Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2516: Misunderstand

   Chapter 2516 Misunderstanding

Zhou Ligu interrupted and said: "In fact, the second brother wanted to make things clear, but the little lady of the Jing family didn't take the initiative to speak, and the second brother didn't talk too much. It looks good, so I just avoided it, thinking about the little lady of the Hou Jing family once or twice to understand."

  Man Bao thoughtfully, "Strange, why doesn't Mr. Jing stop the little lady of the Jing family?"

  Who knows how many Zhou Li learns to stand together?

  This is what they are most confused about. It is said that Zhou Liwei did not make a date before and Mr. Jing did not look at him. Now Zhou Liwei has set a kiss, and Mr. Jing should look down on him even more.

  Zhou Liwei sent Lan Xin back to the door of Lan's house, and then handed her the basket, "Quickly go in, the dishes are getting cold."

Lanxin blushed and nodded. After walking two steps with the basket, she couldn't help but look back. Seeing Zhou Liwei still standing and watching her, she pursed her lips and opened the door to enter.

   Zhou Liwei saw her closing the door before turning to leave.

  Lanxin hid in the door and looked quietly. Seeing that he was gone, she quietly glanced out, until he passed the door of Jing's house and walked far before secretly covering the half-opened door back.

  She carried the basket and turned around with a smile. As soon as she turned around, she saw a dark figure standing behind her. She bluffed and the basket in her hand almost flew out.

Shadow said quietly: "Don't fall, this is what I eat with alcohol. Well, the excuse you are looking for this time is that I want to drink or your elder brother wants to drink? Or is it because the guests at home want to drink? What can't be said? Your uncle wants to drink a bar?"

  Lanxin couldn’t help stomping her feet, "Father!"

  Shadow then snorted and turned around, and couldn't help muttering: "I ran to find someone to eat in two days and a half. People who don't know think our family is poor."

  After a few steps, the lights in the main room were reflected, and a few children in the room ran out and circled around Lanxin, "Sister, it's so fragrant, so fragrant."

  Sister Lan smiled and took the basket, opened it and was surprised to see the dishes inside, "Why did you order so many dishes?"

  Lanxin said embarrassedly: "I can't refuse."

  At that time, she was patronizing and thinking about things, and when she returned to her senses, Saturday Lang was already oiled, she couldn't change her words and say no, otherwise she would appear to be petty in the eyes of Zhou's family.

  Lan mother took a look and said: "Let's put it away, I have eaten the supper, what do you take it out now? Let's eat it again for lunch tomorrow."

  The two children were holding the table and refused to leave. Lan Xin said, “The steamed meat is still hot. Give them some food and put away the rest.”

  Lan mother glanced at the two children eagerly, and nodded after all.

Sister Lan took out a bowl and gave it to the two children. The rest was taken to the kitchen. By the way, Lan Xin was also pulled over. She asked in a low voice, "Is the Jing family past?"

  Lanxin nodded.

Sister Lan snorted coldly, "It’s not that I’m not good at speaking, and the eldest lady of the Jing family is also indifferent. Zhou Liwei didn’t make a decision before he was married. At the moment, he is our aunt. She still uses that kind. What's the matter with the look in your eyes?"

  Lanxin frowned, and whispered: "Sister-in-law, don't tell me, we only need to know about this. Don't tell my mother and brother."

   "Don't worry, I won't say. But," Sister Lan lowered her voice: "Do you think Zhou Liwei has that meaning?"

  Lanxin thought for a while and shook her head, “He was upstairs when I went. Sister Jing just came out at that moment, and it didn’t look like she was meeting each other.”

   "You still have to be careful." She knew that Zhou Liwei gave an extra piece of meat to the lady of the Jing family before.

  Man Bao didn’t figure out why Mr. Jing didn’t stop Miss Jing when he returned home, “Is it really our steamed meat is so delicious?”

  It’s really because their steamed meat is so delicious.

  Jing's little lady took the steamed meat home, and Mr. Jing and his friends were drinking and eating meat while talking about poetry.

  Jing little lady quietly returned to the room.

  Jing mother glanced at the door she closed, and when the guests left, she said to Mr. Jing: "If you want to eat steamed meat in the future, let Da Lang buy it. Don't ask the lady."

  Mr. Jing took off his shoes and soaked his feet. He nodded after thinking about it, “Alright, it’s cold now, and it’s not safe for the girl to go out.”

  Jingmu put away his socks and said nothing.

  Mr. Jing took a dip and felt wrong, and asked her: "Why, is the auntie tired of walking back and forth?"

   "No, I was thinking about the people coming and going in the restaurant. It was when the auntie was about to say a kiss. You didn't know that the second owner of Zhouji restaurant was still interested in the auntie."

"But didn't they make a wedding?" Mr. Jing said indifferently: "And the aunt doesn't like him. Before, he always added a piece of meat to us, so I didn't let the aunt go there. Now that she has made a wedding. , All the past events are eliminated, so naturally you can come as you should."

  But your girl doesn't think so.

  Jing’s mother died of sorrow. She was only in her thirties and spent most of the day at home, so she was the first to discover the changes in her daughter.

  This child is good at everything, that is, she likes to fight with the eldest lady of the Lan family diagonally across everything. She was originally like Zhou Liwei, but after the family and the eldest lady of the Lan family decided to kiss her, she went to and fro with Zhou Ji's restaurant.

  Zhou Liwei was also troubled, he felt that he was still a bit stupid, so he couldn't understand many questions.

  He realizes that he is not much different from what he was two years ago, well, except for his age.

  But the little lady in the prospect of two years did not look at him, why would she look at him two years later?

  Well, he consciously fell in love with him, could it be that he was wrong? Isn't he so narcissistic?

  Zhou Liwei fell into self-doubt.

  Man Bao, who was already lying on the bed, suddenly sat up from the bed, patted Bai Shan and said, "I see!"

  Bai Shan was already going to fall asleep, and she was scared to wake up, so he stared at her with widened eyes, "What do you know?"

  Man Bao said with bright eyes: "Could it be that I came back and sealed the landlord, so the market for my nephews has also gone up?"

  Bai Shan said in a vague way: "Maybe?"

  Man Bao said: "Then you say, can we tell Lixue (three heads) and Ligu (four heads) the lady of a schoolboy?"

  She said: “Like the eldest brother and the third sister-in-law and the third brother and the third sister-in-law, squatting in the restaurant to find the relatives, then how long will it take to find them.”

  Bai Shan pulled her onto the bed and hugged her directly, and said, “You’re all right, so let’s think about it tomorrow. Let’s go to bed first.”

  Man Bao was consciously energetic. Seeing that his eyes were about to be closed, without disturbing him, he lay quietly and thought about it. By the way, he counted the girls who were familiar with scholars from ordinary backgrounds.

  The main reason is that Zhou Lixue and the others don’t really want to make a marriage. There is a precedent for the sixth brother, I am afraid they will not succumb to the claws of the eldest brother and the third brother and the third sister.

   Manbao: Ziqian ah Ziqian

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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