Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2486: Settle accounts

  Chapter 2486 Settling accounts

  Zhou Lijun's eyes shined brightly and said: "The ointments, whitening creams and acne creams made by the seller."

  She said: "Sister-in-law, let's eat first, I will settle an account for you after the meal."

  Man Bao couldn’t help asking: “Does our family have so much money now?”

   "There is no such thing as the father," Zhou Lijun said: "Now most of the money in the father in the family is in the hands of the fourth uncle."

  But Thu Lang is now on the grassland. By the way, Xiang Mingxue also followed Thu Lang to the grassland. It has only been a month, and now it is estimated that he is still collecting various goods on the grassland.

  He won’t be back until at least the end of September.

  So Zhou Lijun wanted each family to come up with money. If Sister agreed on this matter, it would be half the battle.

  Man Bao asked: "How much money does the public school have now?"

  Zhou Lijun: "More than three hundred and two."

That’s a lot. After all, when Lang came to Beijing on Thursday, he took out the account book and took out all the money he earned from last fall to this summer. Now the public’s money is still selling ointments in the past few months, and restaurant management should Money returned to the public.

  Man Bao thought of the money she had allocated this year, as well as the money she brought back for gems and spices, and he suddenly became magnificent, "Okay, buy it."

  The gems and spices that Manbao gave to Thu Lang, Thu Lang did not even keep the hard work, basically he will bring back as much money as he sells.

  First sold in the capital, and then all the way south, went to Yizhou to make a circle, and sold all the things in hand, and made a lot of money.

  In addition to the money that Zhou Man shared from the public this year, it is even more.

  But why does Zhou Lijun want to buy a shop?

  Be aware that they now rent a yard that specializes in ointments and creams. Old customers buy directly from the door, and sometimes they bring new customers. They make a lot of money.

After eating, Zhou Lijun held a cup of tea and talked to Zhou Man in the yard, "Originally, the five aunts and the others are limited, and only these people can afford these moisturizing creams and acne creams in Beijing, so I thought I don’t need to buy a shop, but during this period of time because of vaccinia, many more people came to buy Danyin ointment with us. There were even outside drug dealers who came here specially, so I think we need a shop, but also a shop. Good shop."

  Man Bao pondered, "But we only have these kinds of creams, are they too few?"

Zhou Lijun said: "I used to think it was less, but I don't think it anymore. In the past two years, many people have used our moisturizing cream, not only for women, but also for some princes, especially acne cream, which sells well. So I thought it would be good to be able to do these things well, and with my sister's current ability and age, there will be more prescriptions in the future."

  Man Bao felt reasonable, so he nodded, "Okay, how much money do I want to pay?"

Zhou Lijun said: "I've done the calculations. These recipes were all given by my sister, so you take 10% of the silver, and I count the other rooms as one room. If you exclude you, this room will be seven rooms, and one family will share one. The cost of three to claim 10% of the share."

  Man Bao was startled, "One bedroom, one percent?"

  Zhou Lijun nodded, "Yes, one room is 10%, that is 80% in total, and the remaining 20% ​​is counted as the public. Every year, 10% of the dividends must be left to operate the shop, and the remaining 10% will be given to grandma."

  In other words, their seven rooms are responsible for sharing the share of the public.

  Man Bao thought for a while, no objection, "Will the other houses agree?"

   Zhou Lijun smiled and said, "As long as you agree, sister, the other rooms will agree."

  It’s needless to say that the uncle and the elder aunt, they must be following the sister-in-law, her mother does not care, she can persuade her father, the third uncle will listen to the grandma, the fourth uncle, the fifth uncle, the sixth uncle and the sister-in-law are the best, and will not object.

  Zhou Lijun smiled and said: "At that time, I will set the rules, and the fourth and fifth aunts can go to the back of the shop and take care of the work of making the ointment. They will be paid every month."

  In this way, everyone is not idle and can still count money.

  Man Bao asked: "How much do you expect to invest in the initial cost?"

   Zhou Lijun hesitated for a while and said: "Twelve thousand taels."

  People like Manbao can’t help but be speechless, it’s too expensive.

   "I'm fine, will other houses be willing to spend so much money?"

  She felt that this almost emptied every house.

Although Thu Lang has made a lot of money in the past few years, after excluding all the costs, he can make a few hundred or more than one thousand taels. Man Bao remembers the record on the account book. It was the most profitable the year before. Earned two thousand eight hundred taels, but it was Chu Lang who took the risk to buy pearls, but then he stopped doing this business.

  I was afraid of doing too much to change business status;

  Secondly, entering pearls is indeed more dangerous.

  And so much money is divided into many shares, after all, everyone has members in it.

  However, the money is still a lot, at least the money that the old Zhou family could save after seven or eight years.

  So even Lao Zhou could not help but sigh, “No wonder people with abilities want to do business instead of farming.”

But doing business, especially business like Chu Lang, is really hard. Looking at Chu Lang's face, he can see that he is much older than Fri Lang and Sat Lang in recent years. Under the wind and sun, it is still worse. A little bit is not Man Bao's handsomest brother.

  Manbao has no pressure to pay one thousand taels, because she has many ways to get money, but it is difficult to pay one thousand taels for other houses.

  Especially the eldest brother and the third brother.

  At night, Man Bao slipped quietly to find her sister-in-law.

When Zhou Dalang saw her coming, he got up and went to the outer room, and gave the inner room to their aunts to speak.

  Man Bao quietly asked Xiao Qian, "Sister-in-law, how much money did you save with your eldest brother?"

  Xiao Qian asked her, "Are you short of money to spend?"

Man Bao shook his head, said in a low voice that Lijun was going to buy a shop, and then whispered: "Lijun has done it in private. After buying the shop, he will be able to earn back the money from buying the shop in about a year. "

  Xiao Qian’s tongue is stunned, "So making money?"

Man Baojing said: "The main reason is that we are catching up with acne. Many people have learned about acne-removing cream and moisturizing cream because of the pale-printed ointment. Some princes like to buy more than women. Now they have a lot of business. Lijun calculated it privately, and now sales have at least doubled compared to before."

  So they have to hire someone.

  Xiao Qian looked out, and then asked in a low voice: "Then how much money do we have to pay for the big house?"

  "You first tell me how much you have."

  Xiao Qian said: "More than eight hundred and two."

  Man Bao was taken aback, and asked: "Why are there so few?"

The little Qian smiled and said, "You forget, it wasn't long before the big head got married. At that time, we bought him 20 acres of land in the suburbs of Beijing as a betrothal gift, plus other things, and spent a lot of money one after another. The three heads are not too small now, and we are telling him to kiss him recently."

Xiao Qian sighed when he said that, "The capital is different from our village, and now our home is different from before. In the past, it only cost five or six liang to marry a wife in the village. With the banquet, seven or eight liang is enough for the sky. , Looking at it now, it takes at least a hundred taels."

I'm really sorry. I indulged in dinner today. I had some barbecue. It may not be clean, so I vomited up and down. I was in very bad condition. I originally wanted to ask for leave. I thought about it and finished writing this one. Chapter, um, ask for another leave, don’t show it tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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