Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2558: Speak to help

   Chapter 2558

  The princess frame travels, although it will not allow pedestrians to avoid it, but there are still a lot of people in his own car, a car with a housemaid in the back, and accompanying guards.

  Furthermore, Changyu is not a person who will wrong her, so as long as she has the heart, it is not difficult to grasp her whereabouts.

   More capable, you can even inquire about what she ate for every meal outside and how much she spent.

  Yushi felt that Princess Changyu was too expensive. As a princess of the Jin Dynasty, she should have responded to the call to the emperor to be diligent and thrifty. She should also be diligent and thrifty. As a result, she was so costly.

  As far as he knows, after only a few months of marriage, Princess Changyu has visited all the restaurants in the capital, and the cost is huge...

  The emperor pursed his mouth unhappily, and no one would be happy to be scolded in front of so many people in the Manchu dynasty.

It is indeed the proposal of him and the queen to advocate frugality. He reduced the number of palaces (see Daming Palace that has not been repaired for 20 years). Daming Palace is still in a state of suspension; and the queen’s casual clothes are not of that kind. Chinese clothes of a thousand gold one horse.

  The kind of gorgeous cloth that was offered from various places was very expensive. At the beginning of his ascension, the empress damaged a batch of them in person, in order to refuse the local offering.

  In the past few years, the country has only started to make contributions to the country, but the queen never wears it or even uses it for the princesses and princes.

For example, in the past few months, the Queen rewarded Mrs. Xiao, Xiao Yuanzheng’s wife; the year before the New Year, he rewarded Princess Hengyang, the wife of General Ashina; the year before the New Year, he rewarded Mrs. Wei and Wei Zhi. Wife...

  Because the daughter was involved, the emperor could not speak personally to explain to the daughters, so he glanced at the Aiqings below, hoping that someone would support his daughter.

  Most people sat quietly, lowering their eyes to avoid the emperor's gaze.

Zhao Guogong thought for a while. After all, Princess Changyu is his cheap niece. She has been raised by his sister for so many years. Every time she meets, she calls his uncle sweetly, so she took the initiative to go out, and after bowing to the emperor, she squinted. The Yushi said: "Your Majesty, the ministers think that Chen Yushi is too idle, and he doesn't even care about what the princess eats and drinks. It's better to delegate some other errands to him."

  "Yes, the expenses of Princess Changyu do not go to the treasury. You care about what she eats and drinks, where she eats and where she drinks."

  Man Bao, who was halfway up, sat back down, intending to watch the changes.

  Of course, Chen Yushi didn't counsel them, and sneered: "There is no small matter in the heavenly family. Princess Changyu is the daughter of the heavenly family. This is naturally not a private matter."

He added: "What's more, people in the royal family shouldn't compete with the people for profit. Princess Changyu not only spends lavishly, but also intervenes in business trips and lavishly accumulates wealth. If this is not curbed, she knows that she will not seize the country in the future. fiscal?"

  Man Bao was stunned, what did Princess Changyu do?

  Seeing that no one was speaking, even Zhao Guogong frowned, and Chen Yushi angrily sprayed Princess Changyu. Anyway, she is too extravagant and should be forbidden. Why does she always throw money away when she has food?

  Then a princess of a country intervenes in business affairs and competes with the people for profit. It should be banned.

  Man Bao saw that the situation was not right, so he got up quickly and asked Chen Yushi after a salute, “I don’t know what Mrs. Chen said that Princess Changyu was fighting for profit with the people and intervening in business travel?”

  The rest are small sections. What are you eating out? Who in this room hasn’t eaten or drunk before?

  But it is not a good thing to compete with the people and intervene in business travel.

Chen Yushi said with a sullen face: "The minister heard that Lord Chang Yu opened a treasure pavilion and announced that he would collect the treasures in the world. Now the shop has been decorated and will open soon. Your Majesty, this is not appropriate, please. Advise Her Royal Highness."

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that Changyu had done something irritating, didn't she just open a shop?

  Man Bao glanced at Chen Yushi, bowed with the emperor, and said, "Your Majesty, the minister knows about this."

  The emperor tried to suppress his anger, and said with a calm face: "Oh? Zhou Qing will play it."

  Man Bao's face was also calm and said: "Princess Changyu's treasure pavilion is opened in Yongzhou New City."

  She said: "Because the new city is newly built, there are sparsely populated and fewer vendors. Princess Mingda owns a street of shops in it, but now it can be rented out, but only two or three. Princess Changyu took the initiative to rent one when she saw it."

  The emperor nodded quietly, motioning Zhou Man to continue.

"At that time, Princess Changyu said that the streets in the new city are spacious and the houses are brand new. It shouldn't be so deserted. So she decided to set up the rented shop as a treasure pavilion, and put all the treasures she thought of the world in the pavilion to attract. Travelers and vendors."

  Chen Yushi:...

  The ministers of civil and military affairs:...

Man Bao continued to talk nonsense with a pair of pure eyes, "Your Majesty, governing the country, governing the state, governing the county, or even the rule of one township and one mile, the governance is mainly focused on taxation and population. These two things are the most important. Heavy."

  "Princess Changyu opened the Jumbo Pavilion in the new city. One is to attract the population, and the other is to pay taxes to the household department. Why is it not good?"

  The emperor nodded and asked Chen Yushi, "Yes, why is it not good for the princess to act for the development of the new city?"

  Chen Yushi: "Your Majesty, Princess Changyu is clearly for enjoyment. Seeing her eating and drinking out on the 21st of January..."

  Man Bao cut off his words and asked: "Chen Yushi, how many days do you eat out in a month? How much does it cost?"

  Chen Yushi felt that she was kneeling and licking the royal family and disdain to be with her, so he flicked his sleeves and said: "My salary is meager, my family is poor, and I have no money to spend outside, so I have never eaten outside."

Man Bao did not explore the truth or falsehood of what he said, and couldn't find out what he said for a while. She nodded and said: "I can understand adults, adults are from poor families, and indeed should be more considerate of the family to eat at home, but Princess Changyu Not a poor family."

  Chen Yushi frowned, holding this point to talk, Man Bao has continued: "Your Majesty is poor, but the dowry for Princess Changyu is that you can eat outside without relying on Wei Luma."

She looked at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, as far as the minister knows, Princess Changyu is not extravagant to eat and drink outside. It is rare to go to restaurants like Zhuangyuan Building and Jiufu Building once or twice a month. I eat in the restaurant, sometimes even in the small stalls on the roadside."

  "Once again, the minister went back to the wonton stall outside the imperial city. Princess Changyu and her husband used dinner there. They also invited the minister to a bowl, which cost only thirty-two cents. This is not extravagant."

  Lord Wei, who had been closing his eyes slightly, opened his eyes and asked aloud, “Why did you ask for thirty-two cents for a bowl of eight cents?”

  Man Bao answered this question first after a pause, “Princess Changyu packed a bowl with a food box after she finished eating. She said it was good, and she wanted to have supper at night.”

  The ministers of civil and military affairs:...


  Man Bao then continued what he wanted to say, "What's more, the minister thinks that the princess’s eating and drinking outside is a matter of great benefit to the people. As the Beijing officials, we should be happy and even support it."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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