Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2537: remind

  Chapter 2537 Reminder

  Bai Shan and the three of them did not participate in their topic, standing by and watching the shops on this street talking.

  Wei Yu shook his head, "It's too extravagant."

  It's no wonder that his father didn't have a very good tone when he mentioned the emperor recently, and he was worried that Jian'an had become extravagant for a long time.

  The ministers in the DPRK were as worried as Wei Zhi, especially the Hubu Shangshu, so recently they have been crying poorly, with only one purpose.

The emperor, don’t look at the way that Guotai Min’an seems to be very rich, but in fact, the country still can’t stand the toss. We are still very poor. You have been the emperor for 20 years. The treasury is still gone after the spring. money.

It takes money to support the agricultural mulberry, the construction of water conservancy projects, and the disaster relief in some places. The Ministry of War also requires money, and the construction of the imperial tomb requires money. You have to save a little more to prevent unexpected accidents, in case it is the same as the year before. Need to requisition the West, the treasury must not allocate military use?

  So the emperor, we are still poor, don’t think about building civil engineering, giving big rewards, or getting into a life of luxury tribute...

  Some officials even wrote letters stating that the dowry for the two princesses greatly exceeded the etiquette system. Even if it was not paid by the state treasury, it was not allowed, so the extra part should be recovered...

  The emperor is always humbly admonished, but he should not hear about taking back the extra dowry.

Now even the prince has opinions, and said to Zhan Shifu privately, "These officials are also bullying and fearing hard work. Back then, the emperor father gave the third child so many things, and he didn't exceed the etiquette system early? Why didn't I see them submit a letter to recover ?"

   "Mingda and Changyu are princesses, so they caught them bullying, huh, they would pick soft persimmons."

  Guo Zhanshi couldn’t help saying: “His Majesty is clearly dedicated to serving the princess, so why bother to pull out Prince Gong? It’s only if you don’t love your brother when it is passed out. Don’t say anything like this.”

  The prince was silent.

Wei Yu is now in Taichung, Yushi, and he is doing the work of the superintendent, but because the matter involves Princess Changyu, and Wei Zhi also personally told him that the past has passed and the impeachment has already been done. It is meaningless to pursue this matter. , On the contrary, it will annoy your Majesty. It is better to look forward and only admonish your Majesty’s current and future behavior so that he does not forget to be frugal.

  But when he really saw the store that the emperor gave to Princess Mingda, Wei Yu couldn't help but said, "It's really extravagant."

  Bai Shan was curiously invited to Huangzhuang’s steward and the chief to ask, “Where is the past at the end of the shop?”

   "That's just outside the new city," the lichang smiled: "It is the palace that your majesty gave to the princess."

  Bai Shan squinted his eyes, leaning on the Huangzhuang in the new city with his back.

  He asked, "How far is the distance to the ancient city of Liyang?"

   Huangzhuang manager took a moment to say: "It's not very far, but there is no road. It takes about an hour to go by car."

  Bai Shan asked: "What if you pass from Huangzhuang?"

   Huangzhuang manager smiled, "That's much closer, and you can arrive in less than three quarters of an hour."

  Bai Shanbian also smiled and nodded, turned around and found Man Bao to talk about it.

   So Man Bao also brightened his eyes, and suggested that when he went back, he would walk through Liyang County to Wannian County and return to the capital from Dongchengmen.

  Before they left Yongzhou from the capital, they needed to go to the South City Gate, take a detour and go north to Yongzhou.

  The Huangzhuang manager couldn't help but reminded in a low voice: "Princess, the roads from Liyang County to Wannian County are mostly small roads. There are no official roads that are spacious and flat, and I am afraid of bumps.

When   Mingda heard this, she became very interested, and immediately said, "Then we will go back from Wannian County and visit the farm by the way."

  Man Bao nodded in agreement, and said to her: "My fief is on the other side. I also want to see my fief. Would you like to see my workshop?"

   Now Changyu nodded, she wanted to take a look.

  So after visiting the shops in the new city, they went directly to Huangzhuang.

  Changyu rode on a horse, but Mingda was not happy when he saw the horse, so he rode it, and the spring breeze was still very happy.

  It was the end of February. When the earth was rejuvenating, many green grass sprouts appeared on the ground. Both Mingda and Changyu followed the emperor to open the plow and tried to plant the land, so they weren't people who didn't know anything about grains.

  But now weeds and green wheat seedlings really look like.

  Mingda looked at it for a long time, but couldn’t tell, she had to turn her head and whispered to Bai Erlang, “Is this piece of land weeds?”

  Shiijiro just glanced at it and shook his head, "No, it's Maimiao."

  Mingda pointed to a tunnel on the opposite side: "So this piece is also wheat seedlings?"

  Shirajiro glanced at it and fell silent for a while, "No, this is weeds."


   She frowned, "How come weeds grow better than wheat seedlings? And it's all ground, why don't we plant wheat seedlings in this piece?"

   Bai Erlang only glanced at the sidewalk and said, “It’s near the water. It should be reserved for spring rice planting. This side is a little farther away from the water, so I planted wheat.”

The manager of Huangzhuang, who walked fast behind, sweated coldly on his forehead, nodded repeatedly, and jogged forward, saying: "It is exactly what the horseman said, all these years, Huangzhuang has kept this side near the water for planting rice in spring. On the other side, we want to grow wheat. After harvesting, it depends on the situation to grow rice or beans."

  As for why the weeds grow better than the wheat seedlings, Bai Erlang glanced at Guan afterwards and said: "Last winter was relatively cold, and there was a snow disaster in the Central Plains. This area should be incapable of resisting the disaster. Many wheat seedlings were frozen to death."

Man Bao nodded in agreement, and complained to Mingda: "Last year, my three job fields were affected by the disaster. The straw and wheat straw left before were scattered on the ground to keep warm, but that’s how it was frozen to death. The harvest this summer is definitely not as good as next year’s. We still have to cut some rent."

  Mingda was taken aback, and asked, "Then, should I give my tenant farmers a rent reduction?"

  Man Bao smiled and said, "If you have this kindness, then you can reduce it."

The steward behind    hurriedly said: "Your Royal Highness, we have not many tenants in this imperial estate, and most of them are palace slaves working here."

   is also a long-term worker, or the kind of long-term worker without wages. Huangzhuang provides food and housing, and they are responsible for farming.

  Man Bao glanced at the fields on both sides of the road, and nodded slightly. It was indeed the work of people without wages. If her father, he could make the weeds in the field grow taller than people, not just taller than wheat seedlings.

  Waiting out of the imperial village, Man Baocai and Mingda said, "If you want to manage this village well, then you can't let it go like this. If there is no benefit, who is willing to work hard for you?"

   She said: "A talented person wants to sell to the emperor's house, and the emperor can afford the corresponding price, otherwise the talented person would rather go to the mountains and forests than to serve the emperor humbly."

  Understand this metaphor. She nodded thoughtfully, "You are right, it's time to take care of it."

   After exiting Huangzhuang, going down the road is a bifurcated intersection, one road leads to Liyang County, the other road leads to Wannian County, and the border between the two counties is Zhouman’s fief.

  Look over and watch it together.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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