Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2515: Successor

   Chapter 2515 Successor

  Man Bao was unwilling to leave, and found an excuse to stay. When the brothers and sisters left, she casually found a chair in the lobby to sit down.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang sat next to her, looking at them with piercing eyes from time to time. As soon as the little lady left, Man Bao wandered over to watch Zhou Li learn a few.

  The three of them subconsciously lowered their heads to avoid her gaze.

  Man Bao is about the same age as them, a few months younger than Zhou Lixue, but he raised his chin with great prestige and asked, "Let’s go, whose little lady is that?"

  Bai Shan said: "I just heard you call sister Jing."

  Man Bao: "She is older than you? Looks like me, she seems to be smaller."

  Zhou Lixue: "All regular customers, women are older sisters, and men are older brothers, regardless of age."

  Man Bao three people froze for a moment, and then Qi Qi gave him a thumbs up, amazing!

  Zhou Lixue (three heads) quietly took a look upstairs, and then and Man Bao quietly said, “She is the big lady in Mr. Jing’s house at the other end of the street.”

  Man Bao instantly remembered, "I remember, it seems like Li Jun told me."

   Zhou Lixue just thought, and sure enough, there is no secret in their old Zhou family.

  Of course, Zhou Lixue would know that it was not Zhou Lijun who told them, but Zhou Liwei confessed to them after they saw it.

  After all, I often come to restaurants. If I see more, I will notice it.

  Since my sister-in-law also knows, they have no psychological barriers when talking, and they whispered Zhou Liwei (two heads) on their backs.

  Many people come to Zhouji restaurant to buy food, and there are also many young and unmarried little ladies. When everyone is young and Muai, they naturally pay more attention to good-looking people.

  Zhou Lixue said in a low voice: "Second brother used to like the little lady of the Jing family. Every time the little lady of the Jing family comes to buy steamed meat, the second brother always asks her to add an extra piece of meat to each bowl."

  Man Bao was in a daze and asked: "How to add?"

  The meat in their house is very densely arranged, one bowl is one bowl, and it is absolutely impossible to stuff another piece of meat.

  Zhou Lixue paused and said, "Put the meat directly on top. This is not the key. The key is that Mr. Jing learned about it later."

   Zhou Li thought for a while and said, “Just after you went to the Western Regions, the little lady of the Jing family stopped coming to our restaurant to buy steamed meat. After a long time, the second brother put it down.”

  The exchange between the two people is only about buying steamed meat and selling steamed meat. Like it is to look at the temperament, or to have a good impression. After not seeing each other, the relationship gradually fades.

  Later, Zhou Liwei and Lan Xiaozi made a marriage, and this feeling passed away with the wind.

Zhou Lixue still grumbled a bit, "At that time, my second brother knew that the lady from Mr. Lan's family liked him. He was so uncomfortable, huh, what's the matter? When my fourth brother and I succeed in our studies, the girls who like us will be even better. Many."

  Man Bao asked: "How do you count as successful in your studies?"

  Zhou Lixue said with confidence: "How come you have to take the Zhongming Jing test?"

  Man Bao nodded, "If you can test the Ming Jing and you are indeed successful in learning, then you will have to work hard, and the Ming Jing will not be easy to test."

   "We know that we have been studying hard recently."

Seeing that the topic was crooked, Bai Shan pulled it back and asked, "Then why is she here again now?"

   Zhou Li learned: "Maybe because our steamed meat is delicious."

  He said: "It's not that I am boasting. The steamed meat made by my mother is the only one in Beijing."

  Everyone looked at him silently, and he paused and said, "Of course, it's not all because of this. There are also some reasons for the second brother."

  He lowered his voice and said, “Don’t you think her eyes on the second brother are different from before?”

  Zhou Ligu (four heads) and Bai Shuping nodded together, which is different.

  Zhou Lixue still had to talk, he caught a glimpse of the entrance of the store, and immediately stood up and shouted: "Second Sister-in-law!"

  Everyone looked back together, and saw a little lady in a light green skirt standing at the door carrying a basket, probably because she was walking too quickly, and she was still panting.

  It is the little lady of the Lan family whom Man Bao has seen several times. She has a nice name called Lan Xin.

Lan Xin glanced around the store, but she saw Zhou Man when she didn't see the person she wanted to see. She was startled, then her face flushed, and she gave Zhou Lixue a little annoyingly, and then blushed. Stepped forward to salute Zhou Man, but after the salute, she found that the most suitable address for her was to follow Zhou Liwei, "Sister..."

  Man Bao saw her face flushed, he smiled and raised his hand and said: "Don’t be polite, don’t be polite, you are here to find Liwei? He is greeting guests upstairs."

  Lanxin wanted to say no, but before she had time to open her mouth, Manbao already shouted upstairs: "Li Wei, your future daughter-in-law is here, come down quickly--"

  Lanxin's ears are red, and she stands aside with her head down.

Zhou Liwei ran down and saw that there were only his family and Lanxin in the lobby, and there were two tables of guests who were still sitting there. He breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and took the basket in her hand and said: "What? Come here at this time, your family won't have dinner just now, right?"

   Lanxin blushed and said: "We have eaten it early, but my father suddenly had a friend come by. They were going to drink, and the stove at home was cold. It was inconvenient to reopen the fire in winter, so I wanted to buy it."

  When Zhou Liwei heard this, in addition to steaming the meat, he also went to the kitchen to find his sixth uncle to fry two dishes that go with alcohol and put them on her. Lan Xin quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no need..."

   "It's okay, anyway, the fire in our stove hasn't been put out, and the dishes are all ready-made. It's very convenient."

  Saturday Lang is very experienced. Not only did he stir-fry, he also said to Zhou Liwei: “When you go to serve a bowl of beans, you still have to have beans. The beans in our restaurant are still fried by your aunt. It’s best to go with wine.”

  Zhou Liwei went, put the basket in two layers directly, and carried it to send her off.

  Although it is night, the capital is very safe, but Zhou Liwei is still worried that she will go back alone, thinking that the guests in the restaurant will have to eat for a while, so he took her back with a basket.

   Lanxin whispered: "I can go back by myself, sister-in-law and they are still here."

   "Well, just because there are sisters and them in the store, I can safely send you back. Let's go. It's cold at night. There are fewer people on the street and fewer lights than before. It's better for me to send you."

Zhou Liwei and Man Bao and the others greeted Lan Xin to go out. Man Bao and the others were very happy to watch them go out. After they had gone away, they immediately sat down around the Zhou Li school group and asked in a low voice, "What about then, what about then? "

Zhou Lixue also retracted his gaze, and said in a low voice, "Then the second brother avoided her. Every time he came, he would walk away as long as he could walk away. If he couldn't walk away, she would sell her meat on business, but not as much as before. Give her a piece of meat."

    If you can’t tell which heads are, I will use parentheses for each chapter in the future. Well, see you at nine o’clock in the evening.



  (End of this chapter)

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