Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2514: observe

   Chapter 2514 Observation

This is a sub-volume. The "Warring States Policy" is very thick and thick. The printed version is a whole book. It is too expensive. Some scholars can't afford it, so they will buy the sub-volume copied by others. One copy is about one hundred to two hundred. Not waiting, students like Zhou Lixue took pen, ink, and paper from here and went back to copy. One volume can make about 20 essays. If there are few mistakes, they can still make some pen, ink and paper money.

  It’s not a lot of money, but they are learning the "Warring States Policy" during this time. It is very happy to be able to copy such books not only for their own memorization, but also to earn some pocket money.

  But the premise is that I haven’t seen my sister-in-law and they bargained with the owner to discuss the cost and price of a book.

  Including Bai Shuping, the three of them were a little frustrated.

  Scholars who come to the bookstore to copy books, except for the storybook, other bookstores do not provide templates, so they have to have a book of their own to copy the "Warring States Policy".

  Fortunately, although this book is expensive, the Zhou family can still afford it. There are now three books in the family.

  Man Bao felt that they were walking too fast, and quickly shouted: "What are you doing so fast? It's getting dark, we are about to go home together, let's go together."

   Zhou Lixue refused, "We are not going home, we are going to the restaurant."

  "What are you going to do in a restaurant?"

  Zhou Li learned: "Let’s go to dinner and want to eat the food made by Uncle Six."

   Zhou Ligu said: "Yes, Liu Shu's craftsmanship is good now, and we like to eat the food made by Liu Shu."

  Man Bao looked at them with suspicion, and simply said: "Okay, let's go and have a look with you, it just so happens that maybe I haven't tasted the craftsmanship of Brother Six in a long time."

  Bai Shuping turned to look at them.

  Zhou Lixue and Zhou Ligu also became silent, and said after a long while: "Sister, or else you should go home, don’t you have to go to the office tomorrow?"

  Bai Shan glanced at them and said, “Aren’t you going to school tomorrow?”

  So they went to the restaurant together.

It was the time when the restaurant was full of people, and the people in the shop were so busy that they had to hit the back of the head. Zhou Liwei glanced at them and immediately said, "Why are you here? Hurry up and change your coat to help. There are two tables over there. It’s time to eat, go and pack the dishes, there are still customers waiting outside..."

  After speaking, he saw Zhou Man and Bai Shan Bai Erlang, he was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly greeted him, "Sister, why are you here?"

  Man Bao looked up and down and exclaimed, "Is our restaurant's business so good?"

  Zhou Liwei was a little proud, "That's natural, sister, you can sit upstairs, there is a private room that is always empty, sit there."

   "No need," Man Bao waved his hand, "I'll give you a hand, go ahead and leave us alone."

  But it was as practical as last week and Bai Shan and others, so the three of them stood at the counter and helped to settle the bill.

  Fortunately, the restaurant only adds dishes, and the original price of the food has not changed, so the three of them just read it back and forth twice and they can match the list.

  Occasionally Zhou Liwei dangled over again. He knew which table was which table, and would not admit mistakes, so the checkout went smoothly.

  The sun is setting, and the sky is getting dark outside. Many people go out to the night market after eating. There are also many people who check out in the restaurant, which is almost half of them.

   Zhou Dalang and Xiao Qian, who had been helping in the back kitchen, came out.

  Man Bao saw that Feng was also here, and his mouth opened wide, "Second Sister-in-law, why are you here?"

   Feng said: "I'll help."

  Man Bao was shocked, his eyes slid to the guests who were still eating. Are they okay? No, can their restaurants be better in the future?

  Both Shirazen and Shirajiro couldn't help their faces changing.

  Looking at their expressions, Little Qian knew that they had misunderstood, and quickly said: "You have your sixth brother and the chef in the kitchen, and your second wife is not in charge."

  Moreover, she still has her. There are really not enough people in the kitchen. She can also be on top.

  Man Bao was relieved.

  Feng said in an angry voice: "I just wash the vegetables, wash the dishes, and don't have a spoon. Why don't you run out at home to do?"

  Man Baoli said straightforwardly: "Let's go to the bookstore, and when we met Lixue, the three of them came over together."

  As soon as I heard that I went to the bookstore, Feng and others, I didn’t ask too much. They didn’t understand the scholars.

  Zhou Liwei came down from upstairs and said, "There are three tables upstairs and two tables downstairs. There are not many people, mother, you and the uncle and aunt will go back, and I will do the rest."

  Feng did not have any opinion, neither did Zhou Dalang and Xiao Qian, but Wednesday Lang and He who were still helping to clean things in the back kitchen were reluctant to leave.

  Man Bao is very curious, "Brother, why do you like to stay in restaurants so much now?"

  He smiled at his sister-in-law and didn’t speak. On Wednesday Lang said, “Liu Lang found his wife in the restaurant, and Li Wei’s marriage also has some reasons for the restaurant.”

  Because they know few people in the capital, it is difficult to connect with outsiders. The best channel is restaurants, so they like to stay in restaurants recently.

  Obviously, Zhou Dalang also had this idea.

  Man Bao was speechless for a while.

  She was about to ask questions after a pause, but she saw Wednesday Lang's spirits lifted, lowered her voice and said to her: "Look, Man Bao, here it is."

  Who is here?

  Man Bao turned to look, and saw a little lady carrying a basket in front of the store. She glanced away, and when she saw Zhou Liwei, her eyes were slightly bent, and she immediately rushed towards him.

   Zhou Liwei turned upstairs, and Zhou Lixue greeted him and asked with a smile, "Sister Jing still buy steamed pork?"

  The little lady watched Zhou Liwei disappear on the stairs, and then she retracted her gaze and Zhou Lixue nodded and said: "Yes, please help me get two bowls of steamed meat with rice noodles. I want to take it out."

  She handed the basket to Zhou Lixue, Zhou Lixue took it, and secretly gave Zhou Ligu and Uncle Bai a look, and then carried the basket to the kitchen to load meat.

  Wednesday Lang was very sorry, "Ligu, this kid is not clever at all, and he won't come forward to greet people."

  Man Bao was stunned, swallowed and asked: "Brother, do you like this little lady?"

  Wednesday Lang sighed and said: "I think it's useful, I have to look at Ligu, weird, when this little lady came yesterday, Ligu greeted me, how did I change Ligu to greet me today?"

  Man Bao: "...Third brother, this is a restaurant. It doesn't matter who you talk to."

Wednesday Lang nodded, "I know, but don't you think these guys look wrong? I think they just like people, little ladies, but I'm sorry, I don't know if this little lady can look at these guys in our house. Kid."

  If you don’t like his son, it’s okay to like his nephew.

  Man Bao looked at the expressions of several people carefully, and said secretly: It is really possible that you have taken a fancy to your nephew, but this nephew is not his nephew.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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