Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2469: Out of the basket

  Chapter 2469 Come out

  Under the psychological hints of the little ladies, after five or six days, the acne marks really faded, and they were happier after the comparison.

As more and more people were healed, more people stopped Man Bao from asking for ointment. Even the children from Tang Run in the back yard came to stop her, "Aunt Man, we also want to buy anti-acne ointment. ."

  Man Baodao: "What happened to the man's husband who has two acne marks?"

  Tang Run said: "Everyone has the love of beauty, and we are all handsome young men. Aunt Man, how can you deprive us of the love of beauty?"

  Man Bao actually felt that what he said was reasonable, so he asked: "Are you rich?"

   "Yes!" Tang Run said, "But not here, you wait for me to get home and give it to you."

  Man Bao was surprised, "Your mother didn't even collect your New Year's money?"

  Except for her, everyone's New Year's Eve money was confiscated by their parents.

  The kid Tang Run squatted and said, “It’s not the New Year’s Money, it’s my monthly money. My New Year’s Money is kept with my mother.”

  It seems that all the mothers in the world are similar. Man Bao is satisfied. She feels that Tang Xuesao is indeed the Tang Xuesao she knows, so she nodded and said: "Okay, I'll give it to you on credit."

   Tang Run immediately said: "My friends also want to buy."

He didn’t say which friend he was, and he directly reported the number of pieces. “There are a total of twelve bottles. Aunt Man, we don’t have any money at this time. ."

  Manbao said that there is no problem.

  Zhou Li knew the prescription and how to make ointment, even Bai Shan knew it.

It is not difficult for Liu Sanniang to make ointment. If one bottle can be used for eight hundred words, ten bottles will be worth eight thousand dollars. This is a considerable income. So Lu and the others studied hard. They studied for two days and cost a lot. After learning a lot of medicinal materials, I finally learned how to make ointments faster.

Within two days, the exquisite porcelain bottle printed with "Zhou's Light Acne Cream" was sent in by Liu Sanniang. The inside was full of reddish ointment. The color was not very good, but there was a smell of medicine. I took a lot of treasures. After opening the bottle, I smelled it, wiped it on my hand, and tasted it on the tip of my tongue. Then he spit out, gargle, and said: "That's it, is this all done immediately?"

   "No, the four aunts and the others did it together."

  Man Bao gave a "wow" and exclaimed: "Sisters-in-law and the others are getting better and better."

   Liu Sanniang smiled and asked, "I will take it to them now?"

Man Bao nodded: "Take it, now everyone's smallpox is crusted and fallen. You tell them by the way, tomorrow we will bring human pox in for them to contact, and wait seven days after the contact. If the acne does not appear, they can do it. left."

   Liu Sanniang nodded and responded, unable to help being curious, "Master, will every group of people who get acne in the future have to be tested with human acne once?"

"No," Man Bao said, "The Taiyuan Hospital has set a rule. If there are no accidents with 10,000 people, then it must be immune to vaccinia. You don’t need to try again after vaccination. After the acne scab falls, you can leave."

  This time will be greatly shortened.

   Liu Sanniang was shocked, speechless, "When will I be able to reach 10,000 people?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "With the current vaccination speed, it should not be slow. Your Majesty intends to let the Guards inoculate in batches."

   Liu Sanniang did not expect this, "but they are older."

   "So you have to see that if the body allows it, it is better to be vaccinated. Isn't the veteran I tested at the border gate quite old? But the danger has indeed increased."

  But the emperor’s order, the sword and the sea are going to go, not to mention this is not the sword and the sea.

  However, before vaccinating the Forbidden Army, Man Bao wanted to vaccinate Bai Shan and the others.

  Seven days later, the gate of the imperial village reopened, and many old ladies and wives came to pick them up in person.

  I have been worried about them for the past half month. Although the news that came out of it has always been very good, very good, but it is smallpox after all, they are still worried.

  Even some elders couldn’t help picking up their sons, daughters, grandchildren, and grandchildren in person.

  So, as soon as the gate of the imperial house opened, they saw the mellow little Langjun and the little ladies.

  The little langjun and the little ladies who were talking were not aware of it. When they saw the elders in the family, they finally felt a little bit of disbelief, so they threw their legs and ran towards their respective families.

  Tang Run’s child also directed at his father and mother like a cannonball, but instead of jumping into his mother’s arms, he plunged into his father’s arms, leaped up, hugged his father and screamed: "Father—"

  Master Tang hugged him and shouted loudly, "Son—"

Mrs. Tang’s face turned dark. After the father and son hugged them for a while, when they saw that they were endless, they stretched out their hands to separate them, and grabbed Tang Run’s ears angrily, "Howl, what do you think you have become? That’s it? Are you patronizing and eating in it? Don’t you let you practice martial arts every day?"

Master Tang carefully held her hand, slowly moved her hand away from her son’s ear, and said hurriedly, “It’s okay to be round at all. Don’t you think Zhou Man is round? Isn’t her body? Good too?"

  Man Bao, who came by, widened his eyes in disbelief when he heard this, and immediately ran up, "Am I fat?"

  Master Tang was taken aback. Gu left and right said to him, "Hey, didn't Bai Shan come to pick you up today?"

  Man Bao was depressed, "Why did he come to pick me up?"

   "Take a rest today."

  Man Bao just remembered that today is indeed a day off, but it doesn’t matter, what matters is, "Sister-in-law, am I fat?"

  Ms. Tang smiled slightly, "You are not fat, you are mellow and cute, of the right size, where did you get fat?"

  Master Tang also nodded, "Yes, yes, this is a problem of face, not a problem of fat or thinness."

  Ms. Tang's face was pale, she stretched out her feet calmly and stepped on him.

  Master Tang hissed, and Mrs. Tang said in an air voice: "Don't talk if you can't speak."

Before Man Bao had time to delve into it, she heard someone calling her name. She turned her head and followed the sound. She saw Bai Shan standing on a carriage far away and waving to her, yelling: "We can't get in. Go, you come out soon."

  Man Bao decided not to care about Mr. Tang, so he said to the child Tang Run: "You just need to send the money to my house. I'm leaving now."

   So ran away.

  Ms. Tang waited for her to run away before she bowed her head and asked her son, "What's the money?"

  The kid Tang Run said with a serious face: "Son and Aunt Man bought a bottle of ointment to get rid of acne marks."

  He stretched out **** and gestured: "A bottle of eight hundred words."

  It's quite expensive, but Mrs. Tang is not very distressed. She rolled up his sleeves and looked at the place where he had acne and nodded: "Mother gave you the money."

  Tang Run's child was very happy, and his eyes were full of light called excitement.

  Master Tang looked down at his son thoughtfully.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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