Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2494: Meet

  Chapter 2494 Meet

  Bai Shan said: “The weather is going to be cold, and Qin Tianjian said that this year’s winter wheat planting will be moved forward for ten days, and it has been announced to the whole country before the autumn harvest.”

   "Huh, is that right, why don't I know?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “I don’t know. It was Big Brother Zhou that the government had posted a notice when he received the notice from the resident. So this year Zhuangzi planted winter wheat in advance, and now it’s almost done.”

  It’s no wonder that her parents are so interested in going to Pucun. It turns out that it’s time to grow winter wheat.

  Man Bao meticulously cut off some branches and leaves and put them in a bottle, and asked Bai Shan: "Then when will they come back?"

  If the flower is gone before she comes back, is she considered a violent thing today?

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “I sent people to Pucun to spread the letter early today. They are crowded, and it is estimated that they won’t be able to come back tomorrow.”

  Bai Shan made a wrong guess. They packed up their things and returned home at noon, but returned home within an hour, and did not wait until the next day.

  Of course, they brought back a lot of things, most of them were the fruits, vegetables, poultry, eggs, chickens and ducks in the village.

  Man Bao looked at the lively crowd, and was hugged by Zhou Lixin before he could react.

  Man Bao surprise: "Da Ya!"

   Zhou Lixin has a lot more plump than before, and his silver plate-like face is full of smiles, "Sister, I haven't seen you for many years."

  Man Bao also hugged her, "Yeah, yeah, I haven't seen her for many years."

   stood a gentle young man, Man Bao let go of Zhou Lixin, looked at him, his eyes applauded, "This is the eldest niece and son-in-law. I haven't seen each other in a few years, and I have grown a little taller."

  Guan Yong: "...good sister."

  He clicked to the end and looked at Zhou Lixin.

   Zhou Lixin blushed slightly, and shook Man Bao’s hand before saying: "Grandpa said that he was not sure when my sister was out of the palace, so we went to Zhuangzi to play. My sister has grown a lot taller."

  Man Bao's eyes lit up, and he asked firmly, "Really?"

   Zhou Lixin nodded repeatedly to express his affirmation. Man Bao became more happy and asked her, "Which yard do you live in? Are you alone? Did you bring your kids..."

  Man Bao has a series of questions.

Naturally, it is impossible to bring the children. The children of the two are still young. Because this time, Tue Lang and Wednesday Lang went to Beijing together, so the Guan family did not let other people accompany them. They only let the two of them pack their things and go to the capital. .

  Man Bao brought Zhou Lixin back to the house and whispered. Only then did he realize that Guan’s family was originally scheduled to go to Beijing in November and was in time for the Mingjing exam next year.

   But thinking that Zhou Man is going to get married, and the Zhou family brothers want to go to the capital, they just go together, so it's safer.

  Since it’s here early, just take the Jinshi exam and test the water. What if it is done?

  Well, they Luojiang County people have this optimistic spirit.

  It happened that Guan Yong had not closed the registration when he arrived. He was a county school student. He had obtained the qualifications to test Mingjing before, so he signed up directly for Mingjing.

  If you fail this year, you will test the Ming Scriptures in the spring next year, and you will have the same plan as the Bai brothers.

   "Why didn't the eldest sister come? She hasn't come to the capital to play yet?"

"Originally, I was going to come. My eldest uncle had asked for leave. He also said that I would bring my cousin to see the world. But before I went out, my elder aunt found out that she was pregnant. The doctor said that the baby was a bit weak. It's not easy to move, so Auntie and the others didn't come."

  Man Bao said "Yeah," and was surprised, "Eldest sister is pregnant again?"

  It is a bit dangerous to give birth at her age now.

  Zhou Li said: "Grandma also said that the aunt is still not pregnant at this time, and she is discussing with her grandpa to go home."

   "Are there pulse cases and prescriptions?"

   "Yes," Zhou Lixin knew that my aunt would ask this, and when he came, he went to Ji Shitang to ask for it.

If someone asks for the pulse case and prescription, Ji Shitang will not give it, which is considered to be their confidential, but because the person asking is Zhou’s family, knowing that Zhou Man’s medical skills are good, and they have a good relationship with Ji Shitang, so he will give it. NS.

  Zhou Lixin showed her the pulse record and the prescription.

  They deliberately wrote the pulse case in great detail, and Man Bao heaved a sigh of relief after reading it.

  In fact, Zhou Xi has a good living condition these years, so the body has improved a lot. Looking at this pulse, the fetal pulse is a bit weak, but the mother's body is okay, but being older is not conducive to production.

  But there are also many women who give birth at the age of Zhou Xi.

  If you don’t say it far, just look at her mother to know.

   So Man Bao folded the paper and said, “It’s not a big problem. I wrote the prescription for the conditioning and sent it back to her.”

  Man Bao asked her, "Have you been to the capital before? Was it fun?"

   Zhou Lixin nodded again and again. She had never been to Yizhou. It can be said that Beijing is the most prosperous city she has ever seen.

  I have never seen a higher city wall, a bigger city and more people than this.

Even the house that lives in is so big, so many people live in it and it’s not crowded at all. If it weren’t for the family members she’s familiar with, she would be terrified, but that’s it, it took her two days to feel Step on the ground.

This time, Zhou Lijun took them to see the newly built workshop in Liyang. In fact, it’s not very far from the capital. It’s much closer from here than walking to Pu Village and then turning around. The reason for this is to go to Pu Village to pick some melons. Fruits and vegetables, take a break by the way.

  Man Bao knew that the workshop was used to make ointments and creams, and the house rented in the outer city had to be returned because it would be a bit inconvenient to cook in the city if too much medicinal materials were boiled.

  It’s just that Man Bao was a little curious, "How to choose Liyang? I thought I wanted to choose Pucun."

  Zhou Li Jundao: "I originally wanted to choose Pucun, but my little uncle said that it is better to choose Liyang than Pucun."

She paused and said, "My uncle said that Pu Village is a job field, and those land is temporarily owned by my aunt. Although we can build a workshop like we build a village, we can buy the land to build, so that my sister will be transferred in the future. Regardless of demotion, if the job field is no longer in Putian, the workshop and Zhuangzi will still belong to us."

"But that field of work is assigned to other adults, and that area is the sphere of influence of others. Zhuangzi is still there. We only go to live and play occasionally. The impact is not big. If you want to make trouble, it's very easy."

"Although there is no land in Liyang, it is my sister's fief," Zhou Lijun said with a smile: "My uncle said, unless the title is seized, the five hundred households entrusted to my sister will always be my sister's, regardless of her in the future. If you are not in the capital, you will be more polite to our workshop if you change the counties."

"So I asked someone to buy two plots of land on my sister-in-law’s fief. One is a wasteland where workshops and houses can be built, and the other is a good field for growing fruits and vegetables. When the workshop is built, people can also supply vegetables and vegetables by themselves. ."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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