Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2572: Compassionate

  Chapter 2572 Compassionate

  Don’t think that this is a lot of palace meals. Working meals are based on heads. Obviously, the kitchen only prepared a portion of Xiao Yuanzheng’s.

He was wondering if he was reluctant to divide her a bowl of rice, when a grand maid brought two large food boxes over and smiled: "The doctor Zhou is back. This is what the princess asked the kitchen to prepare for you. You are going to prepare, saying that you are going to serve you as a supper at night, and someone from your Royal Highness's side said that you have no use for supper, so your Royal Highness and the empress will prepare something for you."

   "The lady immediately asked the kitchen to cook two more dishes, as well as some soup and a porridge. You can put it on the stove when you don’t use it later, and use some when you’re tired at night’s vigil..."

  Xiao Yuanzheng's face turned straight, and immediately squeezed the working meal on his small table aside to make room for her, and said with a light smile: "Place it here."

  The lady of the big palace smiled, and she stepped forward and took out the contents of the food box.

  The medical assistant sleeping in the side room smelled the scent coming out in a daze, so he leaned on the door frame and looked at the food in a daze.

  Man Bao waved at them and asked, "Have you used it?"

  Xiao Yuan said: "They have eaten, but they have slept for an hour, and they are probably hungry. They will follow the vigil tonight and come over to eat together."

  Two medical assistants immediately stepped forward, and one dragged a chair away and sat down.

  Xiao Yuan was waiting for the maid to retreat before he opened up the rice bowl and said, "What new recipe have you found?"

  Man Bao will talk about the two prescriptions that he got from Teacher Mo.

  Xiao Yuanzheng deduced the monarch medicine and the monarch medicine, and frowned after thinking about it. He always felt that the dosage of the monarch medicine was too close to that of the monarch medicine, so he shook his head and said, "The dosage is not good."

He wanted to say a long time ago, "Doctor Zhou, look at the prescriptions you used in the past. Many monarchs and adjudicators have no big problems, but there are always big deviations in the dosage. Your teacher prescribes the prescriptions like this..." Wild?

  Man Bao pondered for a while and said: "Perhaps because the quality of the medicine is different, so the dosage will be different."

  Xiao Yuan said: "The medicine used by the hospital is not the best, but there will be no quality problems."

  Man Bao smiled, "So how do you think this recipe can be changed?"

  The two prescriptions given by Zhou Man are indeed good, Xiao Yuan is deducing it, and can use it after adjusting the dosage according to Zheng Erlang's condition.

  Man Bao mentioned coordinated acupuncture. She also learned a lot this afternoon.

  Xiao Yuan was stunned, but not seeing him for one afternoon, Zhou Man is no longer the Zhou Man he knew?

  Where does she know these things so fast?

  Looking at the red blood streaks under her eyes, Xiao Yuan was sighing: "Doctor Zhou, thank you very much."

  Man Bao smiled and said: "No hard work, no hard work, Xiao Yuanzheng, will you be on duty with me at night?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng: ...I don't really want to, but at the shining gaze last week, he still sighed and decided to empathize with his subordinates, so he nodded reluctantly.

  Man Bao cheered quietly in his heart, and decided to take a nap after a meal and take a break. He was exhausted all afternoon and felt a little tired at this time.

  After dinner, Man Bao and Xiao Yuanzheng went to see Master Zheng together.

  He was still asleep, and the gauze bandaged on his head showed a faint blood color. Xiao Yuan knew at a glance that the powder was soaked with bleeding, so he said: "Add some more medicine to him.

  The two carefully removed the gauze and stared at his head before applying powdered medicine.

  Two medical assistants lighted a candle and came over to let them see more clearly.

  Man Bao pointed his finger to several places and said, “Did you see it, when I took my blood today, the color here is actually darker and more bulging than it is now.”

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "Now it's a little bloated, it seems that there is blood in it again."

  Man Bao nodded, and asked Xiao Yuanzheng, "Do you think he can absorb it by himself?"

  Xiao Yuan was thinking about the amount of blood drawn out in the afternoon, and shook his head, "Too much, no way, it's too bad to stay in the skull."

  Man Bao thinks so too, so he said: "So let's smoke again."

  Xiao Yuan hesitated for a moment. During the day, Zhou Man had good luck, and he did not touch the brain body in the skull when the needle was placed. But it was night, and the line of sight was not as good as during the day. If there was some bad luck...

  Man Baodao: "Three more hours have passed since the blood was drawn at noon, and there are still five hours until dawn, if the accumulated blood stays the same..."

  Xiao Yuanzheng can only nod his head, “Be careful, and put the needle in place, don’t go too deep.”

  Man Bao nodded, but let Keke scan carefully, and then took the needle to find the best position again.

  She was very cautious and compared it back and forth several times. After the needle was put in, she asked the department to scan to confirm the depth of the needle before slowly pushing the needle forward. After a while, there was bleeding in the sheep’s intestines.

Man Bao thought while pressing the needle. In fact, this method of drawing blood is not as good as using a syringe in the classroom, because the syringe can be actively sucked, and after she puts the needle in this way, the blood flows out automatically. In fact, it does not flow very much. clean.

  Emergency use is sufficient, but the speed is still slow.

  Man Bao thought about the syringe. Actually, the needle is not difficult to make. The hollow silver needle is what they use now, but the stopper and the transparent syringe don’t know how to make it.

   "Okay, let's change the needle."

  Xiao Yuanzheng's words brought Man Bao's thoughts back into the cage, she carefully drew out the needle, and then found a place to draw blood.

   Then took turns to touch Zheng Erlang's pulse, and after confirming that the pulse did not fluctuate greatly, he wrapped his head.

  The movements of the two are very careful, and they don't dare to move too much.

  Because the patient with a head injury can't move around, what if it shakes, the intracranial hemorrhage becomes more serious, or it breaks accidentally?

  So the two of them carefully held his head, the other carefully bandaged his head, and then gently put it on the pillow.

  Man Bao sat and thought blankly, and didn't want to sleep for a while, so he asked Xiao Yuanzheng and a medical assistant to go to rest first, and she and another person would guard, and wait for the middle of the night to change.

  Xiao Yuan nodded, and first took some people to rest.

Man Bao sat quietly on a chair with a pen in his hand. After thinking about it for a while, he began to write Zheng Erlang's pulse. The three Zheng Wang came to see Zheng Erlang's situation before going to bed. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhou Man with a candle in there. The light was so busy writing, she didn't notice when they all walked up to it.

Man Bao wrote very intriguingly. She felt that Zheng Erlang’s injury was very representative. Many of them could survive until treatment after the head was injured, and not many of them could temporarily save their lives after treatment. She wanted to know if he could save her life. , Can it return to normal after being rescued?

  If it is possible, she wants to make this case a typical case and pass it on. In the future, the doctor will encounter a similar case again, and there will be reference methods and steps when handling it.

    The next chapter is around ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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