Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2557: Gratified

   Chapter 2557

  Wei Zhi was also thinking about this matter. Yesterday the emperor mentioned this matter for the second time. Although there was no result at that time, it was only mentioned in a chat, but he knew that once again, everyone should seriously consider the matter.

There are a total of six Zhongshushe members in Zhongshu Province, all of whom drafted edicts, attendance, and acceptance memorials for the emperor. The emperor wanted to provide the emperor and wanted to assign them the responsibilities of attending, declaring decree, and laboring. I also have to take charge of the affairs of the Zhongshu Province, which is considered to have shared part of the duties of the Zhongshu Provincial Servant.

  And down?

  Currently, there is no Zhongshu Order in the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is the Zhongshu servant who is in charge. Their responsibilities will be reduced once again if they are assigned to their subordinates.

  In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, but their duties will not only be assigned to subordinates, but also part of the emperor will take back.

  Wei Zhi cares about this.

  Your Majesty does not seem to like someone to restrict him.

   But understandable, who likes to have three people talking in their ears when doing things?

  It can be seen from the emperor who likes to listen to good words and prefers the sweet-mouthed Prince Gong.

  So after thinking about it, Wei Zhi decided to reject the matter. As the chief of the province, as long as he did not agree, the matter would not pass.

  So when Bai Shan came to visit and mentioned the matter vaguely, he froze for a while and said: "I know this in my mind. You are still young, so you don't need to participate for the time being. Just work as your errand in Zhongshu Province."

  Wei Zhi looked at Bai Shan, his eyes were filled with relief and joy. The bad mood of the past few days was wiped out. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Be a good errand."

Regardless of the future, the promotion of products from Zhongshushe is now a great thing for Bai Shan. When he mentions the product, he has risen from the sixth to the fifth, which is equivalent to two consecutive upgrades in a year. This promotion rate is faster than the current one. Zhou Man is even faster.

  The most important thing is that he will always go out to practice in the future. Who is the minister in the DPRK who has no place to practice experience?

  You have to be more or less involved in local affairs before you can return to Beijing and enter the center of power.

  The unwritten rule is that, unless it is a derogatory reprimand, the foreign release must be promoted to half or first grade.

  As soon as he is transferred in and out, he can be the head of a state. Some officials may not be able to achieve the position of governor after 20 years of struggle.

  And Bai Shan can operate a little bit, but he can even think of rejecting the emperor’s promotion...

  Wei Zhixin thought that in the future, in Dajin, Bai Shan thought about his own interests, but the overall situation. If officials with national interests were there, how could he make mistakes?

   So when he entered the palace again to play chess with the emperor, Wei Zhi took the initiative to raise the issue of the Shusheren's proposal in this matter, and then clearly told the emperor that he did not agree.

Many relationships in this world are like springs. If you are strong, they are weak. The same is true between monarchs and ministers. How ambitious the emperor was before, but now he is more awkward, as if he was poured cold water, but he glanced at the cold face. Wei Zhi decided to avoid the edge for the time being, so he nodded coldly and said that he knew it.

   Then I stopped mentioning this matter for a long time, and the matter was gone.

  This made Liu Huan, who had been waiting for Bai Shan to be promoted again, so he could eat him again, was surprised, and asked them in private, "How did the promotion stop?"

  Bai Shan and Yin or glanced at him together, they both knew the truth.

Bai Shan knew that Wei Zhi must have done something. Yin might know from his father that Master Wei entered the palace and played a game of chess with the emperor, and then the emperor went to the Xi Neiyuan for two days of horse racing, and he was in a bad mood. He went hunting for two days with Yinli, so much so that he had a lot of wild animals there recently.

  Yin might think of it, and turned to ask Bai Shan, “I have fresh venison there, and it’s too hot to keep it. Do you want your house? I’ll give you half of it later.”

  Bai Shan responded immediately.

   Liu Huan immediately said: "I want too, I want a deer leg."

   Yin or nodded, "I'll let the next person give it to you when I look back."

   Bai Erlang on the side did not say a word, and Liu Huan hit him with an elbow, "Don't you?"

   Bai Erlang shook his head, "A roe deer was also sent out from the palace this afternoon, saying that His Majesty shot it in Xi Neiyuan."

   Liu Huan silly and said, "Why did your majesty shoot a roe deer, and Master Yin shot a deer?"

Bai Erlang glanced at him and said: "You think too much, the princess Changyu next door received is a deer, but the venison is hot, and Princess Mingda can't eat more, so I didn't give it to us. In addition to roe deer, there are more Rabbits have also sent a lot of these things."

After Bai Erlang became the son-in-law, the others may be lacking, but it is definitely the top group of people for food and drink. It is different from the rich and powerful families who always robbed the capital for resources. After becoming the emperor’s son-in-law, at least the palace If there is something in it, Mingda can have a copy. The good things that can be obtained by the rich and powerful families in Beijing, even if Mingda and Baijilang do not speak, someone will come to the door...

  It’s no longer the person who had to go through Yinor to buy a deer.

  It's just that Bai Erlang and Mingda pay more attention to food, and the other extravagant couples don't pay much attention.

  White Erlang and Bai Shandao: "My family’s roe deer meat and rabbit meat are also better, do you want it?"

  Bai Shan nodded, "Yes."

  He will not refuse anyone who comes.

  There are many people in the family, and they can consume everything. They can send some to the restaurant if they can’t finish it, because they won’t spoil the ingredients anyway.

   So Bai Shan called Daji and drove the car around each house, without entering the door, he just pulled a bunch of things home.

  Bai Jiro didn’t plan to play with them anymore. He had to go back and write his own manuscript, so he shouted, “Don’t forget to see our newly built road tomorrow.”

  Bai Shan rushed back and waved his hand to express his understanding.

  Yin may ride on a horse, ride with Baishan, and regained his gaze, “I heard that many new houses have been built in the new city. Many scholars have to rent houses there. Even some students from the Imperial College are a little moved.”

  Bai Shandao: "It was built by the princess, doesn't the Imperial College provide accommodation?"

  Poverty families can choose to live in prisons.

   Yin or shook his head and said: "After all, the prison is inconvenient. Some people will study very late. If the people in the prison are not willing, there will be conflicts in the end."

  But renting a house outside is too expensive, so many people choose to wrong themselves.

  But if there is a cheaper place, it will be farther away. I believe there will be many people willing to go. You can recite textbooks on the road, which is not a waste of time. You will only need to pay a fee for a fee.

   is better than being wronged in a prison, and it may also ruin interpersonal relationships.

  Bai Shan said: "You can ask them to find Bai Er. Bai Er is their senior. You can't do more, but it's okay to make it cheaper."

   Bai Erlang naturally has no objection, this allows him and the princess, especially the princess Mingda to collect a wave of goodwill and good reputation.

  Don’t think that the princess doesn’t need a good reputation.

Father    mainly has a good reputation and good connections. When she is scolded in the court, someone will scold her back, such as Changyu and Manbao.

This time Xiumu encountered a field vacation, so Dachao would rush to open before Xiumu. After all the important things were discussed, he began to discuss some small things, so a Yushi went out to impeach Princess Changyu extravagantly and wastefully, according to him every day According to incomplete statistics of squatting on the street, Princess Changyu actually eats out for 21 days a month...

    Yushi squatting on the street: See the princess frame again

     The next day, "Princess Frame Again"


     See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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