Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2519: future

  Chapter 2519 Future

When the treasurer Zheng came to the front and saw the guests, he remembered the important thing, turned his head and said to Zhou Man: "By the way, Doctor Zhou, I am about to tell you that Zheng Gu's child fell in love with a girl in Luozhou. After the Chinese New Year, I will send someone to propose a marriage. Do you have any opinion on this?"

  Man Bao was stunned, "What can I say?"

   Then there was a voice of "Yah": "Zheng Gu is going to marry a wife? Well, he is going to marry. It's already time for the crown. If you don't marry, it will be even harder to marry."

  The treasurer Zheng nodded deeply, but they, the children of the Xinglin family, have always got married late, and there are a lot of people who get married until 24 to 5, so thinking about it, his son is not very late, just right.

  The treasurer Zheng comforted himself in his heart.

  Man Bao thought of Zheng Shaolai, "Zheng Shao is not young anymore, why is there no movement at all?"

  The treasurer Zheng said: "His parents have little knowledge, so they didn't give him control."

Zheng Shao is very old. It was precisely this point that Zheng Shao took his fancy to send him to Zhou Man as a medicine boy, but his character is not very popular at home, and there is a smart and considerate brother underneath. Woolen cloth.

  Now his younger brother’s children are about to go to the streets to have a drink, and he hasn’t made a wedding yet.

  Man Bao thought about it and became sad. She not only has to worry about the marriage of her nephews and nieces, but also about the marriage of her apprentices, so busy.

  But she also got busy in her heart. After a while, she heard the excitement ahead, and immediately ran over to join in the fun.

Zheng Da, the shopkeeper shook his head.

  Bai Shan and the others are playing throwing pots.

  Thursday Lang originally joined his hands and leaned aside to look at him. When he saw that Bai Shan was hit by eight arrows, everyone clamored and stood up and said, "I'll try it."

Bai Erlang gave him the arrow in his hand. Chu Lang took a glance, threw out the first arrow, and fell out, and the second arrow fell off the mouth of the bottle. Everyone screamed unceremoniously, but On Thursday, Lang squinted his eyes and threw the third arrow, and then, every one of the arrows below went in.

  He threw down the ten arrows in Liu Huan's hand in one breath. Everyone was dumbfounded and shouted, and gave him all the arrows in his hand, wanting to see how much he could throw in.

  Thursday Lang threw it in one by one. Sometimes the arrows in the pot were almost full and he could still throw them in. Everyone was amazed.

  Thursday Lang shook his head and said triumphantly: "It's much easier to beat birds than when we were young."

  Frirang and Satsara are also eager to try. They were brought by Thursula since childhood, and they are also very good at bird-fighting.

  Dr. Ding, who was watching the excitement on the sidelines, couldn’t help but whispered to Dr. Tao: “Leave aside anything else in the family this week, it must have been a tyrant in the village before.”

  Look at what all this will be.

  Doctor Tao laughed.

  Man Bao squeezed up, but was also aroused to be competitive, and he took the arrow and queued up.

  Bai Shan stood next to her and asked with a smile: "What is the treasurer Zheng looking for?"

"Chinese medicinal materials and talking to the apprentices about relatives," Man Bao summarized in a sentence, and then said sadly: "Zheng Gu's marriage has gone, but Zheng Shao's hasn't. I find that my errands are getting worse and worse. too much."

Bai Shan smirked, "You all asked for this. Brother and they didn't tell Lixue (three heads) to tell you about the marriage. It was you who took care of it. But compared to Lixue, Zheng Shao's Marriage should be much simpler."


"Because he can support his family," Bai Shan said, "He is now the director of the Xiangzhou Local Medical Department. At any rate, he is from the 9th grade, and he is eating less than the royal salary, but it is not a problem to support his family. Respected, it shouldn't be difficult to talk about marriage."

  It is easier to talk about marriage than when he was a drug boy.

  In contrast, it is difficult for Zhou Li to learn from the three of them.

  He and Zhou Ligu (four heads) are still in school. If they can pass the Mingjing exam next year, it will be good to say that if they fail the exam, they may not be able to talk about a better marriage than Zhou Lizhong (big head) and Zhou Liwei (two heads).

  Not to mention Zhou Liru. She is now not only studying, but also a little lady. According to Man Bao's plan, she will have to study for another two years in the Imperial Medical Office before she can be a teacher. Even if she is a teacher, she must continue to study.

  Bai Shan thought of this, he couldn’t help but glance at Liu Huan who was laughing with Chu Lang and the others, turned his head and Bao Bao said, “Don’t you think Liu Huan is suitable?”

  Man Bao turned his head and looked, "Because he does what he wants?"

  Bai Shan pursed his mouth and smiled: "The free-willed person doesn't have so many rules, and Li is suitable for people who don't have so many rules." For example, Man Bao.

  If she runs into someone who is very disciplined and uses a ruler to measure her words and deeds, she will suffer to death.

  Man Baodao: "Liu Huan can't represent the Liu family. Marriage is a good way to have two surnames. It's not that two people are right."

  If the family behind them is at odds, they will spend a lot of energy in the family, which is not good for Liru.

  And Liu's rank is too high.

  Fighting with their family, the Zhou family will not have enough confidence.

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “I saw Mrs. Liu Shangshu at my grandmother’s place today. Coincidentally, Sanniang and Liru were also there, and people surnamed Liu gathered in a room.”

His eyes gleamed a little, and he smiled like a star: "Mrs. Liu Shangshu asked Sanniang when he could be promoted to imperial physician, and also asked Liru's studies. When I left, I heard Mrs. Liu Shangshu hate iron and steel. Liu Huan, it would be enough if Liu Huan had half the spirit and diligence of the two of them."

  Man Bao was stunned, and then he began to think.

  Bai Shan looked at Man Bao with a smile, a little complacent, and as soon as he was proud, he took all the arrows in her hand and stuffed them to Bai Erlang who was Zhengyu Liu Huan, holding her hand and whispering to the side.

  Baijiro held the arrow with a dazed expression, turned his head to look at them, but was pushed back by Yin or, “Don’t look, the husband and wife are whispering.”

  White Erlang snorted and turned his head back, not disturbing them this time.

Bai Shan took Man Bao’s hand out of the tunnel, and went straight from the tunnel to the back garden. He smiled and said: "The potential, the more you borrow, the higher you are, Lizhong (big head) because you are married to Sanniang, and Zhou's male Ding married in Beijing. The foundation is set, Man Bao, have you ever thought that in the future the Zhou family will also be a noble family, or even an aristocratic family?"

  Man Bao smiled and said, "Master Wei is now the prime minister of the country. He still wants to call himself a poor family."

  Bai Shan: "What about after three generations?"

  He said: "Master Wei has three sons. One is married to Cui's wife, and the other is about to hire a princess. After three generations, who can say that Wei's family is a poor family?"

  Man Bao was silent.

Bai Shan said: "The Zhou family was a shaman before you, and a poor family after you. Now they are studying at a time. If they can go to officialdom and go further in the officialdom, then they will sit firmly in the poor family. Nothing like Master Wei will have a chance to be among the nobles after the fifth and sixth generations."

  And the family is the accumulation of generations of gentry.

  Man Bao turned his head to look at him, lowered his voice and asked, "Then have you imagined the future of the Bai family?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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