Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2466: Live in the imperial house

  Chapter 2466 Live in the imperial house

  The bills of the hospital are out. The courtiers really have opinions. Why don’t people who get acne from the hospital don’t need money, and they need money when it’s their turn?

But the bills were sent to the various houses. The old ladies and the ladies of the various houses heard that it was related to the treatment of the little langjun and the little ladies after entering the imperial house. They immediately passed the decision of their husbands, "Isn't it just a couple of silver?" What are you doing, half a month, do you want your children to enter the imperial estate to suffer?"

   Seeing that they were so active, the elders were shocked and couldn’t help saying: “The officials and their families in the hospital didn’t spend money when they were vaccinated...”

   "The hospital was living in the room where the next person lived. Will our children live in that room? The bed can't be changed, and the inside can't be rearranged and cleaned up?"

  Yes, how can you just change the bedding?

  Of course, even the bed was changed together. In fact, they wanted the Taiyuan Hospital to rebuild some yards for them to use alone, or to get acne in their homes.

  But they also knew that it was impossible, so they could only press it without mentioning it.

  But the bed needs to be changed, so they forced the elderly to find the hospital.

  Three-level and higher officials, except Wei Zhi, everyone else was forced to take a trip to the Tai Hospital.

  Xiao Yuan did not expect that there were so many things, and his head would be big. After dealing with a group of people, I really couldn't handle it, so I simply pushed Zhou Man out. She was eloquent and talked a lot, so she could handle it.

  Man Bao listened to it for a while, then said: “The little ladies’ beds can be changed, but the princes’ beds can’t be changed.”

  As the representative, Zhao Guogong was taken aback for a while and asked, "Why?"

Because there are more princes than women, you can change the bed of a maiden, six beds in a room, you only need to change four rooms, but there are a lot of princes, even if they are willing to add money, she will be in a while I can't find so many new beds for them.

   However, Man Bao said with a serious face: "Because as a man of great Jin Dynasty, how can I not endure any bitterness?"

She said: "It's just a bed, not to mention that it is a hospital bed in the general sense. The officials and family members of our hospital have slept before. Even if it is not, the princes can't sleep? Your Majesty and Zhao Guogong, you all fight the world. I slept on the grass and slept on the ground with horse dung. Why can't I sleep in the bed? Lang Jun can't be so squeamish."

   After hearing this, Zhao Guogong wanted to complain. When did they sleep on the ground with horse dung?

Who knows that he hasn't opened his mouth yet, Su Guoguo, who is standing behind him, cheered loudly: "Yes, there is something that can't sleep. I think it's too spoiled for the children at home, but my daughter has to sleep in a new bed, Master Zhou. , Turn around you changed my girl's bed."

  Man Bao nodded with a serious face, “Don’t worry, Mr. Su, I’ll change the bed that the ladies are going to sleep on when I turn around. By the way, the ladies’ head fees will increase by 500 yuan.”

Zhao Guogong and the others hadn’t agreed yet. Man Bao had already discussed with Su Guogong. He couldn't help being a little aggrieved, but Su Guogong’s voice was so loud that speaking behind him was like thunder in his ears, which shocked his head. It hurts, but I have no choice but to respond.

  Forget it, the grandchildren in the family are also skinny, so it’s okay to let them suffer.

  Lord Tang curiously asked about the money, "A new bed is more than five hundred dollars, right? Who subsidizes the extra?"

  Man Baodao: "After the ladies have changed their beds, they will only be used by the ladies, and no more new ones. There will always be people living in the back, and that's it."

  The officials present have no objection, but next time it will be the family members of officials with rank 5 or higher. Can they also have no objection?

  Man Bao was very simple, "Can you have any comments, they are all sweet and soft little ladies, and there are servants in the imperial house to take care of them, and they will not get dirty."

  The matter was decided by Man Bao's arbitrariness, and she directly asked people to copy the bills to the provinces.

   She instructed the staff member who sent the bill: "If the old ladies ask, they will say that the princes will recall the hardships of your Majesty and the old men in founding the country.

After the emperor knew about this painful remembrance, he couldn't help but laugh out loud and said with Bai Shan hahaha, "Zhou Man is clever, I think they are lazy. Since the ladies are willing to pay, why not give them. Everyone has to change beds, and keep the extra ones first. In the future, more and more people will go to Huangzhuang to get acne, and they can all use them."

Xiao Yuanzheng, they are not doing this. They are idle. Now cowpox needs to be cultivated again, and it is summer. There are many things in the Imperial Medical Office. The local medical office prepares the list of medicinal materials for the summer to be reviewed and purchased, so busy. very.

  The Imperial Medical Office made preparations, and after changing the beds in the four rooms, they notified these officials to enter.

Mrs. Tang’s eldest son was also among them. Mrs. Tang took him by the hand and personally sent it to the imperial village. She looked around and saw Zhou Man standing boredly behind Xiao Yuan. She took his hand and slapped it. He patted his head and said, "Hurry up and call you Aunt Man."

  The kid rushed forward, raised his head and shouted: "Aunt Man!"

"Oh, isn't this our Dalang?" Man Bao was also very happy to see him. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his head. When he turned his head to avoid him, he said, "Father said, the boy's head can't be touched. ."

   is pretty particular.

  Man Bao smiled and asked, "Are you afraid of getting acne?"

  He was still young and didn't know the danger of smallpox, so he shook his head happily. He was really happy.

Look at the people here, half of them are little friends he knows. I heard that they don’t need to do anything for the next half month, just play in the imperial house, except that they can’t come out, and can’t run to the girl’s side to make trouble. , They can do whatever they want.

Of course, this is not what the parents said, but the little friends said in a private exchange. Relying on him and Zhou Manshu, he asked with bright eyes: "Aunt Man, do we just want to do what we want in the imperial house? What are you doing?"

   "No," Man Bao said with a smile: "In the imperial house, what you want to do and what not to do, you have to listen to our instructions."

  His complexion is a bit crumpled, but he still maintains his politeness and asks: "Then what if I am disobedient?"

  Man Bao took out the needle bag from her sleeve, and pulled out five or six long needles at once to make it shine silver in the sun. She smiled and said, "Then I will pierce you!"

The child's eyes were red, and he turned and ran to his mother. He wanted to pounce on his mother's arms, but he realized that he was not young enough and refused to be so rude, so he opened his wet eyes and looked at his mother, "Mother, Aunt Man wants Pierce me."

  Ms. Tang stretched out her hand to hold him and smiled: "So you have to be obedient. If you listen to Aunt Man's words, she won't pierce you."

There are quite a lot of acquaintances here, especially Doctor Liu, because he often sees pediatric illnesses. He has basically seen the princes and ladies of these noble families. Everyone sees him thinking of the bitter medicine. The atmosphere is warm. Zhong finally brought a little sadness.

  It seems that it is not so comfortable to leave home and live in the imperial residence.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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