Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2590: Legacy

   Chapter 2590

Man Bao lay leaning on the pillow with her legs up, her toes moved, she was still thinking about the anthropomorphic model in the classroom that was constantly dying, and said indifferently: "Zheng Erlang's injury is much better. I touched it today. I touched his head and found that the bones are already growing. Although he still refuses to speak in front of others, I have checked his control of his right hand, and now he writes a stroke very well. I can’t grasp it all at once, so I think his aphasia can be healed in time."

"The Qizhou land case is a matter for the Ministry of Education and other ministries. It has nothing to do with our Taiyuan Hospital." Man Bao put his hands on his head and said leisurely: "I thought about it carefully today. This kind of thing is too nerve-wracking and energy, I will see when the story is well listened, or don't be too curious."

  Bai Shan spread the quilt halfway, patted her feet and motioned for her to lie in. Hearing words, he asked, "Why do you suddenly feel this feeling?"

  Man Bao moved inside, let him make the bed, looked at the mosquito net and sighed: "I found out. If you act too curious, someone will use your curiosity to pit you, such as County Order Guo."

She hummed: "Today, County Magistrate Guo satisfied my curiosity a lot, but he was not very comfortable, so I decided to listen to the story with my ears up in the future, and no longer actively ask about these things that have nothing to do with our hospital. It's up."

  Bai Shan smiled and asked, "Can you hold it back?"

  Man Bao took a hard breath and said, "I will work hard."

  Controlling one's curiosity is indeed a very difficult task.

  Bai Shan folded part of the quilt, drove the mosquitoes out of the mosquito net, and put a piece of perfume in the incense burner to light it, and then he went to bed and lay down.

  He lay side by side with Man Bao, and nodded: "Yes, I should control my curiosity."

  Man Bao asked him curiously, "Then have you taken the initiative to ask them something?"

"No," Bai Shan said, "I was a little worried about you when the incident first came out. So I went to the Ministry of Households and took the initiative to inquire about some things. Later I learned that the matter involved a family and land occupation, so I no longer Someone talked about it before."

  Unless the emperor asks.

  However, for such a major event, the emperor will not ask them a few Xiaosheren for the time being.

  Man Bao's feet flickered, and he sighed: "My parents should go home now, right?"

  Bai Shan counted the days and said, “If it doesn’t rain on the road, it should be there tomorrow afternoon. If it rains, I guess I’ll have to wait another two days.”

   After the end of spring planting here, it rained for a few days, Lao Zhoutou and Qian's packed up their things and went back to Qili Village with Mrs. Bai and his wife.

  At that time, Man Bao was still in the palace to rescue Zheng Erlang, and he couldn't leave the palace to send them off.

   "I don't know how the eldest sister is pregnant," Man Bao said sadly: "I really don't feel free to be an official, and I don't know when we can go back to Qili Village."

  Bai Shandao: "Then we have to wait for us to release it, and it has to be a position where we are not in a hurry to take office."

  Man Bao's eyes lighted up, and he began to figure out, "What leave shall we take to go back? The marriage leave has already been taken, so I can't go back until I have a baby?"

  Bai Shan hurriedly said: "It's not that, there is still a family leave."

  Bai Shan calculated the calculations: "Mianzhou is thousands of miles away, and officials can take 25 days off in three years, but..."

  Bai Shan turned his head and looked at Man Baodao: "Father-in-law and mother-in-law have lived with you in the capital for several years. This fake official may not approve it."

  Only if the parents are far away from home, the staff will calculate the provincial leave based on the distance of the official from home, and there are holidays on the weekend, but Bai Shan does not have it. He has not been an official for three years.

  Bai Shan touched his chin and thought, "Maybe you can try to walk through the back door."

  Man Bao immediately looked sideways at him, his eyes gleaming, "Whose back door to go?"

   "Of course it belongs to your Majesty. Who else can it belong to?" Bai Shan said, "Things like holidays are also things that your Majesty said.

  Man Bao: "I have to find him when he is in a good mood."

  Bai Shan nodded, "I know that he hasn't been in a good mood lately. It is estimated that there will be trouble in this case. I think he will not be in a good mood in the first half of this year."

  Bai Shan is right. Although the melons of other people's homes are delicious, but after eating it, he has always found that he is the one who suffers. Where can the emperor's mood improve?

The more the    sent to Yushitai in Qizhou and Dali Temple of the Criminal Department to investigate, the more information they sent back, the worse the emperor’s mood became.

When he arrived at the queen's palace, he drove all the servants out of the palace, and then angered the queen and said, "It's simply the country's deceased beetle. They collected every good piece of land in Qizhou. In the past two years, They were stretched out and wanted to buy a job field. They had to endure it when they didn’t have enough money, but they sold it to those people at a price of less than one-third of the household. Isn’t this what Luxian is?"

  The queen poured tea for him, let him drink it to calm down, and asked: "What do they say, Lord Wei?"

  "What else can I say?" The emperor said: "Naturally, I checked it down. The evidence is good, and part of the field can be recovered. If I can't find the evidence, I can only suffer from this dumb loss."

  He took a deep breath and said: "I really don’t understand. Like these five surnames and seven hopes, they have already made no contribution to the country and the people. Why do the officials in the central government and the people in the sky still respect them."

  If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t do anything to help.

  The queen said: "Don’t your majesty and the first emperor also claim that they came from the Li family in Longxi?"


  Queen said: "People all over the world are the same, yearning for the ancestors, longing for a prominent birth, and also longing to make friends with such a prominent person."

The emperor frowned, and sighed after a long while: "I know that these aristocratic families have accumulated hundreds of thousands of years, and even our royal family is not as good as our royal family. What the world longs for is the strength of their representatives. Unless they are destroyed. The power of humanity, otherwise this kind of respect and obedience will not disappear."

  The queen asked softly: "Will your majesty destroy their power?"

The emperor was silent for a while and shook his head, "No, I don't want to fight with them. If we fight, we will only hurt both sides, and the world has not been stable for long. The old wounds on my body are still there. How can the people of the world be involved in war again? middle?"

  The queen quietly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded again and again.

  The emperor said: "It's better to hand it to the prince, or even the descendant grandson."

  He said: "When the country becomes stronger, the emperor has more power to speak. Zitong, it is impossible for me to see all of this. Only you can see it. You have to watch it carefully."

  He has to die to pass to the prince, but the queen mother can exist.

  The emperor made a plan, and quietly said to the queen: "You can write this down first, and you will tell the prince when I am dead."

  Queen: "Don’t talk nonsense. Also, there are too many things you told me to tell the prince, and the concubine almost can't remember it."

   "Then take a small book and write it down. These are all my last words and must be remembered."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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