Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2468: ointment

  Chapter 2468 Ointment

  Li Dalang wanted to make trouble, but Zhou Man basically didn't come to them, she was only responsible for the girl's side.

He just loses his temper, and it is the old doctors Lu and Liu that surround him, and they will not be soft-hearted, smile on their faces, but do not act lightly, always giving him hardships on the excuse of his fever. Medicine, but also pricked him with a needle.

  Li Dalang was in pain.

  The girls who are two rows of houses away from them are also in pain. They are sobbing quietly. Of course, they are only gentle or proud girls, and some are released, and they cry directly.

  Man Bao heard the cry and asked inexplicably: "What's the matter?" Aren't they all well?

   Liu Sanniang said, “Master, the little ladies think it’s not nice to have acne on their hands.”

  The eight little girls healed the fastest. Now the smallpox has crusted and fallen, and there are only acne marks on the arms, because it has only fallen, the acne pits are still a little red.

   Originally they didn't take it to heart, because the acne marks are on the inside of the arm, they can't be seen without paying attention, and they don't know enough about the sinister world to think that the acne marks will disappear.

  As a result, they visited each other today, and everyone looked at the acne marks on their arms. Among them, there were many acne marks, five of them, and some of them had less acne, only one.

  I felt ugly when I looked at it, and when I heard people say that the acne mark seemed to be invisible, the little ladies cried.

   Among them, the youngest is nine years old, but they also know whether they are beautiful or ugly, they will all dress up, how can they not know how ugly it is to have so many acne marks on their arms?

   So one person couldn't help sobbing, and the other little ladies couldn't help crying, as if the sky was about to collapse.

  Man Bao:……

  The same people who love beauty, Man Bao comforted them with rich experience: "Don't be afraid, I have ointment, which can dilute the acne marks. Look at my acne marks."

  Man Bao rolled up his sleeves to show them.

  The little ladies opened their wet eyes to look at her arm and saw the three acne marks that were close together. They remembered that Zhou Man still came to them after personally experimenting.

   So they stopped crying, and asked after a moment of sobbing, "Don’t you find it ugly?"

Man Bao said: "It's okay. I'm still applying the ointment. It should fade away a lot in two or three months. There will be only a little mark at that time, and I specially planted it on the inner side of the forearm when I was inoculated. There are clothes blocking it, and usually no one will see it."

  Sister Han twisted and said, "Then, what if it is in the future? What if someone sees it?"

  The little lady on the side said: "Master Zhou, Sister Han is about to say kiss."

  She is twelve years old this year, and she can indeed start looking for relatives. Man Bao sighed, “I remember you, when your little aunt gave birth to a child, you were only eight or nine years old. This is how old you are now.”

  Danny Han:……

  She looked at Zhou Man, who was not much older than her, and stopped talking.

  Man Bao waved his hand and said, "Don’t be afraid, your husband will definitely get acne in the future. Maybe he has more acne than you. The boss doesn’t talk about the second child, so why is he afraid of him?"

  Everyone followed her thoughts and found out that it is true that officials under the age of sixteen must get acne, and their future husbands will definitely not be able to escape, so what are they afraid of?

  Maybe they have more acne than they do.

  Thinking about this, the little girls were in a much better mood, and one of the little girls asked her, "Master Zhou, did your Baixian child also get acne?"

   "No," Man Bao thought, "How can he not get acne? How unsafe it is. I'll let him get acne when I turn around."

  When the little ladies heard it, their eyes brightened, "Isn’t it said that it’s best to be under sixteen?"

   "That's right, but eighteen or nine years old is not too bad," Man Bao said with a smile: "He is in good health."

   Liu Xiaoniang immediately said: "Isn't it okay for my brother?"

  This time Xiao Niang Liu stepped in on the sixteen-year-old line, and she was the oldest one in it.

  She was about to get married. After she was married, she was going to marry in Luozhou. Liu Shangshu felt that it would be better for her to get acne before going out, so he sent her in.

  Liu Xiaoniang feels that she can’t just suffer, she must have someone in the family to accompany her, and the little brother is the most suitable.

  No way, the older brothers and sisters above are all big.

  Man Bao looked at her and wanted to touch her, and laughed.

  The two of them were tacitly aware, and Lady Han was still more concerned about the acne marks, and asked weakly: "Master Zhou, what is the ointment like, can I apply it now?"

  Man Bao said generously: "I have a can, and I will send it to you later. You can use it first, and then you can buy it with me when you run out of it and feel it works."

  She said: “You don’t need to rub a lot, just a little bit, and just gently rub it on the acne mark.”

Man Bao gave them his ointment, turned around and said happily to Liu Sanniang: "Go back and find Liru to make this ointment, she knows how to do it, teach the fifth sister-in-law and the fourth sister-in-law and the sixth sister-in-law to see if they can make it, you Let Lizhong go to a craftsman who makes porcelain bottles and order a hundred sets first. Don't make them too big. I will give them half the size of the jars."

   Liu Sanniang hesitated, "Could it be too few?"

Man Bao shook his head, "A lot, I have used calculations during this time, so if a big can only wipes out the acne marks, it will not be used up in the last year, so half is enough. Everyone is not very old. Acne marks are easier to eliminate. There is still some left in a jar."

   Liu Sanniang asked, "How much is the price?"

  Man Bao frowned to think about it. After calculating the cost, she hesitated and said, "Eight hundred dollars?"

  It seems a lot, the main medicine is expensive, "Should they buy it?"

Liu Sanniang also thinks it’s a bit expensive. If it were her, she would hesitate for a while. As a non-grade medical aid, her monthly salary is 1,600 yuan, three stones, and food, and she is on duty occasionally. Job field, but there will be extra money.

  For example, when going out with her grandfather and master, they will give her a part of the consultation fee.

  Other medical aids have no such luck. Not to mention that they rarely follow the doctors to go out for consultations, that is, they can, and generally they can’t get the consultation fee.

  Because she has a special relationship with her master, occasionally officials outside the palace will invite her if she can't get her master for the convenience of seeing a doctor.

   Even if you don’t see a doctor, acupuncture and moxibustion will be more comfortable, and there will be some income.

  But under such circumstances, it is also difficult for her to be generous enough to buy a pot of ointment with eight hundred writings. She may prefer to make it herself.

  But these little ladies are different. They are very happy, not to mention that they have money on their own, if they don’t, they can go home and ask their mother if they want it.

  Is appearance important or money important?

  Of course that is the appearance.

  So Liu Sanniang showed the attitude that the ointment was a little expensive. After using the ointment, the little ladies who felt a little weak immediately said that money or anything was not a problem.

  Man Bao was curious when he heard that they all saw the effect. Is the effect so good?

  It took her seven or eight days to feel it.

  Looking at their acne marks again, from her professional point of view, she really didn’t see it faded, but Lady Han and the others insisted: “It’s really faded.”

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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