Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2518: Generous

   Chapter 2518

  Sparse dozens of medicinal plants grow on a piece of ground next to the vegetable field, some of them are dying, and some are as long and thin as the refugees without food, and they can be broken by a gust of wind.

This book is nothing, but some of her sister-in-laws are too diligent. If it grows some weeds or something, it can hide it, or show that she is not so careful in planting, which led to this situation, but there is a weed on it. No, they are very well taken care of.

And because it’s winter, the old Zhou’s family also set up sheds to enclose these plots. The roof and all sides are covered with thatch for heating, and there are confiscated Chinese cabbage in the vegetable field beside it. On such a cold day, it I'm not dead, I still look a little bit more energetic.

  Compared with the herbal medicine here, it looks like it won’t last long.

  The treasurer Zheng looked around, saw the dim light in the thatched hut, and nodded: “Emperor Zhou’s statement is good. It may be because of the winter.”

  Man Bao nodded again and again, yes, that's why.

  The treasurer Zheng said: "Let’s do it, we Ji Shitang are willing to split up two acres of land to research and study how to grow this medicinal material with Doctor Zhou?"

  Man Bao glanced at him and said, "Two acres of land are enough for what you can do, so how about you looking for all kinds of medicinal materials?"

  Does Manbao lack land now?

  The most indispensable thing for her is land. Not to mention a large area of ​​vocational land, it is said that her father also has a lot of land for her dowry.

  It's very convenient to grow herbs, but it's not easy to find people who grow them.

  She doesn’t even lack seeds now, and all the herbs that have been included can be purchased and cultivated through points and encyclopedia.

  However, she will be short of points. Well, not yet, but will definitely be missing in the future. Therefore, Manbao urgently needs to confiscate the plants that have been collected. Of course, it is the best herbal medicine.

  Give it to the Encyclopedia to cultivate it for a few years, and when they figure out how to plant it, they only need to follow the planting method, which will save a lot of research costs.

  I have been planting rice seeds that have been tested for several years, but Man Bao, who still hasn’t grown the rice he wants, knows that plant cultivation is not that simple.

After thinking for a while, the treasurer Zheng asked, "How is the harvest counted?"

  Manbao casually agreed: “Any fresh herbal medicine sent through Jishitang, and the seeds will be researched in the future, I will give you a copy for free, and the seeding methods are also free to teach.”

  The treasurer Zheng looked at Man Bao in astonishment. After a pause, he asked: "Emperor Zhou no longer thinks about it?"

  Anyway, there is an encyclopedia at the beginning. They only need to make adjustments afterwards, and they will find out after one or two years of planting. The cost is not very high, so Manbao promised quickly.

Moreover, Ji Shitang has also paid a lot. She has collected living herbs or seeds that can be collected with various drug dealers in Ji Shitang, but those who are willing to bring the herbs are not the medicinal farmers near the capital. Begged her pharmacist.

  For this reason, there are not many herbs collected through Ji Shitang, and the cost is still high.

  She can't do this kind of thing, so only Ji Shitang, who has a wide network of connections, can do her best.

But the treasurer Zheng felt that Zhou Man had a heart of charity and was moved by the friendship between them, so he did not sign a contract with Zhou Man, and directly agreed verbally, "Okay, when I go back, I will let people start looking for various herbal medicines." seed."

  Man Bao immediately said: "I will give you a list back. The medicinal materials on the list are the seeds I already have. You can just collect the remaining herbs."

After a pause, she said, "Actually, I think there are many more herbal medicines in this world, but they are still unknown to the world. Otherwise, the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" in Han Dynasty is only two hundred and thirty-nine. In hundreds of years, later generations have discovered 730 species. It can be seen that there are still many medicinal herbs in this world that are still unknown to us."

  The treasurer Zheng moved in his heart and looked at her, "So..."

  Man Bao said with a serious face: "So it's better to tell the drug dealers and farmers that if you encounter plants that have never been used as medicine in the wild, or plants that you have never seen before, they will be sent to Beijing along with the herbs."

  The treasurer Zheng was taken aback, "Emperor Zhou, you don’t want Shennong to taste the herbs? This can’t be done. The plants that have not been known by the doctor are likely to be highly poisonous. If you accidentally..."

"I know," Man Bao said, "Am I the kind of careless person? Don't worry, I'm sorry." She will include it in the encyclopedia first, and then study it again when they find it out, um, she The research also confirms the conclusion of the encyclopedia.

  The treasurer of Zheng gave her a suspicious look. He always thought that Zhou Man was a bold person. The courageous person can't get to her position today.

  The two of them looked at the herb of 蔫DaDa and made a rough agreement, and then they walked out of the thatched house.

  The treasurer Zheng went out for more than ten steps and turned around, only then did they understand why they hadn't paid attention to this corner and this thatched house when they came to the garden to relax.

  It turns out that there are flowers and trees higher than people in front of this corner. Well, most of them are plum trees and peach trees.

  But at this time the peach tree is smooth, and the plum tree is forming buds.

  The thatched hut behind him was also very short. He had to lower his head slightly when he entered just now. After all, it was not for people to live in, but for vegetables and grass to keep warm. The thatched house stood quietly in the back, not conspicuous or obtrusive at all.

Seeing the treasurer Zheng looked back and forth, Man Bao became proud, "This is my mother-in-law's arrangement, how about it, it looks good, even if someone sees this thatched house, it is very wild and interesting to stand in this yard, originally I My mother-in-law also wanted to build an open thatched cottage on the other side of the open house, but it was rejected by my grandmother and my parents."

  Lao Mrs. Liu meant that if another thatched cottage was built, a part of the garden would be taken up, so that the boss’s garden would look a little cramped and unsightly.

  While Lao Zhoutou and Qian clan felt that if they wanted to build a cottage back to the countryside, they could choose a place to build it, so why bother to build it at home?

So Zheng's plan fell through, but Man Bao and Bai Shan both discussed privately. They felt that the thatched cottage was better than that of Changxuan, and they wanted to tear down Changxuan and replace it with thatched cottage, but in front of the old Zhou. They didn't dare to speak out in front of Qian's face.

   Even Mrs. Liu would not agree.

  Don’t look at the thatched cottage, which seems simpler than the open house, but it needs maintenance every year and consumes more energy. It is not comparable to the open house that was originally here.

It's a pity in Man Bao's heart, so he said to the treasurer Zheng: "You don't know, my mother-in-law is very talented in arranging these. If you like it, I can give you the thatched cottage we painted later, and you can build one at home. "

  Well, you can often go to play with apprentices in the future, if you don’t have one at home, it’s okay if you don’t have one at home.

  Da Zheng, the shopkeeper ignored her.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

     Well, there are only two changes today and tomorrow, and then I’m about to celebrate the new year, and the missing ones will be filled after the new year. See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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