Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2503: Marry

   Chapter 2503

  Man Bao met his star-like eyes, and he felt sweet and numb in his heart, and his cheeks were reddening for some time, even redder than the rouge he had painted.

The two stood and looked at each other silently. The little Qianshi who was holding Man Bao stopped and waited for a while. Seeing that my sister didn't respond, they stretched out her hand and gave her a hand. The matchmaker on the side clapped her hands and laughed: "Come here, come here. Yeah, the bride and groom are now blindfolded, how can they get it when they come to the bridal chamber?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan regained consciousness at the same time, and blushed at the same time. Zhao Liulang and the others immediately yelled with excitement after seeing them.

  The tears in Xiao Qian’s eyes disappeared, leaving only a smile, leading Man Bao towards Bai Shan.

Bai Shan looked down at her with a smile in his eyes. The matchmaker saw that he only saw the bride at this time, and while holding back a smile, she pushed him and said with a smile: "The bride and groom are in love with each other. Come and see the master and the in-laws. Mrs."

  The matchmaker drew the two people together, yelled for people to bring tea up, and then reached out and pressed them down so that they would kneel on the futon.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were all blushing on their knees. Bai Shan first called Lao Zhoutou, "My father-in-law."

  Lao Zhoutou was watching Man Bao. Although he felt sour, he was still stable. He knew that even if Man Bao got married, he would be back in three days.

Hearing Bai Shan yelling, he turned his head to look at him, and saw that he was dressed in happy clothes, his face was pale and red. He didn't have many words of praise, but he felt that the other person was handsome, and he felt more comfortable when he looked at him. , Their family Manbao is not anyone can marry.

   Seeing the tea offered to him, Lao Zhou reached out and took a sip, and said with Bai Shan: "You have to treat our family Manbao well. Although her brothers are not as promising as you, she has six brothers."

  Bai Shan: "...Yes, I would like to follow the instructions of my father-in-law."

  The onlookers laughed loudly. If this is someone else’s house, if Yue Zhang says this, the son-in-law who can’t help but feels ugly on the other hand;

  But here, everyone can laugh to your heart's content, and some people booed and said: "Bai Shan, which of the six brothers of Zhou adults have you played?"

Of course, Bai Shan's belly can be beaten. Not to mention the kung fu he learned since he was a child and Da Ji, he has consciously beat most people in this world with the skills he has learned from Jie An in the past six months. People who have learned kung fu.

  Bai Shan was slanderous in his heart, but his face was innocent, and he glanced at Lao Zhou's head with some apprehension.

  Looking at it, Lao Zhou waved at those booing people: "Go, go, what are his brothers doing when they are okay to beat him?"

   "So you can fight if you have something to do. Brothers remember, you must call Bai Shan when you go to the Chunfeng Tower in the future."

The matchmaker slammed them with her veil, and saw that they weren’t very old, and she smiled and asked, “Are you married? If you haven’t married, look back for me. I will lead Mrs. Bai to come and welcome you. ."

  The yelling people didn't dare to make trouble immediately, and could only work hard to hold back the impulse to laugh and joke, and it would be bad for Bai Shan to retaliate in the future.

  Bai Shan took the next cup of tea to Qian.

Qian took it, and after drinking tea, he smiled and said, "Good boy, you two have grown up together, and you know the best. Our family is full of treasures. You also know that sometimes, my uncle will let her be left. If she is I made you angry, and tell us back, we will clean her up for you."

  Good guys, Zhou's family is full of spoils, right? Who does marrying a daughter does not tell her daughter to be filial to the family husband, be friendly, and take care of the sister-in-law, etc.?

Qian's words were not over, she said to Man Bao after she and Bai Shan said: "Your mother-in-law and grandmother are both good people. When you get there, you must listen to your grandmother's words, take care of your mother-in-law, and get along well with your husband. ,do you know?"

  Man Bao nodded, blushing and said: "I know my mother."

Seeing that the little girl was not at all hard to leave, Qian couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. He only felt that the child was too worrying. This is different from being married and not married. Even if the two families are still living together, then It's also different, but the kid obviously hasn't reacted yet.

  However, Qian didn't break it either, and asked a few more words, which made Zhou Dalang come and carry his sister out.

  Zhou’s house is too big. Even if the main hall is not far from the gate, there is still a long distance. Fortunately, Man Bao is not particularly heavy. She hugged Zhou Dalang’s neck and watched with enthusiasm everyone eagerly crowding them out.

Someone in front of the firecrackers lighted the firecrackers, Zhou Dalang carried Zhou Man on his back amidst the sound of firecrackers. Bai Erlang watched and saw that Zhou Dalang’s eyes were red, but Zhou Man’s face was red and shy, and he couldn’t help it. Going forward and whispering to her: "You are crying. There are so many guests here today. There are also people from the Xia family in Shangzhou. Girls don’t cry when they get married. People think that your Zhou family treats you badly. Woolen cloth."

  Man Bao immediately took out a veil from his sleeve and wiped it at the corner of his eye. His eyes were immediately red, and his eyes were filled with anger.

  Shirajiro was satisfied at first glance.

After Lang finished the firecrackers on Thursday, when he looked back at his sister, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help feeling sad. As expected, it was just like Xiang Ming’s theory. At that time, it was like a fast-running horse, or a running wild horse. The one who won't look back as soon as he ran, the sister who used to be only on his **** got married right now.


  Thursday Lang was squeezed out for only a short while. There were heads in the first moment, and he couldn't see it anymore.

  Zhou Dalang put Man Bao on the sedan chair, and then he took a step back and turned to look for the married Thu Lang, only to find that Bai Shan and Man Bao’s classmates were mostly around him, and he couldn't find Thu Lang at all.

  The matchmaker, with her rich experience, followed step by step. Seeing the bride getting on the sedan chair, she immediately waved her veil and said loudly: "The groom gets on the horse, the bride gets on the sedan chair, and the sedan chair—"

  Bai Jiro and others once had the experience of welcoming his brother to his family. They grabbed their own and went immediately, and when they waited for the sedan chair, they walked with their heads up and their chests upright.

   On the contrary, he miscalculated the lively Chu Lang and the others after two steps to keep up.

   With a bang of joy, the dowry that was lifted one after another was lifted out of the Zhou’s house, and after leaving Chongyuanfang, it wandered along the inner city.

  Of course, they don’t just go back to Changqing Alley. Instead, they have to walk around the inner city to fully show their dowry and joy. By the way, they hand out wedding candy cakes to the children who join the fun, and then they turn back to Changqing Alley.

When people on the street heard the joy, they knew that someone was getting married. They let their way out and saw the dowry being carried one after another passing in front of them. Then everyone remembered to talk, "Whose family is marrying, a lot of dowry." ."

   "Chongyuan Fang is busy this morning, should it be the nobleman over there?"

   "I don't know, it's Doctor Zhou from the hospital, I just caught a handful of wedding candy in front."

    is not over soon, it's still long, it is probably written that the birth of the second child will end with Xia's surname, and it will end like this in July.

     The next chapter is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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