Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2495: In the process of taking

   Chapter 2495

  Manbao’s fief is not very rich, so the land is not expensive, especially the wasteland.

  Zhou Lijun found a piece of land close to the roadside and bought it. Now the workshop and house have been built, so everyone went to see it.

The reason why    is so fast is because it was built according to the small farmyard. It is not as meticulously divided as the village yard built in the past, and the bricks, stones and wood used are also good.

  The workshops built are rows of yards and houses. Inside are the pharmacy mills, pharmacies, and oil refining rooms planned by the Lu family based on their experience...

  Anyway, the division is quite detailed.

  At that time, many people will be invited, and Zhou Lijun decided to invite his sister-in-law to enlist the people on the ground.

  Man Bao held a vase to give to Zheng.

  Zheng placed it on the shelf in the outer room. After looking at it, she felt that it was not coordinated enough, so she carried it to her own study and found a shelf to put it on, which was more comfortable.

   "Did you cut it in the garden?"

  Man Bao nodded and said with a smile: "Cut a little bit."

When Zheng went for a walk in the evening, I realized that it was more than just a little cut. The few flowers she was proud of were cut, and she felt distressed for a while, and then she protected the remaining flower buds and did not allow Zhou Man to cut it. NS.

   She said: "There is also a process of cutting flowers. At least one blooming flower must be left on the flower branch, so that it will not look bare and unsightly."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly and said, "Aunt Zheng, next time I go out and buy flowers, I will put a bottle in for you."

  Zheng immediately said: "I want a big one."

  This is not difficult for Manbao at all.

  She responded with a smile, turned around and ordered a lot of flowers in the mall. After the leave was taken, she went to the street and took the flowers when she left her office.

Zheng knew that Man Bao could always buy a lot of beautiful flowers. He was so happy that he would put a bottle with her, and then leave a bottle for himself. The rest would be given to Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Bai and Xiaoqian who are better than her. .

  Just a few days after I went to work, I was on Double Ninth Festival again.

  But this time, Manbao and the others didn't go out to play, instead they accompany Bai Erlang to study at home.

   Guan Yong came to Beijing to see Bai Shan's notes this time, and she was amazed. Sure enough, the teachers of the county school and the Guozijian were very different, let alone the teachers of Chongwenguan.

He can learn new knowledge basically every day, and then he knows that this time the jinshi exam is really to accumulate experience. After reading Bai Shan's article, he knows that he may not be able to pass the jinshi exam in three years. .

  While the articles of Bai Dalang and Bai Erlang are not bad, he also feels that he can't catch up.

  Guan Yong said quietly to his wife: “We should live until next year’s Mingjing exam. I won’t be able to get a Jinshi.”

Zhou Lixin had expected that the Jinshi exam would be so good, so he nodded and said: "Don't be afraid, we just stay, you can still study with Mr. Zhuang, I have also read with Mr. Zhuang for two years before, so count. We are still classmates."

   Guan Yong couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words, and said: “I knew that Mr. Zhuang was so good, so he should have gone to Qili Village to study.”

It’s just that Mr. Zhuang’s reputation was not obvious back then. Compared to Mr. Zhuang, who was invited to teach a group of naughty children in the village, he was naturally better than the two famous gentlemen in the county, so Guan Yong was sent to the county to study early. He has always been the most prosperous kid in the three nearby villages besides Bai Dalang.

  Unfortunately, a Bai Shan came later. Bai Erlang who had never been a good student even surpassed him and went to Yizhou to study...

  Guan Yong gave a light cough, and brought back the thoughts of running away, and said to his wife: "I just miss the children."

   Zhou Lixin also thought, the smile on his face fell, and he sighed: "I don't know if he listens at home, or I should go back with my second uncle after my sister-in-law gets married."

   "Don't," Guan Yong said quickly: "You are willing to leave me alone."

   "Here are my parents and them."

Guan Yong shook his head, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law are naturally excellent, but we have been married since we were married. How can you go back alone since you are in Beijing? Don't worry, my mother will definitely take good care of the children."

Guan Yong suppressed the thoughts and worries in his heart, and in turn persuaded his wife.

  Zhou Lixin thought that he would enter the examination room in a few days, so he didn't want him to be distracted, so he nodded.

  Only two days after the Chongyang Festival, on September 12, the Jinshi exam officially started, and Bai Shan and the others sent Bai Dalang into the exam room.

  Bai Shan, a successful person, personally sent people to the gate of Gongyuan, and also met Feng Zongping and Pei Shou. Simply send them a blessing, no matter what the prospects are, everyone is very ambitious at this moment.

  However, they also prepared for the worst. Feng Zongping and Bai Erlang said, "I missed this time, and we will test the Ming Scriptures together next year."

  White Jiro nodded.

  Bai Dalang also nodded.

Pei Shouyue and Guan Yong also nodded secretly.

  In addition to looking at policy theory and Tiejing, the Jinshi test mainly looks at poems and the reputation of the candidates.

  Feng Zongping has a good reputation in the capital, and he is accompanied by the prince. The examiners know him. In the past two years, he has written two or three good articles.

  Bai Dalang is not too famous, he almost passed the exam last year, so the scoring officer has probably heard of him, but the two are still not more famous than Bai Erlang.

There are three aspects to this person’s fame. First, he was also a student with the prince; second, he was the son-in-law of the future; third, he was Zhou Man and Bai Shan’s junior, especially this year, he and Bai Shan Zhou Man wrote that Feng's notes about the Imperial Medical Office were taken out by the emperor from time to time to share with the officials.

  Being able to be the examiner of the Jinshi exam, the status is naturally not low, and they did not look at Bai Erlang's notes.

  So they also have to admit that Shirajiro is still capable of doing things, so he put his papers on the side when scoring the papers.

  After they arranged the ranking, they took it into the palace to find the emperor. Well, the emperor usually ordered the top three. Of course, if he is interested, he can also put it in a row.

  The emperor took out Bai Dalang's paper and looked at it. He nodded with satisfaction and glanced at the list. Seeing that the examiners had placed him on the twelfth place, he didn't say anything. When he looked at Bai Erlang, he was a little tangled.

  This time Li Maoyue was one of the examiners. Seeing the emperor pondering, he asked: "Your Majesty thinks this paper is not good?"

The emperor said: "It's not bad. I looked at the other papers. He may be a little less on his literary talents, but his knowledge is not weaker than others, and he is pragmatic. Jinshi..."

  He thinks this honor is too big.

Li Maoyue obeyed the emperor’s other meaning, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Wei Gong said that you don’t have to avoid relatives when judging talents. Since Bai Cheng has such talents, if he is a maid, he would be left behind. It's too unfair."

  The emperor raised his eyebrows, deeply agreeing, coughing cough, he was not pretending, he was not trying to let people know that Bai Cheng was able to pass the exam and it was not because of him being selfish, but that he did have this ability.

  However, the emperor was a bit fairer, and felt that he was still a little bit motivated to be ranked 20th, so he moved him to 23rd.

  The chief examiners nodded slightly and felt that the emperor was fair, so the list was decided.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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