Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2555: Refuse

  Chapter 2555 Rejection

  But this kind of thing is very story-telling, and because the writer is so emotional, so that people who read the book will be infected.

  Not only Bai Erlang, but Bai Shan and Zhou Man also like to read this kind of historical materials of the unofficial history, so Bai Shan also followed Bai Erlang in this room.

  Most of the things in the Hanlin Academy are not classified. In addition to the daily records of the present, they can also view the records of the first emperor, not to mention the previous records.

   is just the difference between complicated procedures.

  Also, the materials in the Hanlin Academy cannot be taken out of the Hanlin Academy.

  And this kind of transcription is meaningless, so Bai Shan can only regret and Man Bao said: "I wanted to borrow a volume for you to relieve my boredom, but I can't get it out. I can repeat it for you."

   "Are there any special stories?"

Bai Shan thought for a while and then said: "I saw a volume with the bizarre deaths of a family of five in front of Qidi, but there was very little information on the file, which seemed to have been written down after hearsay. However, it was written on the back of the silk cloth. Based on the results of the local yamen investigation and the judgment of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, there may be two points of credibility."

  Man Bao listened to it as a bedtime story, and it was quite interesting.

  But soon Bai Shan didn't have time to look for miscellaneous books in that room. Because he was too busy, he was promoted.

He was promoted from the Imperial Academy and entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He still arranged the memorials for the emperor and drafted the edicts, but after he was transferred to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the edicts he drafted did not need to be reviewed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Take it to the province for review, and you can award it after passing it.

  He has been in the Hanlin Academy for a year, but he was considered the fastest to get promoted during the same period. After him, Hanlin was promoted to other departments, but most of them stayed in the Hanlin Academy to continue to study.

  Many people feel complicated about Bai Shan's promotion. This speed is also fast, and this time he is the emperor's close minister.

  Therefore, someone couldn’t help staying around Bai Erlang, and after attracting his attention, they asked him, “Master Xiao Bai, Master Bai was promoted to the Ministry of Science and Technology. It seems that Your Majesty values ​​Master Bai very much.”

  White Jiro nodded, turned a page of the book in his hand, "Your Majesty has always valued him."

  Since they filed a complaint, His Majesty has valued him very much. He has known it for so many years.

  Seeing that he didn't have any superfluous expressions at all, he looked like it was a matter of course. This made the adult who wanted to discuss with him the deep-seated human qualities choked for a long time, then turned around and left, not discussing this issue with him.

  Hakujiro looked at a few more pictures, and for a long time he raised his head and looked around after hearing no one talking, and saw that there was no one beside him.

  He couldn't help but curled his mouth and complained: "I will leave without saying a word..."

  Hakujiro glanced at the hourglass and saw that the time was almost up, he immediately returned the information in his hands, then cleared his desk, and put his hands on his lap to wait for the next office time.

  They made an appointment to eat out today to celebrate Bai Shan’s promotion. He has to go back to pick up Mingda...

  White Jiro's eyes widened, waiting for the last bit of sand to fall, and immediately got up and walked outside, raising his hand to say goodbye to his colleagues while walking, and reminding everyone that the sand in the hourglass has leaked out and everyone can go home.

  The person reminded by him waved his hand to show that he knew it, and was not in a hurry to go home.

  After leaving the Hanlin Yard, Bai Erlang ran quickly and ran to the stable to lead his horse.

   Standing behind a pillar in the hallway, the Head of the Imperial Academy watched the whole process. His face was expressionless. In fact, there was no expression in his heart. He really couldn't do it.

The Hejian County King standing next to him couldn't help but burst out laughing, and he laughed loudly and said, "Master Ma shouldn't be in your Hanlin Academy, he should be in our Ministry of Rites, this way of observing the rules. Even the officials of our Ministry of Etiquette are inferior."

Li Gong, the king of the Hejian County, is also a minister of rituals. He has always been at odds with Zhou Man, but this is not at odds with a conflict of ideas. He feels that women should not be officials in the court, but he has always been a moderate. Since everyone didn't think there was a problem, he stopped mentioning it, allowing himself to accept this phenomenon.

  Balance, always make everyone happy.

  The palm courtyard did not speak.

Li Gong said, "How, how about assigning him to me? Last time I wanted Baishan with you. You are not in a hurry. Anyway, wait for him to be transferred after a year, so that everyone thinks that he is promoted too quickly. As a result, the peach I was fancy was picked, and I am fancy one more now. Wouldn't you still disagree?"

  The Palm Academy said angrily: "Yes, I don't agree."

He said: "He is the person your Majesty put here to live his life freely. If he has ambitions and wants to do a career, I won't say anything. I, a chief, can't stop his subordinates. His future, but he himself is very satisfied with the errands of the Hanlin Academy, and his Majesty's orders are in front of you. If you want someone, you don't need to ask me, just go and your Majesty want to go."

  The Palm Court paused and said, "But don’t blame me for reminding you, not to mention that your Majesty will not agree now, I am afraid he himself is not happy."

  As the largest relationship account in the Imperial Academy at present, the Head Academy is naturally very concerned about Bai Erlang.

  He knew what he was reluctant to think about in the book room during this period, and he was able to complete the tasks assigned to him by his superiors on time. It was really punctual, and he was stuck at the last minute to submit the information every time.

  Shangyuan felt that Shirajiro would not like to be transferred to the Ministry of Rites.

   Li Gong said indifferently: "Our courtesy department is also very relaxed, and the rules are good, and the upper and lower sides are very friendly, much better than your Hanlin Academy."

  Although they are all Qing and noble departments, the Hanlins in the Hanlin Academy are all ambitious and rushing to the sea of ​​stars, and the country also regards them as prime ministers in reserve.

  But the Ritual Department is different. The Ritual Department is really deserted. Basically, it is easy to get in and difficult to get out. If you can’t get out, you won’t have much real power. Basically, you will deal with various etiquette systems.

  The most glorious moment may be the time to change the emperor, cough cough...

  Looking at Shirajiro just now, he is obviously a very disciplined person. If this is the case, then the Ministry of Ritual is very suitable for him.

  The Palm Academy glanced at him and said meaningfully: "Li Shangshu, you can't look at the surface when you look at people."

Bai Shan looks very abiding by the rules, but he thinks he should be the most unruly one in the imperial academy. He is a newcomer, but he has been late and retired, and he can be quiet, so it takes as long as he comes in. You can already touch various confidential documents such as the living records of the Emperor Xian.

  However, the Palm Academy does not think he is clever, but rather curious and mischievous. When he arrives in a new place, he can’t help but look left and right. You have to get a thorough understanding of the environment.

And Bai Erlang is also naughty, but he is timid, no one takes him, and his naughty is limited. After coming in for so long, he has only been around in those rooms. The commander, who has been facing the enemy, is ready for nothing.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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