Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2496: List

   Chapter 2496 List

  Apricot list is on the list, Manbao and the others are absent from work to watch the excitement.

  The Tang county magistrate, who was called to maintain order and was actually absent from work, saw them outside the Gongyuan, his eyes could not help but freeze.

  Man Bao immediately raised his hand when he saw him with a guilty conscience, covered his face with his sleeve, and then remembered that Tang County magistrate is not Yu Shi, what is she afraid of him?

   So he put down his hands and looked up at him with piercing eyes, "Brother Tang Xue, are you looking at the list, too?"

   "No," County Magistrate Tang shifted his gaze from her to Bai Shan, and said, "I'm here to maintain law and order, don't you need to be on duty?"

The two nodded together. Bai Shan was lucky today. It was not his turn to enter the palace. The Hanlin Academy was editing the agricultural book. The seniors refused to let him intervene, so he sneaked out and sneaked out today. There are still a lot of colleagues in the Imperial Academy. Everyone smiles at each other and can't see clearly.

   Zhou Man must be more frank, she directly said to Xiao Yuan: "Tomorrow the Xingbang list will be released, my brother-in-law, my niece-in-law, and I have a brother..."

  Xiao Yuanzheng waved without waiting for her to finish her words, "Okay, okay, you will be allowed a half-day vacation tomorrow, and come back in the afternoon."

  Anyway, the imperial children are all getting acne. The Tai Hospital and Zhou's family purchased a batch of Danyin ointment to distribute to the imperial family members who had acne. The crying disappeared. Recently, the hospital is very quiet and everyone is not busy.

  So Zhou Man came here early in the morning and didn't even enter the palace.

The county magistrate Tang looked at the two people silently, and finally decided not to see them. On such happy days, even Yu Shi would usually turn one eye and close one eye when he couldn't see them. He didn't need to be honest with them, just said: "Just don't get into trouble."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan nodded together, so they won't get into trouble, they are so good.

   "The list is open—"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan lifted up their spirits, and immediately stood on tiptoes to look forward. By the way, they reached out and grabbed Bai Erlang who was rushing inside, "Don't go, there are too many people, we just listen to the voice."

  The gate of the Gongyuan was opened, and the officials of the Ministry of Rites came out with the emperor's list. Everyone was silent, all looking at them with piercing eyes.

  The officials of the Ministry of Etiquette have become accustomed to it, and unfolded the emperor's list: "This time 28 people have been selected by the Jinshi imperial examination. Now I am reading the list in the examination..."

  "28th place, Suzhou Liao Jiahuan..."

  Everyone swallowed nervously, and when there was no Shijiro's name in twenty-five, Baijiro became a little frustrated.

  Man Bao, they also felt a little regretful in their hearts, thinking about how to comfort him for a while to make him less sad.

  "Twenty-third place, Mianzhou Baicheng..."

  Man Bao blinked, and Bai Shan was taken aback for a while and then slapped Bai Erlang's shoulder in a daze, "You were hit!"

  Bai Erlang opened his mouth, and looked at Bai Dalang with tears in his eyes, "Big Brother, Big Brother, I'm hit, I'm hit!"

"Yes, yes, you're hit!" Bai Dalang was also dizzy with joy, and slapped him on the shoulder several times with excitement. Feng Zongping on the side wanted to express his envy. The officials of the Ministry of Rites did not stop his breath, and before he waited for him, he also slapped Bai Erlang. Next, the above said: "The twentieth place, Changan Feng Zongping..."

  Bai Shan and the others immediately looked over, congratulated him instead, and then reached out and patted the shoulders, booing and begging him to treat him.

  Feng Zongping was also surprised and stupid, and nodded repeatedly, "Please, please, do you want to go to the champion building or the spring wind building, whatever you choose."

  Bai Dalang said: "Which one to choose, go to both buildings!"

Man Bao also wanted to go to the Chunfeng Tower. She always heard people say that the songs and dances in the Chunfeng Tower were good, not worse than those in the palace. Zhao Liulang took his wife to see him before, so she squeezed up to take pictures of him. Shoulder, "Yes, yes, we will go both."

  Feng Zongping’s IQ is not online at this time, he silly laughed at Zhou, and nodded again and again, "Go and go, I will pay the bill when the time comes. Which girl you like, just order it."

  Man Bao's eyes were bright, and he said with sternness: "I heard that there are twelve oirans in Chunfenglou, which directly corresponds to the twelve oirans of Jiaofang Division. Among them, Chunmei oiran has superb piano skills. Can I order it too?"

  Bai Shan quickly pulled her away, stretched out his hand and patted Feng Zongping heavily, and leaned in his ear and said in a low voice, "Are you lucid, do you have money?"

  This is a very serious problem. Feng Zongping, who was erratic in mind, became sober at once, waved his hand and said to them: "Go to the champion building first, go to the champion building first."

  He saw Pei Shou on the sidelines, and immediately smiled and said, "Brother Pei also go with him."

  Pei Shouyue heard that he had read the thirteenth place above and before his name, he knew that he had failed the exam, so he nodded, thinking about going to have a drink.

  The above said with righteous thoughts: "Twelfth place, Mianzhou Baizhi..."

As soon as the name    came out, the scene became a bit noisy, "Why is Mianzhou again? There are actually two Jinshi in Mianzhou this year?"

   "That is, there are only two in Ludi, why does Mianzhou have two Jinshi? And they are all with the surname Bai, this name..."

  No one said that it’s fine. As soon as someone mentioned it, someone immediately reflected, "One straight, one honest, is it not a family?"

   "It's a family, are you candidates from other places? It's normal if you don't know, Bai Zhi and Bai Cheng are brothers."

  Those who didn’t know were surprised, "Huh, so amazing?"

   "Their brothers are very talented? The name is a bit familiar, I seem to have heard it."

  "Do you know Zhou Man, do you know Bai Shan? Bai Cheng is their junior, the kind who bowed their heads to offer tea together."

  Everyone suddenly realized, "But that is also the reputation of Zhou Man and Bai Shan, what accomplishments did he have?"

"Does it count if he is going to marry Princess Mingda? But I heard from my uncle that Zhou Man and Bai Shan discussed the matter several times, and Bai Cheng participated in all of them. All of them have his credit, but he is low-key. So only the princes in the court know him, and few outsiders know him."

   "What about white straight?"

"Baizhi, I know that he is a student of our Imperial College. He took the Jinshi exam last year and last year. Last year he only got 12 scholars. Our gentleman from the Imperial College went to inquire about him. He was ranked 14th. Only two short, so he was expected to pass the exam this time."

  "Yes, Bai Zhi's article is very good. Last time he fought against people in the literary meeting of the champion building..."

  Bai Dalang has always known that Jinshi Jinshi has an impression score, which is better than fame, so he has been working hard to manage his fame outside for the past two or three years.

  Participate as long as you can participate in the literary club, and so does the poetry club, so his literary spirit in Beijing is very good.

  Watching Pei Shouyue knows that, in fact, they have exchanged their own articles these days. In Bai Dalang's view, Pei Shouyue's articles are not weaker than his, but he just failed the exam.

  He felt that either he played abnormally, or it was because of his fame.

Bai Shan has also read Pei Shouyue’s article and knows that he has a small chest, so he felt sorry when he didn’t have his name after reading the list. He stretched out his hand and patted Pei Shouyue’s shoulder and said, "Go, let’s go. The champion building is a big one."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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