Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2527: persuade

  Chapter 2527 Persuade

  Mr. Mei is the only daughter of Mr. Mei, from the south of the Yangtze River. She is twenty-three this year. She is a very thin lady. Man Bao first wrote down her basic information, and then asked: "Are you married?"

   Maid Mei paused and said, "Yes, it has been five years since we were married."

  "Have you given birth to a child?"

  Miss Mei's face seemed to be paler, she shook her head and said, "No."

  Man Bao wrote down, put down the pen and said: "Let’s go to the back room to check."

Inside    was the bed used for acupuncture. The maid helped Lady Mei in, untied her cloak and laid it on the bed before letting her lie down.

  Man Bao touched her belly, changed the direction of the button, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

  In the first two times, she just said that she was a little bit painful. In the third time, her face suddenly turned pale, and she was so painful that she couldn't speak, and she curled up her belly involuntarily.

  Man Bao frowned slightly when she saw this, and could not help taking up her hand and feeling for her pulse. After a while, she asked, "When did it start to hurt? Has it ever happened before?"

Lady Mei nodded slightly, and the maid at the side replied on her behalf: "The pain started five days ago. It has been like this before."

The maid glanced at Mai Mai’s face and saw that she was still calm, she said truthfully: “There have been two times before. The first time I didn’t know the reason, but later I found out that I was pregnant. The second time the doctor said that the child had fallen. Outside the palace, we have to destroy it too, so..."

  Man Bao will understand that reducing the blood stasis in the abdomen can only promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

  Man Bao deduced some prescriptions in his heart, but he was not sure, so he said: "Miss Mei, my experience in promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis is worse. Why should I ask Doctor Tao to come over and discuss the prescription?"

   "No," Lady Mei eagerly said in front of the maid: "Doctor Zhou, I, I want to save this child."

Man Bao: "...Miss Mei, this child can't keep it. It fell outside the palace and is still young. After a period of time, he will grow bigger and bigger. When he is oppressed, he will break down, and it will be a catastrophe. "

  Miss Mei shook her head with red eyes, "Doctor Zhou, if I get rid of him, I can also ask the doctor to prescribe the prescription in Jiangnan. Why did you come all the way to the capital? The reason is to save this child."

  Man Bao: "But this can't be kept, he didn't fall into the palace."

   "Then is there any way to let him fall into the palace?"

  Man Bao: ...she doesn't have this ability for the time being, um, maybe you can ask Teacher Mo?

  Man Bao thought for a moment and then said: "Wait a moment.

  Man Bao turned around and went out. Mr. Mei was walking around outside. He saw her coming out and immediately said: "Doctor Zhou, I have heard everything. I just want to ask, can this child be kept?"

  Although she has not asked Teacher Mo, Man Bao still shook her head based on her understanding of current medicine.

  Mr. Mei fell down, but soon regained his spirits, "Then please ask Mrs. Zhou to keep my daughter, this baby, this baby will be aborted."

  "Father——" Across the curtain, the people inside apparently heard Mr. Mei's words, and Lady Mei obviously couldn't accept his father's compromise so easily.

  Man Bao nodded and said: "Two people, let me go to see Doctor Tao for a consultation, how to treat it, and what results will be discussed later."

  Not only Mr. Mei, but the Maid Mei in the curtain also raised a glimmer of hope, but when they thought that Doctor Tao of Ji Shitang had seen it before, that glimmer of hope was faltering again.

  Man Bao opened the curtain and went out, and ran into the shopkeeper of Baicaotang who was talking with the treasurer Zheng Da. Man Bao was also considered familiar with him, so he nodded to say hello, and turned to knock on Doctor Tao's door.

  Doctor Tao responded, Man Bao probed in and saw that he was burying his head in writing a prescription to a patient, so he glanced back and saw that there was no one, he immediately stood aside with a smile and waited.

  Dr. Tao handed over the prescription to the patient. After he went out, he smiled and asked, “Dr. Zhou Xiao came to ask about Lady Mei’s illness?”

  Man Bao sat down, "Have you shown her before?"

Doctor Tao nodded. Although he could not touch the little lady like Zhou Man, but through the pulse and asked some previous things, the experienced Doctor Tao has already guessed that she is the result of low abdominal blood stasis. At that time, she was prescribed medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

  However, this prescription is also risky, so when he suggested at that time, he would hire a stable woman, or wait a while, go to the Imperial Medical Office to invite a female student over, and after taking the medicine, see how effective it is to remove blood stasis before applying the medicine.

  As a result, the Mei family’s father and daughter were reluctant to give up the child and insisted on keeping the fetus. To be honest, Doctor Tao did not have this ability, and he could even pat his chest to make sure that no one in the capital had this ability.

  The fetus has been implanted outside the uterus, how can this be moved into the uterus?

  Dr. Tao looked forward to something, and looked at Zhou Man with some inquiry, "Dr. Zhou Xiao has a way?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "No."

Doctor Tao sighed, "Then it can only promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. I asked her about her days. I guessed that she would have been pregnant for a month. No matter how late she was, the fetus would fall by itself. I was afraid that it would cause heavy bleeding. It is not always certain whether the mother can be saved or not."

  Man Bao nodded and frowned: "She has had this situation twice before. Why didn't she get a doctor to cure her before giving birth?"

  Doctor Tao looked at her curiously, "The fetus has fallen out, how can I treat this disease?"

  Man Bao: "...there is always a reason for the outburst, find the reason and cure it, the next time the fetus will naturally fall in the womb."

Doctor Tao shook his head and said, "It's not easy to talk about. Let's not say that it is difficult to find out the cause when she is disease-free and disaster-free. Let's just say that at the moment, her fetus has fallen out. There are more than ten people, not to mention some state capitals, and those with little experience may not be able to get it out. She had lost two births before, and it is difficult to cure this one."

  Man Bao frowned. She has dissected female anthropomorphic models, and there are usually only two places where the fetus has fallen out. She does not believe that there is no reason, and since there is a reason, there must be a way to find out and cure it.

  However, we still need to discuss a prescription for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

  Doctor Tao touched the pulse condition of Lady Mei last time, and he knows it well. Besides, Zhou Man can check it by hand this time, so he knows better, so the prescription is more suitable.

  The two discussed a prescription, and Doctor Tao said: “The most important thing is to have the patient voluntarily abort the baby. There is a risk in taking this medicine. If she doesn’t want to, the risk will only be higher.”

  Man Bao understood that, while asking Keke to send an email to Teacher Mo, he went to find Mr. Mei and his daughter.

Man Bao did not give the prescription to Mr. Mei, but talked to the two people first, "This birth cannot be saved. According to the days you give, we have calculated your pregnancy period. It should be about 35 to 40 days. , The fetus falls out, this time is already at the limit, and if you wait, it will probably rupture on its own, and it will probably cause heavy bleeding at that time."

   She said: "First kill the baby, then treat it, and wait until the body is well adjusted for production. Lady Mei is still young, so why rush for a while?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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