Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2513: Negotiated

   Chapter 2513 Negotiation

The three of them rarely go shopping on non-holidays and holidays. The main reason is that everyone did not live in the palace before, and there is no such thing as going to school. That is, there are still many things to do after school and office, and they still work overtime. , No time to go out at all.

Imperial Doctor Lu and Imperial Doctor Liu are still locked in the imperial house. There are not many things full of treasures. Usually, they deal with official duties at the Imperial Hospital in the morning, occasionally take orders to see a doctor, and go to the Chongwenguan to repair books in the afternoon, so she is now down Yahou can play.

  Bai Shan’s time is more flexible. The Imperial Academy said that he is busy or not, and that he is not busy or not.

  The three of them had eaten outside, and after looking around, they decided to go to the bookstore slowly.

Bai Erlang and the others have a shop that they are very familiar with. They recognized them when they arrived at the bookstore at the door, and immediately greeted them with a smile, "It turns out to be the second son of Bai Hanlin, oh, there are also Bai Hanlin and Lord Zhou, please come in ."

  The owner smiled and asked: "What do you want to buy? We have a new Duanyan here."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "Are there any new books recently?"

The owner smiled and asked, "I don’t know what book Bai Hanlin is talking about. I have published one book about travel, and two books such as anthologies, but none of them were published by the Koreans. You know, the Koreans. The collections of essays are published first by the Yamen bookstore. It is not bad for our bookstores to get soup, but there are a lot of textbooks, but..."

  He looked at Bai Erlang and sighed: "But there is still too much difference between what was written by Bai Erlang, and now the best seller in my bookstore is Bai Erlang's biography of Xiang Gongzi."

  How many years ago, Baijiro's book is still the best seller, which shows how popular this book is.

Of course, there are reasons why it has been on the best-selling list. First of all, the literacy level of the person who wrote it is not low. Bai Erlang was a student of the Imperial College at that time. After more than ten years of books, his literacy level is still sufficient, not to mention Bai Shan and Zhou Man also made suggestions;

Secondly, this is a biographical novel with a real story as the background. Xiang Mingxue is real, and the king of Yizhou is well-known throughout the country. It not only involves the unfamiliar resisting the powerful, but also involves elements such as rebellion and hatred of the family and the country. Not to mention these scholars, even the citizens of the city have no resistance to such stories;

Finally, it also has an artistic treatment of the true story, otherwise Xiang Mingxue will not be able to look at other people’s stories when he reads the book, because his writing is mixed with five points of falsehood, half true and half false. The fake one is particularly exciting.

  Beijing is a big city, and new people come here every year. Quite a few of them are students who study abroad or come to the imperial examination. Therefore, this book is very popular. No matter how new it is, it can’t keep up with it.

  Some people have made up a character according to Xiang Mingxue on a whim. There are also blood and blood, and there are all kinds of strangeness and finally revenge.

The results sold by    are not bad, but it is still not as good as this biography.

  The owner of the bookstore thinks that the root cause is the first and second reasons. The book was written by a literate person like Shirajiro, and the story is real.

  He really wants Bai Erlang to continue to write, "I heard that Mr. Xiang has also achieved some success in business now. Why not write about Mr. Bai's cheer for doing business?"

  Shirajiro: "...can't you keep catching someone with wool, right? No, no."

  Bai Shan asked him, "Are you free to write a storybook now?"

  Baijiro is still a bit technical, and he heard that: "I have passed the Jinshi exam, and I will be able to pass the official examination next year. I think it shouldn't be difficult to pass the exam in my capacity."

  At that time, he had already kissed Ming Da, and he was the emperor’s son-in-law at any rate. Even if he didn’t take the official examination, it was not difficult to be an official.

  Bai Shan said: "If you do poorly in the exam, don't you lose the face of the emperor and Mingda?"

   Bai Erlang's heart couldn't help but tense, "It also makes sense, then I'll continue reading recently."

After the Jinshi exam, he relaxed a lot. He can write and never do his homework. If he can read, he will never write. He is very perfunctory, but it is strange. Recently, the husband has not picked him up. I don’t know if he is secretly collecting his faults. Sexual suffocation is a big move.

  Bai Erlang trembled, and immediately said: "When I go back, I will take out the books that you read in the exam department, but I still have the skills and want to write a textbook."

  He said: "If I also enter the Imperial Academy, do you think I can study history books, or annotate scriptures, or study calendars and agricultural books?"

  Bai Shan is silent.

Bai Erlang said: "Look, you see, do you think I can't do these few things, right? I will definitely help the Hanlins to find information at that time. It will be boring to think about it. time."

The owner on the side gleamed and nodded and said, "Yes, yes, this is for killing time. The person who wrote it was killing the time, and the person watching was also killing the time. You see, now it’s no better than the previous ones. It’s convenient for you to study in the year? Back then, you could write better if you were so busy."

  Bai Erlang became excited and became more confident, and discussed with Bai Shan Zhouman, "Do you think I made up a story by myself, or write something else?"

  Man Baodao: "Our lives are peaceful, what can we write about? Well, how about writing the story of going all the way west last year."

  Man Bao's spirits lifted up and said, "Isn't this the most magnificent thing? We fought a war somehow, and brought back cowpox recipes."

  Bai Shan also nodded, “This is not bad. You can start writing about smallpox in Xiazhou. Well, we were in danger and were ordered to go to Xiazhou to treat smallpox, and then we went to the Western Regions to find prescriptions.”

The owner on the side of    beamed his eyes and nodded again and again, "Right, yes, just write this, just write this."

  At that time, he put up a sign, how did the world-famous goddess doctor find the cowpox prescription; how Bai Jinshi managed to win the city with the enemy, and finally the emperor's grace was majestic and the viscount...

  The owner excitedly said with Bai Erlang: "If the second son of Bai can write it out, I will still divide the account with you by five to five."

"That won't work," Bai Erlang hadn't spoken yet, and Bai Shan had already accepted the words: "The Bai Er nowadays is no longer the Bai Er of the past, regardless of the identity of the writing and writing, not to mention that this time it is written by us. Naturally, we can no longer take the previous points."

  So the three people who came to visit the bookstore, you came and I went to bargain with the bookstore owner, and finally got back a contract signed by both parties.

  Bai Shan three people are refreshed, happy, and they are another income. It's great to have money.

  The three Zhou Lixue, who brought the copied books to hand in the task, witnessed the whole process at the door and were stunned.

  Man Bao turned around and saw them, and said hello, "You come to hand in the book, hand in, hand in, we are waiting for you, and we will go home together in a while."

  The three came forward in silence and handed the copied book to the owner.

  The owner flipped through it, and after nothing was particularly obvious, he took out sixty essays to distribute to them, twenty essays per person, which is the price of copying a book.

  The owner smiled and said to them: "What book do you want to choose next?"

  The three people said painfully: "It's still the "Warring States Policy. Eastern Zhou Policy"."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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