Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2491: future

  Chapter 2491 Future

  The one person Zhao Liulang introduced to them was Pei Shouyue. He came from the Hedong Pei family, a real famous family. He came to Beijing this time to participate in the Jinshi Examination.

  He is a few years older than Bai Shan. He is a very stalwart man, not like a scholar, but more like a man in the military.

  He has a great affection for the three of Bai Shan, and as soon as they met, he bowed his hands and said: "Looking up to the three big names for a long time, I finally saw them today."

  Zhao Liulang put his shoulders on his shoulders and smiled: "How about it, I said I will let you see them?"

  Pei Shouyue laughed, and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhao."

"you are welcome."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan Bai Erlang smiled in return, Zhao Liulang took them to meet the others.

   didn't know how he did it. Obviously, he and Bai Erlang were studying in the palace together, and they also took a break together, but he was able to get to know so many people in one day.

  All the students who went to Beijing to rush for the exam, there is no simple family background.

  Into the crowd, Pei Shouyue stopped talking, and just sat quietly to the side, but Zhao Liulang did not neglect him, and would pull him into the topic from time to time, and did not neglect him.

  At noon, the generous Zhao Liulang entertained. Well, it is this meal that Daji and the others want to eat.

  Avoiding people, Zhao Liulang whispered to them: “Don’t look at him not visible among them, if I want to see, he can see it among so many people.”

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows, "Can you see it?"

   Zhao Liulang said: "Why can't I see it?"

  Bai Shan said, "I think he has tight arms and a bee-backed back. He seems to be practicing martial arts?"

   "That is natural," Zhao Liulang said with a smile: "His father and elder brother are both famous generals in the former dynasty, and his grandfather is also a famous general in Northern Zhou Dynasty. He Dong Pei's family is not low, and he also learned martial arts since childhood."

  Bai Shan was startled for a moment and asked, "Is it behind the Hadong County Lord?"


Seeing Bai Shan couldn't help but look over, he whispered: "Don't look, he is a posthumous child. The reason why I took him to play was because my father let him. He said that his father is great, and his brother is a rare fighter. The tiger father has no dogs, thinking he should not be bad either."

  Although Zhao Liulang thinks that Pei Shou's appointment is indeed good, he is opposed to his father's saying that "the tiger father has no dog son", just look at him to know.

  Bai Shan nodded slightly, knowing that he and his mother were the only two left in their house, and they might not have a good time, so he thought about it and said, “I have some notes. I will ask him if he wants to borrow them later.”

   is of course necessary.

  Bai Shan is already a Jinshi, and you can’t make mistakes looking at his notes. Pei Shouyue went to Beijing to rent an apartment and lived in an unfamiliar place. During this period of visiting Shijiao, he was only acquainted with Zhao Liulang.

  But he and Zhao Liulang can't talk together very much, especially in the period of intense preparation for exams, he actually doesn't want to come out to socialize.

  But he wants to meet Bai Shan.

  He felt that their situation was somewhat similar. Of course, Bai Shan was more difficult than him in the early stage, at least he did not have an enemy like King Yizhou.

   Therefore, he was able to break through the siege under this circumstance, and was able to become a celebrity in front of the emperor.

   and Bai Shan exchanged addresses, and after making an appointment to pick up the notes tomorrow, Pei kept the appointment and went to barbecue happily.

  He is good at barbecue.

Bai Shan and the others also rolled up their sleeves. Their current barbecuing skills are not as proficient, but among the many young ladies in the capital, the three of them dare to rank in the top three, and no one dares to surpass them, because they must be super past.

  The three of them skillfully brushed the lamb leg with sauce, then rolled and grilled...

  The scent floated out one after another, everyone's appetites were appetizing, Zhao Liulang swallowed and waited, while saying: "You guys don't cook too delicious, I'm really going to be eaten up for a while."

  Others laughed loudly when they heard the words, and said one after another: "Brother Zhao, you are so stingy, we only ate a few sheep."

  Zhao Liulang pretended to be angrily: "A few more, your stomachs have changed?"

  "Don't worry, don't worry, today you invite us to have barbecue, tomorrow I invite you to the Chunfeng Building."

  Zhao Liulang immediately turned his anger into joy, and said happily: "Then it's settled, I'll wait, hey, Yin or Liu Huan are here, come on, come on, why are you so late?"

  The leg that Bai Shan took was roasted, and he used a razor blade to take out three plates of meat, one plate to Man Bao, one plate to the host Zhao Liulang, and one plate to Yinor.

   Yin or took it and sat aside, a little unhappy.

   Liu Huan smiled gleefully, but instead of telling everyone the reason, he said: "My sister and I came here, Zhou Man, are you going to visit them soon?"

  Zhao Liulang was depressed, "Didn't your sister get married?"

   "Yes, I will go back to her husband's house after the Mid-Autumn Festival, so this meeting is the last time."

  Man Bao immediately said: "When I'm full, I will go to her to play."

   Liu Xiaoniang married someone some time ago. Because she married a long time ago, she finished her marriage in the capital first, and waited for the Mid-Autumn Festival to go back with her husband.

So the topic was led away by Liu Huan with his sister. When everyone finished the barbecue and was going to eat stir-fry and cook, Liu Huan and Yin might walk to the three of them, and they couldn’t help laughing. : "The reason we were late was because he told his sisters to block it when we were about to go out."

  Bai Shan and the three of them shuddered at the same time, and turned their heads to look at Yin Or together.

   Yin or depressed said: "They let me go back to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival."

   "Hey, won't you go back to the house for the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

   "It is natural to return, but tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival."

  In other words, he has to step back.

  Man Bao sighed, "This is a bird who has left the nest and doesn't want to go home anymore."

  Yin or a light cough, defending: "I don't want to go back if I don't have it."

  He turned to the subject and asked, “It’s just that I saw you have a very happy conversation with that Young Master Pei, but I haven’t seen him in the capital before.”

  "He is from Hedong and came to Beijing to take the Jinshi Examination."

  Yin or then just remembered to ask Bai Erlang, "Have you finished writing the extra assignments that Mr. Zhuang gave you?"

  White Jiro complained: "Don't mention it, after a while, I have to go home after a while, and you have to accompany me."

  This is no problem.

  Zhao Liulang knew a lot of people, so he immediately set up two tables. Bai Shan and the five of them sat together. Considering that Pei Shouyue was not familiar with other people, he asked him to sit together.

  Man Bao couldn’t help sighing, “When did Zhao Liulang become so rich?”

  Zhao Liulang came over to toast and heard it, then lowered his voice back to her, "My father gave it."

  Man Bao raised his eyebrows.

   Zhao Liulang lowered his voice and said, "I have set a date for entering the Forbidden Army. Next time you see me again, it will be at the gate of the palace."

  Man Bao didn’t believe it, "Can you guard the palace gate?"

  Zhao Liulang choked, he really couldn't. But he didn't want to guard it either.

  Zhao Liulang’s duty is to patrol the inner city, but that was after the Mid-Autumn Festival. Since that day, Man Bao and the others will always meet Zhao Liulang on the road every morning when they enter the imperial city, hahahaha...

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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