Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2492: Tired

   Chapter 2492

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is a good day, Manbao and the others still decided to go out for food, after all, it coincides with the festival, and there are really many delicious things outside.

  Man Bao sighed while sharing the things she bought with Bai Shan and the others, “Unfortunately, Mingda and the others are still filial piety and can’t go out to play in the palace.”

  Baijiro nodded: "It's a pity that I can't even get the lanterns into the palace. I saw a palace lantern hanging out of fine silk, which is very beautiful, and the flowers on it are very beautiful."

  As everyone talked, they swayed to Dongfang, and Man Bao looked left and right to discern the direction.

   Liu Huan asked: “There are so many people in Dongfang, what are we doing here? Do you go to the bookstore?”

   "No, take a look at the store my house is about to buy."

  The shop chosen by Zhou Lijun was in the third from the bottom of a street. Because it was approaching the end, there were few people and it was so cheap.

  But this is Dongfang. Both front and back are very profitable businesses. There are fewer people in other positions, but overall there are still a lot of people.

  The shop is not very big, but it is not small. Like all the shops on this street, the two floors are unified. Zhou Lijun has already paid the deposit. Today, the shops are being vacated, so she is here too.

Man Bao went up and down and thought it was pretty good, so he and Yin or Liu Huan said, "In the future, this shop of my house will sell things like moisturizing cream. When your grandmother and sisters and sisters want to buy these, you can come here to look for them. Lijun will make a few signs to give you away, and if you take the signs, you will be cheaper."

   Liu Huan was not interested in these, but Yin Or thought that he was being muttered by his sister in the past two days, so he said: "Okay, then I will bother you."

  Man Bao also took a look, and when he returned, he gave Zhou Lijun his share of money, because she was going to the Daming Palace tomorrow.

  These courtiers can rest for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but the royal family can’t. Although only the emperor’s line is keeping filial piety, but the emperor is doing his best to keep filial piety. Others dare not play too presumptuously under his nose, don’t they?

   Therefore, I went directly to the Daming Palace on the 16th day. Anyway, it was boring outside, and I was greedy.

  This time, Man Bao was the chief officer, and it was still the doctor Lu who laid hands on her, and the doctor Zheng and six medical assistants including Liu Sanniang were also locked in.

  Everyone takes care of these royal family members together.

Changyu and Manbao are the most familiar. Although they are golden branches and jade leaves, they occasionally suffered injuries when practicing the whip, so it doesn’t feel so bad that they were prodded by a thick needle. The ghost cries and the wolf howls.

  I was ordered to take a look at my younger siblings and condolences to the prince of the royal family. The prince was shocked outside the wall, and then asked Xiao Yuanzheng who was accompanying him: "Are they all right?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng said indifferently: "It will be fine, the prince and princesses are spoiled, maybe they are not used to getting needles."

The prince thought for a moment about Zhou Man’s slender needle. Although it looked terrifying, it didn’t hurt when it struck people, so he didn’t take it very seriously. He went around the wall and separated from the people inside. After a wall exchange, he made sure that he had enough food and everything, and he went back to his life.

  The emperor asked him and said: "The younger brother and sister may be afraid of needles, so they cried for a while, and there is nothing wrong with the others."

  The emperor nodded, and did not take the matter to heart.

But the children inside the wall were crying so that their throats were dumb, and a needle that was so thick was pierced in, and blood must be seen. After the blood is seen, the bleeding cannot be stopped, and it must be covered with such a dirty thing, which is really terrifying. NS.

  In just one day, Zhou Man, who succeeded in making a terrifying mark in the hearts of disciples under the age of nine, was promoted to their most annoying person. At least they would not forgive her until their pain subsided.

  Changyu was amazed when he saw it, "Finally someone hates you."

  Man Bao: "...Someone hates me and you are so happy?"

Long hesitation: "It's so strange. Look at the palace, the queen likes you, the princess likes you, Yang Guifei likes you, many concubines like you, and the maids like you, even the most difficult prince brother. Like you, I always think, how do you make them like you?"

Man Bao said happily: "Well, naturally, my skills are better and I can help them; secondly, it is my own charm. For example, good-looking, good personality, etc., otherwise Xiao Yuanzheng will also help them. It can be cured, why can't it please everyone? This is the gap."

  Chang Yu was speechless, "I thought you were proud, but I didn't expect you to be so proud."

  Man Bao: "This is to know oneself fully, what is to know the enemy and confidant, this is it."

  Changyu didn’t want to talk to her anymore. He sat cross-legged on the soft couch, beckoning to the palace maid who had acne, with a belt wrapped around her hand, and said, “Go and cut the fruit plate. I want to eat the fruit.”

Man Bao kindly persuaded, "Changyu, you can eat less. I just touched your pulse. It seems that you have a sign of accumulating food, and it is only half an hour after lunch, you have already eaten half a plate of snacks. "

Changyu couldn't help saying: "Then I'm bored, what else can I do besides eating? And now it's past the Mid-Autumn Festival, the delicious fruits and vegetables won't be long before they are gone. Go to the ice cellar to eat stale food."

  Changyu believes that you should eat when you should.

  "Why don't you order some hawthorn for me to eat? By the way, don't you have fresh hawthorn right now? Go and ask someone to wash half the plate."

  Man Bao: "...Eating fresh hawthorn will only make you more supportive."

  Even if it can digest food, but if it goes halfway down, the stomach that is already supported will only support it even more, OK?

  In the end, Changyu still failed to eat hawthorn and fruit plate. She could only wander around the rooms behind Manbao’s buttocks boredly to see her sister, cousin, niece and so on.

Changyu had acne on the third day. It belonged to the slowest group of people. After all of them had acne, Man Bao and Taiyi Lu became busy, basically taking turns on the night watch, which was much more tired than before in Huangzhuang. NS.

  It's really too boring. Some young princesses, princesses and princes, little princes and the like can't help itching and want to scratch all day long.

  Man Bao and Doctor Lu couldn’t wait to tie their hands together, they were exhausted.

  Waiting for everyone to have a scary scab and acne, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, wishing to sleep with the door closed that day.

  But it doesn't work. They have to test that they are really immune to human pox, so it takes another seven or eight days.

  It was already the first day of September when the Daming Palace was reopened, and Man Bao and Lu Taiyi had blue eyes under them. Obviously, they were exhausted during this time.

Send these little ancestors out to meet Changyu who wants to talk. During this day and night, he was so much noise that Man Bao immediately said: "I know, I will visit you, and I will give the ointment. You sent it."

Long hesitated: "Huh, do I care about the one or two acne marks? I have drawn it on my forehead when I practiced the whip. I mean, I see your eyes are black and I want to touch your pulse. Let’s see if it’s the kidney deficiency and academic weakness that you once said..."

Man Bao stretched out his hand and pushed her out, "You go quickly, if you want to learn, I will teach you later, I will still stare at people and deal with the things inside. If you don't leave, stay and accompany me to deal with those clothes and fabrics. ?"

  Changyu turned around and left.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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