Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2539: workshop

  Chapter 2539 Workshop

"The rent for renting is not low. The monthly rent ranges from two thousand yuan to eight thousand yuan, depending on the location and size of the house," he said. "It's not that I boast, but there are no scholars who can afford to rent the courtyard of Changqing Alley. How much, let alone, studying is not a matter of overnight, it may take two, three, or even seven or eight years. You can calculate the loss of the bare house rent."

   Baijiro said: "So it is not easy to live in the capital."

Bai Shan nodded, "Exactly, many students who come to study, as well as the scholars who come to Beijing to rush for the exam every year, will be crowded in some guesthouses and small inns in the outer city. It takes five or six people to live in a house. It’s about 600 liters. It’s really better to rent a separate house with a yard in the Yongzhou area."

   Wei Yu was stunned and asked: "How do you know so clearly?"

Bai Shan said quietly, "Because when we first entered the capital, we felt that the yard in Changqing Alley was too expensive." So we thought about moving out and quietly went out to inquire about it, and finally settled down in Changqing Alley. Later, because of the students in the Imperial College, they would pay more attention to the renting of houses in Beijing.

  Not to mention that Chu Lang and Wu Lang rent houses to the caravans they come back every year, and occasionally they also help to rent houses for students and business travelers from Mianzhou, and they will understand over time.

If the road here is opened up, then it may only take about one hour from here to the academy in Wannian County. There will definitely be many students who choose to live here, even if it takes two hours to go back and forth every day. It is also willing to be more comfortable.

  The basis of trading is people. People come and go. Even if this road comes alive, then the fiefs radiated on this road will naturally be more dynamic.

  Bai Shan planned in his heart, and continued to tease Princess Mingda, “It doesn’t need to be built too well, just use bricks and stones, the room is brighter, a set of tables and stools are arranged in the yard, and two fruit trees are planted.”

   is mainly big enough, scholars who have lived in those cramped houses will definitely like it, and the price is lower, I am afraid it will be robbed, Bai Shan is very confident about this.

  Mingda couldn't help looking at Shirajiro.

  Shirajiro also nodded.

  Mingda smiled and said, "Okay, let someone build a few yards later."

Seeing that she agreed, Man Bao turned his head and said to the old man beside him: "You haven't planted rice seeds yet?"

  The old man nodded in a daze, and Man Bao smiled: "Then the field is leveled, and a household should be able to appoint a male to serve."

  Old man: "...The township, the lord, we served in the service years ago."

  He bit his head and said: "We dug through a ditch."

That was when Zhou Lijun went to find the service order issued by the Liyang County Order. There was a ditch, and no one passed it for many years. Every spring and summer there was only a shallow layer of water. Before this piece of food was not Zhouman’s food town, they Most of the conscripted laborers are to maintain the official roads, and there are also some large water conservancy projects. On the contrary, the small water conservancy projects between the villages have been unable to spare time to rest. After all, there are still too few people.

  Man Baodao: "I will work once a year. Don't worry, you won't be recruited in winter."

  The old man hesitated.

  Man Baodao: "I know you are worried about farming, don't worry, before the seedlings grow up, even if the road is not well repaired, it will not delay the farming time. The sky and the earth are not as big as the land."

  The old man heard what she said, and immediately said with his thumb up: "The village owner is righteous." He is mainly knowledgeable.

  Farmers are most afraid of officials who do not know how to do it.

  Man Bao got up, turned his head and said to Bai Shan, "The magistrate must issue an order for hard labor, so I just went to talk to him."

Bai Shan nodded, bowed his head and said gently to the old man: "Lao Zhang, you will help me explain something in the village. If this road works, you can send these vegetables, vegetables, poultry and eggs to Yongzhou New Town in the future. It's more expensive than in the market."

  The old man should be again and again.

  The group walked half a circle around Zhou Man’s fief and went to see Zhou’s workshop.

  The workshop of Zhou's family is more than two hundred meters away from the village. It is an independent courtyard. At this time, the smoke is curling up, and some faint aroma of medicine is wafting out.

  Everyone knows that this workshop belongs to the home of the village owner, so the **** who is hanging around in the village dare not come to provoke it.

  This is the most comfortable career Zhou Lijun has done since doing things.

  In the past, whether she rented a yard in the outer city to make medicine, whether she brought ointments and creams to the ladies and ladies of various families, she had to put out some money to manage people.

  Also try to build a good relationship with neighbors.

  But on this piece of land, as long as the sister-in-law agrees, she has the greatest right to use it. Well, within the scope of the law, after all, there is a county grandfather on it, and she can’t do anything illegal.

  Here, she doesn’t have to bother to manage the relationship, and she doesn’t have to dislike those **** while also pulling out a smiling face to deal with them, and she doesn’t even need to bend over to the neighbors, hoping that they won’t mess with her because of jealousy.

  She set the workshop at the downwind vent, and the nearest house from the village is also more than two hundred meters away. Not only the privacy is guaranteed, but it is also guaranteed that they will not be disturbed too much.

  Man Bao and the others arrived, Zhou Lijun was covering his mouth and nose with a veil to check the progress in the workshop, and she immediately greeted her when she heard the servant telling her to bring a large number of people.

  "Why are you here?" Man Bao asked when she saw her, "Didn't you say that you are pregnant, don't you come here these days?"

  Zhou Lijun smiled and said, “They said that the medicinal materials sent today have some problems, so I came over to check it out. Some of them were damp, so I came and returned it.”

Man Bao wants to take Mingda and Changyu to watch the excitement. He doesn't want Zhou Lijun to go in to smoke the medicine. Although these medicines are not harmful to pregnant women, they do have blood-activating medicines. Even if you just smell them, you should be cautious. Some good.

   So let Zhou Lijun go out.

  Bai Shan and the others were not interested in how to make facial creams, so they stood outside the workshop and talked.

Man Bao led Mingda and Changyu in to see and saw that the medicinal materials were boiled in a large pot, and the mutton oil was boiled in a large pot in the other room. The refined mutton oil was placed in small pots in batches. After a little bit of cold cutting, take it to another room before it is frozen and mix it up according to the dosage.

  The last thing that came out was a big pot of medicated cream, exuding a faint fragrance.

Man Bao took them to see, "I reduced the ratio of some mutton oil, and the cream that came out was lighter. I felt it was better than the heavy oil, but my sister-in-law thought it was better than before, so Lijun People are divided into two kinds of porcelain jars. Although the price is the same, the ratio is different. The older ones recommend heavy oil, and the younger ones use this one. Would you like to try it?"

  Mingda and Changyu nodded again and again.

Man Bao said, "Lijun wanted to make pills for sale before, but she is pregnant now, and this matter will take a while, but the family bought a lot of medicinal materials and came back. I will make them when I am free and give you some. These are pills that are often used, such as Xiaoshi pills and Qi-buying pills."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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