inner house, but they are scarce. So they prepare what they may need in advance, and believe that the wife will be able to support it.

  The bill, talk to the adults in the court, but you still have to turn around and send it to the mansions. Isn’t the lady who gave the money?

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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