Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2493: rain

  Chapter 2493 Rain

When all of them were gone, Man Bao and Lu Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief. After looking at each other, they immediately turned back and stared at the person to dispose of the garbage inside. After confirming that there was no problem, they took the medical record and returned to the hospital for business. Successfully got a three-day holiday.

  Yes, Xiao Yuan is just so stingy, giving them three days of vacation at most, and even today, they have to come back to work on the fourth grade.

  Man Bao insisted that they only put it for two and a half days, where is enough for three days?

  Man Baonian went out of the palace babbledly. At the gate of the palace, he parted ways with the doctor Lu, intending to go back and take a nap.

  Back home, there is no one at home.

  Only the left-behind cakes ran over and said, "My lord, the master and the wife have all gone to Putun."

  Man Bao was curious, "Why are they going to Pucun?" They all went.

The cake said: "The second aunt and grandmother built a workshop in Liyang, not very far from Pu Village, so everyone went to watch the excitement. By the way, the grandmother and grandfather of the family accompany the second wife and second wife. Came to Beijing with Sanye and Mrs...."

  Man Bao was dumbfounded, and it took a long time to understand, "Big girl? No, Lixin?"

The cakes laughed so hard that they couldn't see their eyes, and they nodded and said: "Yes, I said that I came to participate in this year's Jinshi exam. I also said that if you fail the exam this year, then you will take the exam next spring, and the servants don't understand it. "

  Man Bao closed his mouth and nodded: "Hurry up and boil hot water for me, I'm going to take a shower."

  The cake should be served, and Man Bao brought the medicine box back to the house, and then went to the kitchen to fetch hot water.

After washing her hair and taking a shower, Man Bao sat on the couch and fell asleep. The cake wiped her hair little by little. When she woke up, it was already dark. She was shocked and jumped immediately. When I got up, I was going to see the patient, but only after jumping off the soft couch did I realize that she was out of the palace.

  Man Bao exhaled, took a look at the dark sky outside, and sat on the soft couch in a daze.

  I don’t know how long it took, there was footsteps outside the door, she tilted her head slightly, and heard Bai Shan ask, "Isn’t awake yet?"

  The confused voice of the cake sounded, "Nothing."

  Man Bao: …She is sure that the cake must have fallen asleep just now.

  Man Bao put the little quilt aside and dragged her shoes to the door. She opened the door and the people outside immediately looked up.

  Under the moonlight, Bai Shan smiled when he saw Zhou Man, lifted the lantern in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Are you awake, are you hungry?"

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, lowered his head and raised his feet to put on his shoes, and asked: "Why don't the lights be lit in the yard?"

  The cake immediately returned to the house and took out Man Bao’s coat and put it on her, Man Bao dressed.

  Bai Shan smiled, and the cake said, “Master doesn’t give it, saying that it’s too costly. If anyone goes out, he will carry the lantern himself, so even Mrs. Liu didn’t light the lamp.

  Bai Shan also said: "Grandma said that it saves a lot, which is pretty good."

  After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the sun is getting shorter and shorter. It used to be that before the sky was completely dark, everyone went to sleep in each house, so it’s okay not to light up the lights in the yard.

  But after the sun is short, things are usually not done even after dark, so many people will light up the lights.

  Man Bao lived in the palace during this time. It was a reverse of day and night. The lights in the two palaces enclosed by the Daming Palace had never been extinguished at night, so Man Bao had not adapted to it for a while.

  She recovered, nodded, and went forward with Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan couldn’t help looking at her, “This time, it’s more tiring to look at than in the imperial villa.”

  Man Bao sighed, "The clan brothers are too spoiled."

Bai Shan laughed, "Your Majesty said the same. Today, the clan children left the Daming Palace and there was a cry in the palace. Your Majesty was too quarrelled, so he handed over the princes to the front for training. They are not allowed to be too spoiled by the clan children. ."

  The kitchen prepared a bowl of noodles for Manbao, with a lot of ingredients in it, Manbao was very happy to eat.

  She looked around and asked, "Where is Bai Er?"

   "I'm studying in the palace," Bai Shan said, "I will have an exam in a few days. My husband doesn't allow us to disturb him and the lobby brother, saying that even Chongyang has to be locked up at home to study."

  Man Bao nodded in understanding, "Then we will be quieter on Chongyang Festival this year and won't go out to play."

  Bai Shan nodded.

  Manbao still has some complaints, "The entrance examinations for the previous two years were all placed before Chongyang Ninth Festival, so that after the exam, it just passed Chongyang Ninth Festival. How can it be put behind this year?"

  Bai Shan said: "On the days when the Qintian Supervisor is selected, it is said that it is likely to rain in these few days, and it will be sunny after Double Ninth."

  Qin Tian supervised the calculation very accurately, and it really rained the next day. It was not big, but it was dense and dense, just like a spring rain.

  Man Bao stood under the porch watching the rain, Bai Shan went to the office, and Bai Dalang stayed in the Imperial Prison temporarily and worked hard, so she was the only master in the whole family.

  The cake ran to her, "My lord, what do you want for breakfast?"

  Man Baodao: "This question is very good, because I don't know."

  She said: "Go tell the kitchen and give me what you have. By the way, send it to the open house in the garden. I'm going there to enjoy the rain and eat."

  The cake was startled, and asked: "Don't the adults go to the old lady and the others to play?"

  She still wants to go out with her. This time they took several districts in Xihua, and even May and Jiulan went there. So she had to stay at home and wait for the adults. The name says, the adults are used to her.

  Man Bao shook his head, and said with a serious face: "It's raining, my mother has never been raining on me since I was a child."

  Then you still go to enjoy the rain.

  Man Bao found a particularly good reason to be alone. He leisurely enjoyed the rain and food at Changxuan, and walked halfway through the garden with his umbrella on the bluestone slab.

The rain was not very heavy, but it did not affect her view. She also took scissors and cut a lot of flowers back. When Bai Shan returned from a break at noon, what she saw was that she was holding an umbrella in one hand and the other. It looked like he came back with a flower full of arms.

   was followed by a cake that was also full of flowers, which shows how many flowers she has destroyed today.

  Man Bao smiled when he saw Bai Shan, and asked, "Why are you back?"

Bai Shan stood at the moon gate holding an umbrella and smiled and said, “It’s not that I went to the palace to take turns. There are not many things in the imperial court, so I come back for dinner at noon. What are you doing? When my mother comes back to see you cut With so many flowers, she must be heartbroken."

  Man Bao smiled and said, "I want to arrange flowers, and I will choose the best bottle for Aunt Zheng."

  Bai Shan stepped forward and reached out to take the umbrella in her hand. After closing it, he pushed his umbrella over. The two of them hid together under an umbrella. He looked around and asked, "Are you still cutting it?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "Enough cut."

   When the two went back, Man Bao asked the cakes to find a nice vase. She gently arranged the flowers and said: "This year is really strange, it rained before Double Ninth."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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