Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2479: Accept bribes

  Chapter 2479 Accepting bribes

  How can the children of the royal family be so well taken care of?

In particular, there is an eight-year-old little prince and little princess. They are the emperor’s two youngest children. Although their mothers and concubines are not very popular, the emperor always loves his children, even if he is a concubine, as long as he is free They will come over and ask, so it's not easy to offend any of them.

  Not to mention the emperor and grandchildren sent by the princes, they are really a lot of grandchildren.

  Except for the prince’s son who is still young, there are two or three imperial children among them. In order to express their loyalty, the brothers of the former emperor sent their sons, daughters, grandchildren and grandchildren of their own age.

  Man Bao has seen the list in the newspaper. To be honest, with her outstanding memory, she has not been able to remember everyone.

  Visible number of people.

  She didn't want to be affected, but the emperor was her superior, and it was harder to refuse his request, so she sighed in her heart, and her face calmly responded.

  Satisfied, the emperor pointed to Princess Gong and said, "You children, anyway, for a while. This time, King Gong came from Luozhou and asked Princess Gong to prepare gifts for you."

  Manbao is not flattered, she only has horror.

  Prince Gong was also taken aback for a moment, and even turned his head to stare at Princess Gong.

Princess Gong was a little embarrassed, but under the eyes of the emperor and King Gong, she still got up and walked to Zhou Man, took her hand and smiled: "I heard that the two sisters said that Lord Zhou has already set the wedding date, so from Luo When the state came, I prepared some gifts for Master Zhou, right to add makeup."

  In fact, what she thought was that her son was about to get acne under the hands of others. Although the emperor said that acne was safe, she was still a little scared.

   There is still a big difference between being a doctor and just being due diligence or negligence.

  While the hospital is in a high position, she is a little worried.

  So when I came here, I specially prepared a gift. I wanted to send it to Mingda, but when she was whispering with Mingda, the aunt on the side heard it, and the queen knew about it.

  The queen told the emperor, who knew that the emperor directly clicked it?

  The queen didn't expect it, so she glanced at the emperor, and saw that he was still looking at the "happy conversation" Princess Gong and Zhou Man with satisfaction, the queen looked back.

   Forget it, besides the man who has some abilities in the court, what else can he expect from him?

  Princess Gong took Zhou Man to see the gift, a makeup box of jewelry, a total of three layers, each layer opened, the jewelry inside...

  Well, Man Bao, who has seen a lot of gems and pearls, will not be stunned, but his heart is also jumping, showing how good this jewelry is.

   Among them, pearl jewelry and exquisite gold jewelry are the most.

   Princess Gong directly opened the top layer, took out a golden hairpin and showed it to Zhou Man, and said with a smile: "This is Jinfeng. I specially made a couple for you. Do you like it for Master Zhou?"

  Man Bao regained his senses, and hurriedly declined: "If you have no merit, how can you accept such a heavy gift from Princess Gong?"

   Princess Gong smiled and said: "How can it be reactive? You helped King Gong lose weight before, and you also took care of the injured leg of the prince. This is all credit."

   Full of embarrassment, these two things are not a good thing to King Gong, are they really hateful?

   "What's more, your happy event is approaching, because you don't have these antecedents, you can accept this gift, my elephant will also be moved to the Daming Palace, and I will need a lot of care from Mrs. Zhou in the future."

  Man Bao realized in his heart that this was bribing me, and it was bribing in front of the emperor and empress.

  She is tangled up, so will she accept it or not?

If    did not accept it, would the emperor and empress feel that she did not want to have a good relationship with King Gong?

  Man Bao couldn’t help looking at the jewelry in the makeup box. Although he felt that it was not good to accept bribes, he should still be able to pass the Emperor Minglu.

  As she thought about it, Mingda gave her a light push and smiled: "Sansao brought it to you from Luozhou from far away. You can't let someone take it back, right?"

   Changyu also said: "Since it is for you, you can accept it."

   Didn’t see her father come over frequently?

  Man Bao tried his best to suppress the smile on his face, but he still couldn’t hold back the nodding with a smile between his eyebrows, "Then thank Princess Gong."

  Man Bao paused and said, "Thank you too, Lord Gong."

Princess Gong could see that Zhou Man really liked it, and she couldn't hide her smile between her brows and eyes. She breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: "It's fine for Master Zhou to like it."

  Like naturally, she likes everything that is valuable and beautiful.

   So Manbao returned to the hospital with joy, holding a makeup box.

  The hospital is still quiet, because the official will has not been awarded, so he tried to resist the feeling of sharing with his subordinates, and once returned to the hospital, he locked himself in the office room and couldn't come out.

  Man Bao came back holding the makeup box and was held back by Dr. Zheng and the others. They frowned and said, "Dr. Zhou, have you ever quarreled with Taichang Temple?"

  The eye circles were all red when Xiao Yuan was coming back.

  Man Bao still had a happy smile on his face, shook his head and said: "We didn't go to Taichang Temple."

  Even Madam Liu couldn’t help frowning, “Didn’t you go to Taichang Temple to seek justice?”

"Oh, we changed to the Taiji Hall to find Your Majesty on the way." Man Bao saw that they seemed to be ignorant, so he planned to share the good news with them. Suddenly Xiao Yuanzheng's office room opened and he left. He came out and looked at Zhou Man and said, "Emperor Zhou, the will has not been formalized yet, so don't publicize this matter for the time being."

  Man Bao swallowed what he had said to his lips, and nodded slightly with Royal Physician Zheng: "Okay, then you can wait two more days, and you will know when the will comes down."

  Emperor Zheng: "...I don't agree with us to add subjects to a sentence, why can't we say?"

  Emperor Lu stared at Zhou Man closely, and he was most concerned about whether to add a vaccination department, because it was related to his vital interests.

  Man Baodao: "I can tell you this, it can be added."

  Xiao Yuan was unable to stop it, and closed his open mouth. Forget it, just tell them.

   Grand Doctor Liu stared at Zhou Man's Xi Yingying face, then looked back at Xiao Yuanzheng, and couldn't help but patted his head. His eyes were dim, and he was wrong when looking at the colors. Then there is sadness, but excitement.

  Since it was a good thing, he stopped inquiring, and turned around and went back to his office, and said: "Doctor Zhou, it's your turn to check at the Daming Palace today."

   Thinking of only agreeing to the emperor, Man Bao responded, "I'll go in a while."

  Emperor Zheng looked at the thing in her hand, "What is this?"

   Full of joy, he said: "A gift from Princess Gong, hehehe..."

  Everyone looked enviously or jealously at the tall makeup box she was holding. This is the advantage of female doctors. It is much more convenient to accept bribes from the harem family.

  Man Bao took the makeup box back to his office and locked it, and then took the boat with his back to the Daming Palace to check the progress of the project.

    The next chapter is around ten o’clock. I wanted the two chapters to be together, but it’s still a bit worse



  (End of this chapter)

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