Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2480: Quarrel

  Chapter 2480 Quarrel

   Entering the Daming Palace by boat, Man Bao found that Daming Palace looked even more...barren.

Daming Palace ushered in a short time for repairs after the Empress Dowager brought Prince Gong and Mingda’s emperor’s children to escape the summer heat. Unfortunately, it was very short. Within two months, it was shut down due to funding problems, and it took only two months. But one of the half-built palaces was built, but the palace was empty after it was built, and there was no furniture or anything in it.

Later, the emperor was very poor, and the inner treasury was in a state of making ends meet. The treasury was tightly controlled by courtiers. As long as he showed the intention of building the Daming Palace, from Wei Zhi to the sixth grade Yushi would write to dissuade him, thinking that now It's only considered Min'an, and there is still a long way to go from Cathay Pacific. It is really not good to overhaul civil engineering at this time.

  The emperor listened, and later left the Daming Palace behind.

Later on, it was difficult to keep filial piety, and it was not easy to start construction; last year, it was a western expedition, and the treasury ran out of money, so the Daming Palace...well, let alone construction, even the repairs were less, so the grass and trees grew a bit wanton, full Standing on the boat, Bao looked at the weeds on both sides of the strait, and shook his head slightly.

  At the ferry, the servant stopped the boat and let Zhou Man disembark.

  Man Bao went ashore and went on foot to see the palace room being remodeled by the Ministry of Engineering.

  There are not many people here, and now it’s mostly people from the Ministry of Engineering and workers here. Only this time the emperor failed to build the palace, but wanted to transform it.

  The emperor asked the Ministry of Industry to select the two largest palaces and directly put the walls to seal them. When the emperors were in one palace, and the princes were in the same palace, men and women were inoculated separately, and the people inside could only enter but not leave.

  A long and long laneway was built between the two palaces for the imperial physician to go back and forth between the two palaces.

  So once people from the royal family live in, the two palaces will be sealed, and even the food will be brought in by hanging baskets.

  The reason for being so cautious is that this is the Daming Palace, which is too close to the Taiji Palace, in order to avoid the smallpox from showing.

  Originally, all the acne vaccines should be taken to the imperial house, which is the safest place.

  It is a pity that the emperor is reluctant to let his children and grandchildren be wronged. There are six people living in one room at the imperial village. It is an urgently built earth-rock mixed house, which can be compared to the palace here in Daming Palace.

  Here, at least one person and one room can be guaranteed.

That’s right, there is one room for one person. The emperor made a long screen with great pride, dividing the big room into two. In one room, not only a little princess and a princess, but also the princess and the county could live. The masters can also bring a servant girl.

  Well, the selected palace ladies are also around sixteen years old, and they all have to inoculate acne like their masters. If there is no accident in the future, they will always serve their masters.

  Man Baolai inspection is to check whether the two palaces are really sealed, and there is no secret way to pass things inside and outside. This kind of thing is not a big problem in the imperial palace, but it is a taboo in the imperial palace.

  It is also necessary to check whether the medicine hall prepared for the hospital is compliant, and the sanitation of the palace.

After Man Bao checked today’s work, he grabbed his hands and raised his neck to watch the craftsmen busy. Looking at them, she felt that they wanted to build the remaining Daming Palace with their today’s meticulous work. For several years, it was still when the emperor was very rich.

  If you can’t afford it, I’m afraid it won’t be built for more than ten years.

  Man Bao shook his head, noted the progress of their project, and left.

  It's almost time for her to leave the office. When she takes the boat back to Tai Chi Palace, it should be almost the time to leave the office. Well, she has to walk back to the Taiji Hospital, so far.

  But thinking of the makeup box in the hospital, she was full of motivation again.

  Man Bao happily took the makeup box and went out of the palace. Before he went out, he saw Bai Shan waiting outside the palace gate.

  Man Bao immediately smiled and stepped forward. The guards checked her makeup box and stared at her with piercing eyes.

  Man Bao said generously: "This is given to me by Princess Gong."

  Of course, the guards don’t think this is a bribe, but a reward.

Zhou Man is one of the most rewarded foreign ministers they know.

  King Gong and the former King of Yizhou are not counted.

  The guards gave her a envious look, wrote down what she took out today, and let it go.

  As soon as she came out, Bai Shan stretched out her hand to take the makeup box and sank her hand. He steadied, and asked, "Why would Princess Gong give you a gift?"

  Man Baodao: "Get in the car and say."

  Daji came to pick them up and go home.

  In the car, Man Bao just rubbed his acidic arm and said: "This is the bribe of Princess Gong, but it is to add makeup to me."

  Man Bao paused and said, "Prince Gong must not know about this. I think their husband and wife will definitely fight when they return."

  Bai Shan puzzled, "Why quarrel?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and then said: "If I give Lu Yue a very precious gift in private, and you want me to give it, will you be angry?"

  The relationship between Bai Shan and Lu Yue is not very good, basically because they are both students of Chongwenguan and maintain a harmonious relationship.

  Well, Zhao Liulang is in the middle to reconcile.

  If Manbao gave Lu Yue things privately, and said that he gave it, it fell in Lu Yue’s eyes, that is, Bai Shan is begging for peace with him, and Bai Shan must be angry!

  Bai Shan glanced at her, "Will you give Lu Yue a gift?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "We have no interest in him. Not to mention that we didn’t ask for him. Even if there is, we have a discordant attitude in dealing with things, so naturally we won’t ask for it."

  She paused and said, "But Princess Gong is a gentle person."

   is too gentle, so you can't be the master of King Gong, and it's hard to influence the other party.

   Zhou Man thought it was not bad. Prince Gong and Princess Gong did quarrel. It should be said that Prince Gong unilaterally scolded Princess Gong and cried.

  On the other side, the couple in the main hall of Tai Chi Hall, it was the queen who was scolding the emperor, "San Lang's wife wants to give Zhou Man gifts, why do you want to order them in front of Sab Lang?"

  "Didn’t you say that Saburo’s wife wanted to ease their relationship with Zhou Man?"

  Queen: "...But do you think Saburo looks willing? You don't know what his temper is. After you point it out, he only feels embarrassed. In the end, it is Saburo's wife who is wronged, and the relationship may not be able to ease down."

  She said: “It’s better to let Saburo’s wife quietly give it away. It doesn’t matter whether Zhou Man and Saburo’s relationship is good, it’s okay for her to have a good relationship with Saburo’s wife."

  This is the survival wisdom of the back house. Except for some unresolvable hatreds, the rest of the festival is your men competing with you, and we also have our own friendship.

   Actually speaking, Zhou Man and Prince Gong did not actually have any deep hatred, but because of the position of the prince, they had different positions.

  Zhou Man has never done any damage. What she has always done is to treat illnesses and save people, but only saves the prince.

Therefore, the Queen thought that as long as the time was long enough, the grievances between them could be lessened. Regardless of whether they existed or not, Zhou Man was an upright person and would not harm others for this. It's kindness to do bad things.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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