Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2490: Laziness

  Chapter 2490 Laziness

   Zhou Ligu was speechless, feeling that the burden on his shoulders was so heavy, he asked: "Sister, how did you make so much money?"

I'm so envious. In addition to the little capital that he and his third brother paid for the fourth uncle a few years ago, they can make some money to save, and the rest also made some money by copying books and going to restaurants to fight for the fifth uncle and the sixth uncle. They have pocket money, but that little money is enough for them to buy something to eat, not even pen and ink.

  Man Bao patted him on the shoulder and said, "After you learn a skill, it will be easy to make money again."

  "What is our ability to read?"

   "Examiner, and then learn to handle government affairs, this is your ability."

  Zhou Ligu and my sister-in-law went to the courtyard in the west with a basket of silver ingots. Of course, they went to the old Zhoutou's house instead of his house.

  Because the money they shared in the capital for their three rooms is put in the grandparents' place.

  Qian accepted the money and nodded in satisfaction after knowing that Zhou Ligu had set up an IOU for his sister-in-law.

  After sending out the money, Man Bao ran refreshedly to find Bai Shan and Bai Erlang out for food.

  She only has two days off, and she will enter the Daming Palace when Xiumu returns.

  Master Bai was turning his waist to exercise in the yard. He stopped when he saw Zhou Man and showed her the way with a smile. “The two of them were dragged by Da Lang and drank two sips of wine last night. They are still lying in bed at this time.”

  Man Bao thanked Master Bai and ran to see.

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang have already got up, but they are still a little bit dull, Bai Shan has no energy, and sits dumbly under the window to bask in the sun. A young man brings hot water in and puts the water on the shelf to shout. He stepped back with a sound.

  Bai Shan's brain was in chaos, he didn't think about anything, didn't seem to hear, suddenly he felt the sunlight was blocked by someone, so he looked up.

  Man Bao poked his head and looked at him seriously, and asked, "Would you like to make a bowl of sober soup for you?"

  Bai Shan became sober at once, and shook his head repeatedly, "No need."

  He got up to wash.

  Man Bao still wanted to find Bai Erlang, but Bai Erlang who lived next door heard her talking and got up quickly. Hearing her knock on the door, he said loudly: "I'm not drunk!"

After the two of them washed and dressed, Man Bao slid out the door with them. Mr. Zhuang stood in front of the courtyard and watched the scenery. Seeing the sneaky appearance of the three of them, he said: "Early in the afternoon. Come back, Jiro, your elder brother has finished the assignments for you, when will you hand it in?"

Bai Erlang's body was slightly stiff, he secretly raised his head to look at Mr. Zhuang, and then he responded, Bai Shan straightened up, no longer being sneaky before, while pulling Man Bao and Bai Erlang out, he said: "Don't worry, sir, we will stare at the younger brother, and we must let him finish writing before closing the day after tomorrow."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, dragged Bai Erlang with Bai Shan and slipped out.

  Mr. Zhuang shook his head, and did not restrain Bai Erlang at home. It was during the holiday season, and staying behind was also impetuous. It's better to let them play for two days.

  However, it can’t be too much. If you don’t restrain yourself, it will be difficult for him to immerse himself in the study after taking a leave of absence two days later. He will have an exam next month.

  The three of them slipped out. Daji had already led the horse and two guards to wait outside, and when they came out, he handed the horses to them, and then the six of them strolled down the street together.

  Before Shirazen and Shirajiro had breakfast, they asked, "What do you eat for breakfast?"

  Man Baodao: "On the street, you can eat whatever you want."

  So the group went to Fangshi in the inner city.

  Bai Shan walked forward slowly, and finally chose a wonton stall. After sitting down, he said to the store: "Come... do you want to eat wonton?"

   Seeing Man Bao nodded, Bai Shan said: "Here are three bowls of wontons, for meat."

   "Good Le."

  The stall owner happily responded and immediately gave them wontons.

  Daji and two guards tied the horse, and then sat down beside him, Bai Shan asked them, "Do you want to eat?"

  The three of Daji shook their heads. They ate a lot in the morning and didn’t want to eat it temporarily. They wanted to keep their stomachs for lunch.

  Bai Shan drew a pair of chopsticks and held it. Seeing a team of horses and horses just coming on the street, with the flag of the **** at the front, he asked Daji, "Is Bo'an not in the capital?"

  Daji smiled and said, "He went with a dart."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Are you not planning to give him a kiss?"

  Daji said: "The kid is stubborn and is not satisfied that we told him to kiss him. I and his mother are not easy to force him, so let him hang around for two more years. When he grows up, he will know that he will get married."

   "What about Shuping?"

  Daji smiled embarrassedly: "Shu Ping will go to test Mingjing next year. We want to wait for him to see the situation after the test."

  If you can pass the exam, it is naturally better to say that you are a pro. If you fail the exam, you can also see how his answer is. If it is okay, you can wait two years to say pro.

  If the grades are not good and it is difficult to win, they will find a way to tell him a suitable marriage...

  Good luck, after calculating my own money, I want to buy a small yard in the outer city, and I have a house so I can say kisses.

  Bai Shan also guessed that he wanted to buy a house, so he said: "If you are short of money, tell me."

  Daji grinned, "Master, when I came back from the Western Regions last year, I also exchanged some money for the things in my hand. The money for buying a house is enough."

  He also left money for Bo'an, so that he can buy a yard when he gets married in the future.

  It is really thanks to this trip to the Western Regions. Otherwise, if he wants to buy two yards, even in the outer city, he will have to work for another ten years or so, even with the previous savings.

  Wontons were brought up, the three of them immediately bowed their heads to eat, and when they were full and drunk, they took their horses and strolled slowly to the Xijiao Racecourse.

  Zhao Liulang and the others came early and they had watched a game. Seeing the three of them walking side by side without rush or slow, they couldn’t help but anxiously shouted: "Why are you so slow?"

  Bai Shandao: "When Bai Er met us, he didn't say the specific time."

   only said that it is today, who knows when it is today?

   Zhao Rokuro looked at Shirajiro.

  White Jiro immediately said: "You didn't say the time, I told them what I said."

  Man Bao said: "The two of them were drunk last night, and they are lying in bed today!"

  Zhao Liulang immediately turned his head and looked at the two of them, “Okay, we invite you to drink, but you just don’t drink, but you drink other people’s wine.”

  Bai Shan:...

   Bai Erlang argued strongly: "That's not someone else, that's my eldest brother."

"Okay, okay, drinking is not a good thing, let's just pass this matter," Man Bao provoked the matter again, and asked after looking around, "What are you going to do when you come to us? Are you watching Marseille?"

  Man Bao is actually average to Marseilles, as well as to playing polo games. It’s okay to watch it once or twice a year, and it’s not fun to watch more.

  Zhao Liulang said: "...I'll let you know the introducer, isn't this going for the Jinshi exam? There are many scholars in the capital, come on, let me introduce you to them, all of them are disciples from different families."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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