Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2573: Family members (supplement on New Year's Eve)

  Chapter 2573 Family members (supplement on New Year’s Eve)

  Man Bao wrote very carefully, from how he was injured, how big the wound was, what was his internal injury, his pulse, the amount of bleeding, and his complexion.

  Zheng Wang glanced at what she wrote. There were two bleeding spots in the skull and three swellings, two of which were connected...

   Zheng Wang's heart jumped, and he couldn't help but ask: "Doctor Zhou, is this lumps harmful in the brain?"

Man Bao was taken aback. With a heavy hand, he stroked his pen and ink heavily on the paper. Man Bao looked up at him in a daze. It took a while before he recognized the person in front of him, "Master Zheng, why are you here? Late at night. Isn't it okay in the palace?"

  Duke Pi Guo looked at her dazedly, and smiled: "Master Zhou, Master Zheng is the nephew of Master Zheng."

Only then did Man Bao remember this relationship, but she was not there when the emperor asked them to stay, so she didn’t know why the three of them stayed in the palace, her eyes slid back and forth between the three of them. you……"

  The relationship between Pi Guoguo is a bit far away, he thinks it is too troublesome to explain, so he directly said: "I was ordered to stay, Lord Zhou, Zheng Gongzi’s injuries..."

   "Oh, there is not much change." Man Bao put down his pen and stopped writing, and covered the pulse case.

  Zheng Wang stared at him with piercing eyes, and asked: "Master Zhou, my nephew’s injury, is the lumps in his brain okay?"

  Man Baodao: "We will prescribe swelling medicine."

  "Will this lump affect him in the future?" In fact, what he wanted to ask was whether he would be stupid, but he felt unlucky to ask such a question, so he refused to say it.

  Where is Manbao willing to say, she is not sure, she is also blind with both eyes, okay?

  But Zheng Wang didn’t think so. He thought Zhou Man had deliberately concealed it. His temper could not help but his voice became louder. "Master Zhou, are you hiding the condition like this for the Hejian Prince?’

Man Bao was displeased at first, and he yelled too loudly. The lights were on in the main room of Xiao Yuan where she was sleeping next door. She could only ask the medical assistant to let Xiao Yuan continue to sleep, and then turned her head and took a look. Zheng Erlang on the bed breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he was still lying peacefully.

  She looked at Zheng Wang who was angrily, pursed her mouth, and pointed to the outside and said, "Go, let's go outside and talk."

  Duke Pi Guo was afraid that they would quarrel, so he stopped in the middle and said, "We have something to say, and if we have something, we should say it."

  Lu Zhongyan looked at Zhou Man curiously.

  He is not an official of the DPRK, but only travels in the capital. In the past few years, he has lived in the capital. He is regarded as the representative of the Lu family in the capital, so he was invited into the palace.

  In fact, he did not enter the palace less often. Even if he had no official position and had the identity of the Lu family, he would occasionally enter the palace to participate in a banquet, or to play chess with the emperor.

  But he has never seen Zhou Man once.

  But for this female officer, he didn't hear much about it, and he looked at him curiously.

   Zheng Wang was an official in the DPRK, and even dealt with Zhou Man. They also quarreled in the DPRK because of some political disagreements.

   So he snorted, flicked his sleeves and walked out, stood still after reaching the yard, turned around and glared at Zhou Man, wanting to fight her for three hundred rounds.

At this time, the night wind was still a bit cold, so Man Bao put her hands in her sleeves, she closed the door, tried not to disturb the patient inside, then looked at Zheng Wang, leaned on the railing and frowned: "Master Zheng, you know I don’t know where your nephew hurt?"

   "Of course I know that you don't change the subject, I just ask you, do you want to favor the Hejian County King if you play me so perfunctorily?"

  Man Bao asked unceremoniously: "Do I have a close relationship with Li Shangshu? Why should I favor him?"

   Zheng Wang, Zhou Man and the Hejian County King seem to have no friendship, but Zhou Man and the royal family have a good relationship.

  He was about to speak, and Zhou Man already sighed: "I'm telling the truth, because I really don't know how he will be in the future, I don't even know how he will be in two hours."

Zheng Wang was stunned, and Pi Guogong and Lu Zhongyan were also stunned. Then Pi Guogong was about to stop Zhou Man, but was quickly stopped by Lu Zhongyan. This matter must be made clear. If Zheng Erlang has something good or bad, this matter The emperor must give them an explanation.

  This time, the Lu and Zheng family are standing together. In contrast, Piguo is naturally more loyal to the emperor. He and the emperor are relatives.

Zheng Wang stepped forward, approaching Zhou Man and asked, "What does this mean?"

  Man Bao looked at him curiously, "Isn't Xiao Yuan telling you? We are only 30% sure that we can save people."

  In fact, it is 50%, but the hospital guidelines, unless there are special circumstances, it is the rule to pay two or three points when the condition is out of the hospital.

  Obviously, Zheng Erlang is not enough to meet the special circumstances of the hospital.

  Zheng Wang and the three were taken aback, Pi Guogong was the first to return to his senses, and immediately nodded and said: "Said, said, said."

  The emperor can't hold back the pot at this time.

"Then you guys didn't think about it. Why is it 70% unsure?" Man Bao said, "Of course it is because the human brain is complicated and bleeding inside. We are not sure whether the prescribed hemostatic medicine can completely stop the bleeding. It will not be too big to cause the blood vessels to burst directly, and will the blood that flow down cause brain necrosis..."

"There are swellings. The anti-swelling medicine we prescribe and the anti-swelling needles can make it reduce the swelling. If it does not reduce the swelling, will it become more and more serious. In the end, the swelling will directly oppress other places and directly cause other problems. Reversal of the injury." Man Bao said: "This is why we only have 30%. We have prescribed hemostatic drugs, have acupuncture that can prevent bleeding and reduce swelling, and have other methods to deal with injuries. His pulse is back. Yang is developing towards the good side. This is the 30% opportunity we are talking about."

"Whether he can live now and there is still a seven-point uncertainty, you directly ask me whether he will be stupid after he survives, and whether the lumps will affect his intelligence, how can I give you the answer?" She even Whether he can survive or not is uncertain, how can he accept this kind of thing?

  Yes, after he woke up, she couldn't please whether he was stupid or not.

   Zheng Wang listened and stopped talking.

  Pi Guogong hurriedly stepped forward to support him and said: "Brother Zheng, the doctor Zhou is right. It's not easy to be sure about this. As an imperial doctor, she doesn't dare to accept it. It is better for us to wait and see the situation."

  Lu Zhongyan also nodded at this time and said: "Wait."

  Zheng Wang asked Zhou Man, "When will there be a definite conclusion?"

Man Bao thought for a while and said: "Intracranial hemorrhage depends on the amount of bleeding tomorrow. If there is no need to draw blood tomorrow, that is the first good news. The next thing to do is to wait for his swelling and wake up. Will absorb the congestion in the brain by itself..."

  Man Baodao: "This period of time is about three to ten days. He is in danger before the congestion is completely absorbed."

  "As for whether he will have any sequelae, we will know a little bit when he wakes up, and we will be able to determine some more when the congestion in his brain is eliminated, so you have to ask me the exact situation, and ask me again in half a month."

  The long time and slow speed made Zheng Wang stomped severely, but this time he stopped losing his temper because Zhou Man explained it very clearly.

    Who said that I updated on time as if I had won 5 million? Then I'll update it in advance, how many millions have you won?

     hum hum, see you tomorrow

     I have finished making up and updating, and I will add the updated part from tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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