Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2554: Find

   Chapter 2554 Discovery

  Bai Dalang got the appointment order from Tongbai County. Because it was the busy time of spring, the time was urgent. The appointment order given to him by the court was very urgent and asked him to go to Tongbai County immediately and arrive within ten days.

  Tangzhou is not very far from the capital, Tongbai County is a little further away, and it will arrive in five days, so he still has four or five days to prepare.

  But he didn't plan to go by time, so after receiving the order, he spent a day saying goodbye to his classmates, and stayed at home with his family the next day, and set off on the third day after he explained the matter.

  Cheng Linghui will take the child with him to work, but not at the same time, he will go first, and wait until the Tongbai County settles down before writing a letter, and then send people there.

  After dinner in the evening, the group of them sat together in the open house in the back garden and talked. Bai Dalang held a cup of tea and exclaimed: "I didn't expect to leave the capital at this moment. I can't bear it for so many years."

  In his life, well, although it is not long enough, the place where he has stayed for the longest time, except for Mianzhou City and Qili Village, is the capital.

  Reluctant to think about it.

   Bai Da Lang looked at Bai Erlang, "Your order has not come down yet?"

  Bai Erlang shook his head and said, "No, but I already know it. Your Majesty arranged for me to enter the Imperial Academy."

  The emperor temporarily suppressed people from telling him or making an announcement, but someone told him quietly in order to sell him.

  Bai Dalang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, encouraging: "Do it hard."

   There are people in the DPRK who are easy to handle. This time Bai Dalang felt it. If Zhou Man hadn't stopped Li Shangshu to recommend him, he would have to wait.

  He couldn't help but glanced at Shirajiro, so brother, you have to work harder.

   Bai Erlang couldn't understand the meaning of this look. When he saw his brother looking at him, he immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, brother, I will not get into trouble."

  Bai Dalang withdrew his gaze. Forget it, he should look for Bai Shan and Zhou Man.

  Bai Shan was a little envious of Dalang Bai, and sent people out of the city to return the next day: "Brother Hall, if you have time, please write more letters back. Let’s exchange experience in managing the place."

  Bai Dalang: "...Do you have this experience?"

   "So I have to study." Otherwise, why let you write letters often?

  Bai Dalang nodded helplessly, "Okay, I see, I will write to you."

  After Bai Dalang left, Bai Erlang's appointment came down. This time the staff set a time for him to report, which gave him no chance to be lazy.

  He packed up his things and went to the Hanlin Academy with Bai Shan at the gate of the imperial city every morning.

  He is the new Hanlin, and he enters the house mainly for miscellaneous work. I will look up information for everyone, and the rest is to read the book by himself and write some irrelevant articles by himself.

  After they have become familiar with each other, the officers fully understand their abilities before deciding which type of book they should be responsible for and which part they will be responsible for.

  Bai Shan is currently involved in the compilation of a book about customs of various regions, and is mainly responsible for the collection of customs in the area of ​​Jiannan Road.

  So the books he has read recently are of this type.

  Of course, this is only part of the work. His most important work is to sort out the emperor's books, draft edicts, and respond to the emperor’s questions and politics, and he has to accompany the emperor to read books and so on.

  Bai Jiro does not have this job, so he spends most of his time in the Imperial Academy, which is much easier than Bai Shan.

  In the beginning, his boss didn’t like to assign tasks to him. He was also happy, looking around for all kinds of small books in the imperial courtyard.

  The collection of books in the Hanlin Academy is much more miscellaneous than the Chongwen Museum. In addition to some precious books, he also collected a lot of people's manuscripts and other things.

He didn’t know what was going on that day. He went around and entered a room. The room was full of rolls of silk cloth, stacks of manuscript paper, and manuscripts that were not so beautifully bound. And the manuscript, at first glance, it is not something that can be printed through the bookstore.

  So he went in curiously and looked through it. It was incredible. There was everything in it.

  White Jiro also saw the secrets of the former dynasty written by the people in the former dynasty.

  It hasn’t been a long time since the previous dynasty. His father was born in the former dynasty, and he studied in the former dynasty, although it was not very long.

  His father has only one impression about the former, and that is chaos!

  So the secrets written by the previous people are likely to be true.

  Hakujiro took a volume of books and looked around, but found no place for reading. He simply sat down under the sunlit window, and sat cross-legged on the ground to read.

  Bai Shan came out of the palace, and when he was looking for him, he asked left and right, no one had seen him.

  A colleague smiled and said, "Maybe you have left the imperial city?"

  Leave early. Everyone has done it before. Most of the things in the Hanlin Academy are only meticulous. They only need to complete the tasks within the specified time. The bosses generally don't make more demands on attendance.

  Bai Shan secretly said: At this moment everyone is going to the ya's ya, and no one is outside at all. What is he going to do?

  Bai Shan felt that he must still be in the Imperial Academy, so he began to look for it in various rooms.

  When he opened the door, Bai Shan was already almost believing that he had left early. As a result, he noticed something was wrong as soon as he entered the door. The probe looked everywhere and saw Bai Erlang sitting under the window.

  He looked up at these bookshelves, then exited to take a look, and found that he had never found this corner, so he came in again and asked, "What book is there?"

Bai Erlang said without raising his head: "It's all miscellaneous books. Come and read it. This was written by an internal official of the former dynasty. He said that the former Emperor Ai loves beauty and specially ordered the nationwide selection of beauty contestants. I have to be responsible for this errand if I lose my head, and for this, there have been homicides."

Bai Shan was not interested in this. He stretched out a roll of silk cloth and opened it to find that it was a roll of essays cursing the former Emperor Ai, with a piece of white silk in it. He opened it and looked at it. It was written in maroon and the author's hometown was written on it. In his life, he was bestowed to death by Emperor Ai shortly after writing this essay.

  Bai Shan closed the silk cloth and wandered around the room curiously. On a bookshelf, he also found a few books of the previous life.

   is piled on the bookshelf, divided only according to time.

  He turned it over, looked at the name and recorded time of Shenglang, and raised his eyebrows, which was not recorded by Shenglang.

  Bai Shan put the silk cloth on it, and couldn't help but go to the seniors of the Hanlin Academy to ask.

"Oh, you said that room, there are all miscellaneous materials in it," he said: "One person's words, you must not believe it, but you must not believe it completely. Most of them are private records. Many of them have strong emotions, my lord. We think that in order to study history, we must first abandon feelings and treat everything as fair as possible. Therefore, the things in that room are for reference only and not included as official history."

  Recording the words and deeds of the emperor and ministers is generally not mixed with personal feelings, nor does it need to have a literary talent, and straightforwardness is the most important thing.

  Even they rarely judge a person’s merits and demerits, only narrate, wait a hundred years, or even longer, for later generations to look at this period of history, and then make their own judgments.

  But these wild histories are different. They themselves have a strong recognition of merits and demerits, and they can't wait for everyone in the world to agree with them, otherwise they will be wicked people in the party, so these things can be seen, but they cannot be used rashly in history books.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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