Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2538: Passing by

   Chapter 2538 passing by

  Manbao’s fief is a bit poor.

The ancient city of Liyang in the pre-Qin period has long been in ruins. There are two large villages on the side. Those two large villages are all the food towns of Zhouman. There are two large villages going down and approaching Wannian County. .

  Why did the county magistrate of Liyang County specifically assign this piece to Zhouman?

  Because the Wannian County magistrate next door always coveted this piece, he felt that instead of letting the Wannian County magistrate **** it, it would be better to assign Zhou Man as a fief.

  Another reason is because of this ancient city.

He always felt that it was a pity that the ancient city of Liyang was so ruined, but he was really limited in his ability and couldn't revitalize it. It would be better to give it to Zhou Man. This is her fief. If she can rebuild the ancient city, it will be good, but if she can't build it, it will be fine. It's just to maintain the status quo.

  They first came to pass a village, a bit far from the roadside, but now the fields are weeds except for the low wheat seedlings, so you can see it at a glance, and you can see the house from a distance.

  Man Baodao: "That's my food town, this piece of land is my closed field."

  Mingda glanced over, nodded and said: "It looks very flat, I don't know how much Yongyetian occupied."

  Yongyetian does not need to pay tax to the state, so this part does not need to pay tax to the owner.

  What the food town eats is the part of the tax that should be paid to the country, as well as the business tax of the merchants in the fief, but Zhouman now has no merchants in the fief, and it is all farmers.

A little further ahead is the ancient city of Liyang. It is not very big. There are many broken walls and collapsed houses. However, some big bazaars go into the ancient city. This is because nearby villages are trading here, and the time has been longer. It became a fixed big bazaar.

  At this time, it’s not a busy spring, and it’s a market, so there are many villagers trading goods here.

  Of course, this is mostly thought by Zhou Man and Bai Shan Bai Erlang, who often visit the market in Dali Village. As for living in the capital since childhood, the two princesses and Wei Yu in Yongzhou just passed by, this market is too cold.

  There are some stalls on both sides of the dirt road. The stalls are either wooden boards or linen pads on the ground. Most of them sell vegetables, baskets, and some things like linen cloth and chicken, duck, fish and eggs.

  Everything and stalls can be seen to the bottom at a glance.

  Mingda and Changyu were the first to see such a bazaar, and their eyes widened while riding on the horse.

  The villagers sitting cross-legged on the ground or on the grass widened their eyes when they saw these people coming over on tall horses.

  When he reacted, he immediately rolled back the stuff in the booth, and some of them knelt directly on the ground, lowering their heads to ignore them.

   Seeing this, Man Bao, who wanted to hit the horse directly, jumped off the horse and smiled at them: "We are just passing by, what should you do."

Seeing that they weren't here to drive them, the peasants became bolder again. This is a courageous era. Although the people are in awe of the rich and powerful, they are not terrified. So everyone got up from the ground and some sat down. , Some raised their voices and asked, "Where are the princes and ladies going?"

  Bai Shan also got off the horse and said, "Go to the capital."

  They were taken aback, and quickly said: "Oh, then you have gone the wrong way. This is not an official road. To take the official road, you have to go back, and then there is a highway to the south."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "We know that we came here on purpose."

  He pointed to Zhou Man and said, "This is the lord of Liyang."

  The villagers were taken aback again. They knew that they were now the food town of the lord of Liyang.

  The people in the distance also looked up and looked over. Speaking of it, they had always seen the second niece and several older brothers of the village owner of Liyang. They had not seen the village owner of Liyang yet.

  The villagers came over to salute.

  Man Bao asked them to get up, introduced the two princesses to them, and then looked at Mingda and Changyu, "Are you in a hurry to go back?"

  The two shook their heads together, and both looked at the market curiously.

  Seriously, this is the first time they have seen each other in such a small market.

Man Bao slowly walked around the market and found a few older vendors to talk to. She squatted next to a person, and the old man immediately let out the small stool he was sitting on to Zhou Man, Zhou Man. Man gave Mingda a seat.

  She squatted on her own, and when she saw that he was selling eggs, she asked curiously: "This chicken is a little small. Was it the first year the hen laid it?"

  The old man didn’t expect Zhou Man to understand this, and nodded repeatedly, “Yes, the chicken raised in the fall of the previous year lays eggs for the first time at the beginning of this year.”

  Man Bao looked at it and thought it was fairly even, so he asked, "How do you sell it?"

  The old man was a little uneasy, but he answered honestly: "Two three cents."

   "Then how much is an average egg?"

   "Two pennies each."

  Man Bao nodded with satisfaction. The price is not very low, indicating that there is still a market for the goods in this market, but it is a bit worse than in Yongzhou and Jingcheng.

  "How long does it take to get to Liyang County from here? I heard that all the eggs in Yongzhou are sold for three cents."

  "Who said no, but it takes about three hours to walk to Yongzhou from here, and one day has passed. If you spend the night in the city, even if you bring dry food, you will lose money."

  Man Bao just remembered, yes, it takes about an hour for them to ride a car and ride a horse, can they not walk for about three hours?

  Man Bao counted the time, turned his head and said to Mingda: "Mingda, that's the deal. Build a road from your Huangzhuang to the new city. Everyone can take this easy way."

  Mingda didn’t have any comments, but she didn’t know anything about road construction, and asked, "Should I ask someone to do it?"

Man Bao was familiar, and said, "Looking back, I will work in my food town. If I pay some money, I can take one-third of the journey. I will discuss with the county magistrate of Liyang County and let the county government take up three-thirds. One, you will take the remaining third."

She smiled slightly and said: "The road that crosses Huangzhuang will take up your land, but your advantage is not small. The shop on the street that leads directly to the new city is equivalent to directly cutting off the road from Liyang and Wannian County to Yongzhou. Passenger flow."

Bai Shan said: "Wannian County and Chang'an County have been overcrowded. Housing in the two counties is particularly tight. If the road is open on this side, the road from Yongzhou New Town to Beijing will be reduced by more than two-thirds. I think There is no city wall built on the new city, so the princess can also choose some wild land to build some houses, which can be slightly smaller, but the environment should be quiet and the roads should be well repaired, which can be rented to many students who come to Beijing to study."

  Wei Yu was a little curious, "Are there not enough houses in the capital?"

  Bai Shan nodded.

   "But I think you can easily buy a house in Changqing Lane, and there are often renters in that area."

Bai Shan laughed and said, "It's hard to buy houses in the capital. Although Changqing Lane is on the edge of the inner city, you can buy more than ten sets of yards of the same size in other states and counties for the money to buy a house there. "

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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