Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2485: Come on

  Chapter 2485 Come on, you guys

Chief Lao Zhou led Man Bao and Bai Shan’s boxing ceremony, and the servants who followed took out Mr. Zhuang’s slips and took them together. They all got into the car and were going out, but Lao Zhou still waited for the old man. After he came out, he walked shoulder to shoulder together, leaving the imperial city in two cars.

  The old man envied him very much, "Is the autumn harvest in your village?"

  Old Zhoutou said: "I received more than half of it, which is still a bit worse, but it is not too long. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, I can receive it in a few days."

   "Can the weather be smooth this year?"

  Lao Zhou almost laughed on his face, “It was a little drought when the seedlings were just planted, but it rained soon, so the weather was smooth.”

  The old man’s family is also a landlord. He is just a small landlord. Although he does not go to the land himself, he also personally goes to see the long-term workers and tenant households planting the land every year, so he knows a lot about farming.

   "Good harvest, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, your family will have another big income."

   "Oh, don't your family have it too?"

  "How can our family compare to yours?" The old man said: "Our boy's job field is managed by the household department, and he eats a fixed rent every year."

  Lao Zhoutou proposed, "You should apply for your own business."

  The old man shook his head, "My family is not like yours. I have two sons. One is in front of an official and the other is still studying. The job field is not easy to take care of, so it is better to take a fixed rent."

  Otherwise, how could he envy Lao Zhou tou so much?

  It is true that his daughters are prosperous, and there are many sons. No matter how many things his daughters lay in the front, there will be someone behind them.

After leaving the imperial city, the old man said goodbye to Lao Zhoutou. He was different from Lao Zhoutou. His son rented a two-entry yard on the edge of the inner city. , Go forward, and then turn right for a while, it's very close.

   are all foreigners, and even his son arrived in the capital a year earlier than his daughters-in-law. As a result, everyone has a mansion.

  Lao Zhou returned home with the envy of the crowd. He ordered his servants, "Hurry up and send Mr. Zhuang's festival ceremony to his yard."

  He picked several things from Manbao’s festival ceremony and put them on together, which was considered as Manbao’s gift to Mr. Zhuang.

  To Mr. Zhuang, the Zhou family respects most, because everyone knows that if Mr. Zhuang had not brought Manbao to literacy, then Manbao would not be able to make this step in his life.

  The Bai’s side received the gift, Mrs. Liu asked about the extra things that Lao Zhou had added to Mr. Zhuang, and smiled and added the same.

  Waiting for Manbao and the four of them to return home from school, the family was already busy preparing for the holiday.

Man Bao helped Mr. Zhuang to enter the door, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang brought things to them from behind, and Lu was happy to see them when they went out, "Mr. and Man Bao are back, sir, let’s have dinner together tonight, my mother-in-law said The food is in the main hall."

Mr. Zhuang smiled and asked, "How many tables do you have to set up?"

   "There are five tables," Lu said, "Master Bai and Mrs. Bai have also invited over. In the evening, we will have a reunion dinner together. There are many children in our family, so we will eat on both sides when the time comes to prevent them from making a fuss."

  Today is thirteen, everyone will have a lively reunion dinner, and when it’s fourteenth, each family will eat each other. As for fifteenth, of course, it’s going out to have fun.

  I live in the capital, or in the inner city. It would be a pity if I don’t go to see the lantern market and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with Wanmin.

  Mr. Zhuang himself had an appointment with his colleagues, and went out to eat, drink, and write poetry that day.

  In fact, Bai Shan also had an appointment. They were all from the Hanlin Academy. He was not good at rejecting it directly, so he decided to go around and get some people out that day. There was no way. Too many friends were also annoying.

   Zhouman has no such troubles, "We are too hospitalized to socialize outside."

  Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao, no, they were socializing, but they didn’t call you.

  It's like Zhao Liulang and the others never meet her when they go to the Chunfeng Tower to socialize.

  The two kitchens prepare together. After designating the menu, one kitchen is responsible for a few dishes. Therefore, the food is prepared very quickly, and it is still hot when served, especially the steamed meat made by Xiaoqian's. The meat smell is very overbearing.

  Qian brought a couple of Xiao Qian to the table with Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Zheng, and Mrs. Bai. There was no place for full treasure at all. She could only turn around and sit with Bai Shan and the others.

  Bai Dalang was the oldest, and took the lead in putting a piece of steamed meat to Bai Erlang, and said kindly: "Jiro, I will have an exam next month, eat more today."

  Shijiro also gave him a piece of meat, "Brother, you should also eat more. I heard that you were two short of being on the list last year."

Last year, there were only twelve Jinshi scores, and generally those who failed the list would not be ranked, but the Imperial College had something to do, so I asked about the students’ answers, and some teachers said that it’s a pity for Dalang Bai because he was too far away from the rankings. Just two.

However, Bai Dalang is not very sad, because there is a person in front of him who is even more miserable. He is only one from the middle. That person is Wang Yi. He is a student of Taixue. He is in the same class as Bai Dalang. When the news came out, both of them were almost a bit sad. Vomiting blood.

  But Bai Dalang did not vomit at all, because he saw Wang Yi who was even worse.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao took a look, and immediately diligently filled them with all kinds of meat, filling the bowl directly, "It is to eat more, this time you have to work hard to get the exam."

  Bai Shan thinks that Bai Dalang shouldn’t be a big problem, because he almost won the middle last year. After a year of precipitation, he should be even stronger, and...

  Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "This year the number of candidates will be a little more than last year."

  The amount of scholars taken is different each year. The number of scholars taken is calculated by the officials based on the existing data and the changes in officialdom from last year to this year.

  For example, after the Yizhou Wangyi Department was liquidated, the number of Jinshi for the first and second openings was more than in previous years, because the officialdom was lost and they had to be filled.

  Bai Shan walked in front of the imperial court, and he did not hear the adults talking about these things with the emperor. He knew a lot about inside information, but he also knew what to say and what not to say.

   Speaking of Jinshi exams, he only has this little encouragement.

Bai Dalang and Bai Erlang understood, they didn't continue this topic, but they were very excited. The chance to win more students will be greater, especially Bai Erlang, his heart is a little guilty, he knows himself, he It's far behind his elder brother.

  Zhou Lijun was at the same table with them. Seeing that they had finished talking, she began to talk about her topic, "Sister, I found a shop in Dongfang and want to buy it."

  Man Bao was taken aback, and asked: "The shops there are expensive, aren't they?"

  Zhou Lijun nodded, “I’ve been talking for a long time, but I still need eight thousand six hundred and seventy taels. One or two less will not work.”

  Bai Shan were also taken aback, and asked, "What shop is so expensive?"

  “Mainly in Dongfang. That street sells silk and rouge gouache. The famous silver buildings in Beijing are also there, so it’s very expensive.”

  Man Bao asked: "What are you buying for?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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