Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2528: Inquire

   Chapter 2528

  Miss Mei was very suspicious, "Can the child really be pregnant again after the child is knocked out? And can he always be in the palace if he is pregnant again?"

  Man Bao can't give her a guarantee. It should be said that most doctors with illnesses cannot give absolute guarantees to patients.

   is a common disease such as wind, cold and cough. It is also possible that a person may die after a long time without treatment. What about an uncommon disease like Lady Mei?

  It's about life and death, Man Bao directly turned to look at Mr. Mei, who is most likely to be inclined to her judgment.

  Sure enough, Mr. Mei gritted his teeth and persuaded Lady Mei to say: "Knock out this child, we will have another child after he is cured."

  Miss Mei burst into tears, "Father, Fang Lang, he can't afford to wait, didn't you also say to give it a try before?"

   But that was before the full week.

  All the way north, they occasionally ask a well-known local doctor for consultation when passing by somewhere. Some people can't see that their daughter is pregnant, and a few others do, but they all give advice on abortion.

  They came to the capital four days ago, and immediately came to Jishitang for medical treatment, but the two best doctors in Jishitang had seen the advice given to them also for abortion.

  At that time, they were not able to invite Zhou Man and had no way out, so they visited the other three medical clinics on this street, and no one could give the answer that Mr. Mei's father and daughter wanted.

  Mr. Mei only then asked about Zhou Manlai, who originally came to the capital for a thousand miles, but also rushed to Zhou Manlai.

  Inquired that she had some friendship with Master Zhiren in Huguo Temple, and he had met Master Zhiren in the early years, so he begged to come.

  Now even Zhou Man said so, Mr. Mei gave up.

  No matter how important children are, they are not as important as their own daughters.

  Mr. Mei glanced at Zhou Man, Man Bao stood up cleverly, took Zhou Liru out, and gave space to the two of them.

  Mr. Mei persuaded Ms. Mei, "Nu Nu, we listened to Doctor Zhou. After this abortion, we will live in Beijing for a long time, and we will wait until you get better."

  "Don't worry, the doctor Zhou is a famous doctor all over the world. She can cure the prince's illness, and your illness is naturally fine."

"But before going out, Lang said that if it still doesn't work this time, I'm afraid between us..." Madam Mei bit her lip, thought for a long time, and said with tears: "Father, or give Fang Langna a concubine. Bar."

"Stupid boy, what are you talking about," Mr. Mei said helplessly, with a bit of hatred of iron and steel: "I want you to recruit a son-in-law, and I want a child you give birth to. If you give him a concubine, it's better not to have a child. At that time, I will find a child in the family to come over, and it will still have the blood of our Mei family."

  Mr. Mei's face was indifferent, and he said nonchalantly: "Since he cares about his children so much, he is not willing to be a son-in-law if he wants to come now. In that case, we will give him and leave the book."

Lady Mei opened her mouth wide, "This, how can this be..."

  "What's wrong?" In fact, Mr. Mei didn't really want her to have a baby after the first two daughters aborted. He also talked to his son-in-law. He deserved it face-to-face, but he didn't expect Madam Mei to become pregnant.

But this time when I came to Beijing, my son-in-law didn’t care about it. He would rather stay in Jiangnan than go to Beijing. Mr. Mei sneered and said to his daughter, “That’s the way it’s settled. First abort the baby and wait until you get better. I'll hire you a son-in-law. Two-legged toads are hard to find in this world. Can a two-legged man still have it?"

  Miss Mei is obviously unacceptable.

  Mr. Mei said in a convenient way: "Don't worry, we will look for it again this time. Family history, character, appearance and talent will be above Fanglang."

  Ms. Mei's face flushed, obviously she didn't believe it.

As soon as Man Bao came out of the clinic, he leaned his hands against the wall outside, watching the people coming and going in the drugstore. The shopkeeper of Baicaotang strolled over a few steps while the shopkeeper Zheng Da was not paying attention, and talked directly with Zhou Man. "Doctor Zhou, can this disease be cured?"

   Pointed his head towards the consulting room.

  Man Bao asked: "Have you seen it too?"

  The shopkeeper of Baicaotang nodded, "I have seen it, but we can only abort the fetus, not the transfer."

  Man Bao couldn’t do it either, so he sighed: “The reason is unexplorable, let alone the transfer of the fetus.”

  The shopkeeper of Baicaotang knew that Zhou Man was also suggesting abortion, so he sighed: "I think she is weak, and her life is not short now. The risk of abortion is also great, right?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Not bad, so I found a set of acupuncture and moxibustion to use."

  She rummaged through the inventory in her mind and came up with the idea that the two sets of needles were taken in half, but she did not know the effect, so the medicine was very important.

  On this thought, the treasurer Zheng came to him. He first glanced at the treasurer of Baicaotang vigilantly, and then looked at Zhou Man, "Doctor Zhou, have you finished looking at the patient in your hand?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "Just want to tell you, I need some good medicine here..."

  The shopkeeper of Baicaotang smiled and said, "Is it a medicine for blood enrichment and blood circulation? The Chinese New Year is about to come, and the pharmacies are nervous. If Jishitang does not join hands, we Baicaotang are willing to look through the inventory."

   The treasurer Zheng said with a hypocritical smile: "Your shop is polite. Although you are nervous about the New Year, you can still get the amount of medicine for one person."

  The shopkeeper of Baicaotang emphasized: "It's good medicine."

  The treasurer Zheng responded with a smile on his face, "Naturally it is a good medicine." He hummed coldly in his heart, as if no one survived.

  Man Bao had a headache. Just as Mr. Mei opened the door and came out, she immediately greeted him, "How?"

  Mr. Mei and Zhou Man saluted: "There is a Laozhou doctor."

  Man Bao understood, and thought for a while and said: “Based on her physical condition, it’s not good to take medicine here, where do you live?”

  Mr. Mei they used to live in the inn, but now they live in the guest house of the Huguo Temple.

   So Man Bao packed up the medicine box and took Zhou Liru with them to Huguo Temple.

   Before going out, the treasurer Zheng gave her the best medicine according to the prescription she gave.

Man Bao also added some extra medicines that he might use later. Mr. Mei is rich and has a lot of money. He bought more than 80 taels of medicinal materials without blinking. He also spent 80 taels on a good-looking mountain ginseng. .

  Man Bao looked astounding, no wonder he can hire a son-in-law, he is indeed rich.

  When he arrived at Huguo Temple, Man Bao handed the medicine packet to Zhou Liru and the maid of Mei’s family, “You go and boil the medicine. I will give her an injection first.”

  Ms. Mei seemed to lose her anger, and she lay still on the bed sadly. Man Bao helped her take off her clothes, and while giving her needles, she asked, "Is Ms. Mei very dissatisfied with her husband? Still dissatisfied with her children?"

Lady Mei glanced at Zhou Man, because she was a woman, she did not have the embarrassment of seeing a doctor before, because she knew the most intimate things, Lady Mei also had the desire to talk, and said with tears: "You don’t Understand, my father has only one child, and I have to leave a blood line for the Mei family."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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