Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2504: Kick the car door

  Chapter 2504 Kick the car door

  As soon as I heard that it was Zhou Man from the Taiyuan Hospital, many people followed the welcoming team.

   "Whose family are you marrying?"

   "Whose family could be, naturally, it is the Bai family who filed a case with her. I heard that he is also a very powerful prince. He was admitted to Jinshi early and is now an official."

  The people who heard it exclaimed, one after another: "It's made in heaven..."

   "Still childhood sweethearts."

Everyone walked forward with the welcoming team. The more people came in, the more people got in. Many children got into the Xi team. They ran back and forth around the people carrying the load and horseback riding. The girls accompanying the Bai family and the Zhou family went from the basket. Li grabbed the candy and distributed them to them, and wanted them to go out, but they were unwilling. They ran with the welcoming team while singing nursery rhymes loudly and joyfully, and followed them around the inner city.

Bai Shanqi couldn't help but glance back at the horse, then smiled, turned around and said to Bai Erlang: "People go back and let me know, prepare more sweet wine, and distribute it outside the alley to the people who come to send you the joy. "

   said again: "Prepare some more candies."

  Shirajiro passed on, and one of the people left the slow welcoming team, and took a shortcut and ran back.

  Bai Shan sat on the horse, fisted and thanked him in the face of the overwhelming congratulations, the breeze was blowing, and his face was full of complacency.

  Master Tang saw him riding a horse, and he secretly smiled and cursed "Smelly Boy", then turned around and told Ming Li, "Go back to the county government to send some people to Changqing Alley to prepare in advance. There are many people going, so don't make trouble."

  Obviously, he also ran away secretly.

  Someone saw Bai Shan’s smile in the restaurants on both sides of the road and couldn’t help saying: "The bridal chamber flower and candle is one of the three joys of life, and the ancients sincerely don’t deceive me."

  Some outsiders didn’t know Bai Shan, and when they saw him, they asked, “Which family's son is this? Fengshen is handsome, not only looks good, but also has a good temperament.”

Bai Shan led the welcoming team around the inner city and then turned back to Changqing Alley. After going to Changqing Alley for more than an hour, far away, the family members of the Bai clan waiting at the entrance of the alley couldn’t help feeling sore. "Bai Shan is good fortune. Today is enough for him to be proud of."

  Standing at the entrance of the alley, the people who are in charge are all children of the same generation as Bai Shan, who are about the same age, who were studying in clan school with Bai Shan.

  They came to the door automatically, and Mrs. Liu insisted on not using it for nothing, and wanted to save Bai Shan some more face, so she used all these people.

   Seeing that the welcoming team was getting closer, one person pushed a handful of the clan brothers and said, "Hurry up and fire the firecrackers."

The few brothers went up to order firecrackers. With the crackling sound, the welcoming team got closer and closer, and the people in the Bai family’s yard knew that the welcoming team had come back when they heard the firecrackers. Notify Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zheng.

  Lao Mrs. Liu asked immediately: "How long is the auspicious hour?"

"There are still three quarters of an hour." Seeing that Mrs. Liu was worried, Mrs. Bai who was supporting her smiled and said: "Auntie, don't worry. The matchmaker you invited is the best official media in Chang'an County. She must know the time, and she won't Get in early and never get in late."

Yes, after the welcoming team slowly arrived at the Bai’s gate, the matchmaker began to embarrass Bai Shanlai, holding his hand and exhorting: “This kicking at the sedan door is very particular. It’s not just your majesty’s doctor sitting here. It's the little genius doctor in the capital, and even your senior sister, so the bridegroom officer, how do you kick this sedan chair?"

  Everyone immediately started booing when they heard it. Some yelled "Kick hard", and some yelled Bai Shan not to kick the door, but directly greeted the bride.

The matchmaker didn't stop everyone from having fun this time. When everyone was rushing to give Bai Shan an idea, she raised her hand slightly, and when everyone was quiet, she joined the side to the fun, she was smiling with eyes full of laughter. Bai Erlang, who was almost invisible, pulled over and asked with a smile: "Why don't you let Young Master Bai Er give an idea. This one is your senior and the other is your senior sister. How do you think you should kick this door?"

  Bai Shan looked over and forced him with his eyes.

  Shirajiro stayed, what does this have to do with him? Didn't he come to watch the excitement?


Bai Erlang's eyes rolled and he remembered the past that he had been targeted and oppressed by Zhou Man a long time ago, so he was guilty of evil, raised his hands and half-covered his mouth, and reached between the matchmaker and Bai Shan and said in a very low voice: " Give it a hard kick, don't persuade!"

  He said: "It's only once in a lifetime."

Everyone pricked their ears to listen. Most people did not hear, but Yin or Zhao Liulang, who came up with curiosity, heard it. Zhao Liulang immediately shouted: "Bai Erlang has said that he will kick it hard. Only once in a lifetime!"

  Those who had this suggestion immediately clamored loudly, clamoring for Bai Shan to follow suit.

   Bai Erlang was unhappy, and shouted: "I didn't say that. Don't wrong me!"

  Zhao Liulang: "I heard it all!"

  "Your words are credible or my words are credible?"

  "Yin or's words are credible, everyone does not believe in asking Yin or."

  Everyone looked at Yinor together.

  Yin or nodding slightly, "Yes."

   "Oh oh oh, Bai Erlang, you are done, wait for your senior sister to come out, hahahaha..."

  "Don't worry about the future, let's take care of the present, Bai Hanlin, your junior said that he kicked, so he is also on your side, but you are kicking."

  Bai Shan raised his foot, turned around and kicked Bai Erlang’s ass, without saying a word, but if there is nothing to say, everyone is even more uproarious.

   "It turns out that Bai Hanlin is really afraid of the inside."

   "Oh, it seems that the next jealous lady will be Lord Zhou."

  Man Bao was sitting in the sedan waiting. He was not in a hurry to hear these words. Seeing that he didn’t seem to get off the sedan immediately, he checked the time in the system and realized that it was a little early.

   So she took out the purse in her sleeve, took out a small snack, and ate it. After filling her hungry belly, she patted the fallen snack crumbs and sat and waited honestly.

The outside finally calmed down, and then she heard a soft voice coming from the car door, and then there was a neat "call--" from outside, and then the car curtain was pulled open, and the matchmaker poked her head in with a smile on her face and said: "Oh, You offspring are jealous. This is because the bridegroom official knows that it hurts others. The bride is so blessed. The bridegroom official only touched the sedan door lightly. From now on, my wife will follow him, and he and Meimei..."

  The words of the matchmaker are nice, and Man Bao pursed his lips and smiled.

  Bai Shan also smiled and reached out to help her. Everyone shouted again, but their faces were grinning to the back of their ears, and the newcomers were surrounded by the door.

  The matchmaker stood aside and gave them instructions, let Man Bao cross the brazier, and then entered the gate...

   The people inside the door saw it, and rushed to the main courtyard to tell, shouting: "The bride has entered the door, the bride has entered the door-the auspicious time has come -"

  Waiting for Zhou Man and Bai Shan to walk to the main hall, it happened to be auspicious time, the matchmaker did not know it sooner or later, and it was indeed the first-class official media in Chang'an County.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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