Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2540: Eat everything

  Chapter 2540 Eat everything

  Changyu immediately asked, “Why don’t you make pills for treating cough, ailments, and cold? The last time I took the pill that was adjusted by the hospital, it felt delicious.”

  Man Bao: "...That's because honey is added to treat coughs. In fact, the best way is to use decoctions. The pills are somewhat less effective."

   She glanced at the past and said: "Changyu, don't eat randomly, people's stomachs are not as strong as you thought, now it's time to take good care of them."

   Changyu: "My stomach is getting better, I can digest whatever I eat."

  Of course, you are in the same year, can you digest everything you eat?

  Man Baodao: "You will see it again in twenty years."

  She said: "What is good, you have to take care of it more carefully. The long flow of water is the truth."

  Mingda nodded in agreement, and said to her: "Sister, overeating is not good. You can't do whatever you want just because you are out of the palace and no one is in control. I think you have gained weight a bit faster recently."

  Changyu stopped talking, and reached out to touch her face, turned her head and asked her maid, "Is fat?"

  The maid nodded silently against her gaze.

   Changyu was sad for a moment, but quickly cheered up, raised his chin, and said, "What does it matter? I'll just get a hundred lashes at night."

  Changyu thought of the ugly rockery in her mansion, gritted his teeth and said: "I want to smash all the ugly rocks in the Kistler Garden."

  Manbao and Mingda didn't dare to speak anymore. Before the princess mansion was built, the two of them kept telling her that it would look good. Just flush with water, but after the water has been flushed for so long, the stones are still so ugly.

  There is a reason why Taihu stone is precious and beautiful?

  Sure enough, this kind of innate thing is just like human talent, it can’t be replaced by envy and jealousy.


  Man Bao sighed in his heart, and silently mourned for the stones for a moment.

   "Go, I will get you some jars of cream."

Man Bao took them to choose, "This is a moisturizing cream, and this is a moisturizing cream. The wind is very windy and the sky is cold. Many people have chapped faces. It is better to rub this than to wipe the moisturizing cream. You use it now. No more, this is for acne, this is for freckle, um, let's get this acne for you."

  Man Bao took one for Chang Yu, stared at her face and said: "You have gotten angry recently and have a acne."

  Changyu was surprised, "Can you still see if I cover it?"

  Mingda also leaned forward to look at it. It took a long time to notice, "Is this going down?"

   "I'm a doctor, and observing **** is a basic skill. I just wipe it down, so that the dots will disappear faster."

  The three of them took out a few jars of cream, handed them to the subordinates, and went home.

  Man Bao ran to find Mingda the next day, dragging her to see the county magistrate of Liyang County.

  Changyu heard that Zhou Man came to the door next door, and immediately sent someone to pull the wall to spread the word, "Our princess said that we should go too, let the princess and Lord Zhou wait for our princess."

  Princess Mingda’s palace staff heard the words and passed them to the inner courtyard, and Mingda responded.

The aunt next to Mingda tied a belt to Mingda, and said to Man Bao: "Princess Changyu has been crazy since she left the palace. I heard that the number of days when the kitchen was on fire was counted as one slap, three meals a day plus night. That night, she ate five meals outside."

She said: "Our princess tried to persuade them, but Princess Changyu responded to her face to face. Turning around, she should eat outside or eat outside. No matter how delicious the food outside is, it’s not as clean as the one made at home. Master Zhou will persuade others. You can also persuade Princess Changyu, this time in the future will grow, you can't be so indulgent."

  Man Bao asked in a daze, "What about another meal?"

   Auntie paused, but Zhou Man’s focus was not expected to be this. She reluctantly said, “Isn’t there still afternoon tea?”

  Mingda burst out laughing.

  Man Bao asked: "What did Wei Luma say?"

   Mingda said: "I think my brother-in-law also likes it. She is not extravagant. She can eat in a building like the Zhuangyuan Building, and she also likes the wontons from the street stalls. This hobby brother-in-law can still satisfy her."

  Man Bao nodded, "Then let her eat, and she will eat at home after a while."

  Mingda asked curiously: "Why?"

"No matter how delicious the food outside is, it is only a whim, but occasionally, but in terms of fineness and taste, naturally the cook at home is better." Man Bao said: "The cooks of your two families are all brought from the palace. Cooks who are accustomed to, wait, there is nothing more anxious than them. They will definitely find a way to get Changyu's appetite back."


  She looked at Zhou Man carefully, almost thinking that she knew something. Who knew she was naive, it turned out to be pure guesswork.

  The aunt silently fastened the belt to the princess, not dare to underestimate this adult.

Sure enough, people who can mix in the dynasty, even if they are naive and natural, their intelligence will not be weak. She doesn't know anything, just guess these. If they know something, they can ask her to give it to her. get up.

   Auntie stood aside with low eyebrows, and smiled: "His Royal Highness, would you like to bring some food to the car?"

"Bring some," Man Bao said before her: "She has a weak temper and stomach. I brought some things today. We can go out for a picnic after seeing the Liyang county magistrate. You can’t eat too many things outside. Bring some fine porridge and dishes, and you can eat it in a steamer as soon as it is heated."

Aunt    understood, and quickly stepped back to make arrangements.

  Today, Bai Erlang and others did not go. Bai Erlang was preparing for the soon-to-be official examination, while Bai Shan was instructing him to review.

  As for Wei Yu, he naturally has his own things to do, anyway, he is very happy to leave.

  Mingda rode his little pony to walk beside Man Bao and Chang Yu, and can let go of the ride after going out from Dongcheng Gate.

As the spring breeze blew her face, she took a deep breath, holding the rein in her right hand and gently touching the bracelet on her left wrist. She couldn't help but smile, turning her head and Bao Bao said: "I have never been out for a walk in spring. ."

  In spring, she can't go out without getting out of the gate of her palace.

  Man Bao smiled and said, "If you like it, you can call him out after Bai Er's exam is finished."

  Changyu immediately said: "Call me, call me."

  She pouted and said, "I don't know if Wei Yuxi likes to go out to play."

  Why don’t the scholars dislike it?

  Man Bao said: "If you ask him, he will definitely like it."

  Manbao had already sent a post to the county magistrate of Liyang County in advance. Although it was a holiday today, the magistrate of Xun County of Liyang County arrived at the county office to wait.

  Anyway, he lives behind the county government. Well, to a certain extent, the county magistrate doesn’t take a day off.

  Xun, the county magistrate was thinking about why Zhou Man was looking for him, a servant quickly ran in from the outside and shouted: "My lord, my lord, the princess's frame is here."

The county magistrate raised his eyes and looked at him, "Who?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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