Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2591: Complain

   Chapter 2591 The complaint

  After the emperor and the empress had finished talking, their temper was also released, and the next day they squeezed out a smile as usual and went to court.

  It was not the day of the Great Dynasty Meeting, so Man Bao happily went to the Taiyuan Hospital. There was nothing in the Taiyuan Hospital today, so she moved to Chongwenguan to repair her book.

  The restructuring of the Medical Office of the Imperial College, this year it will enroll more students, and there are many doctors in many places who come to study, um, mainly because they are still young and still within the scope of enrollment.

  Xiao Yuan is subdividing the courses in the Imperial Medical Office, so the courses to be taken and the medical books needed are more detailed.

  Mr. Liu and the others are okay. They don’t have official positions. They teach when they get medical books. They teach what they don’t want to teach, but they don’t want to teach.

  Manbao is not good. As the editor of Chongwenguan and mainly responsible for the editing of medical books, she must take into account the teaching resources of the Imperial Medical Office.

  Xiao Yuanzheng also likes to ask her for medical books. With this salary, Man Bao can’t slack off.

  In fact, Man Bao especially wanted to give the emperor a suggestion to give Xiao Yuanzheng and Liu Taiyi a part-time editor. Let’s work together.

  Unfortunately, she knows that it is impossible to award a large-scale reward, so she can only think about it in her heart.

  Man Bao took out several medical books copied by Zhou Liru during this period, and then listed the outline, planning to summarize and plan the content, compile the knowledge of these medical books and print them into a book for the students to see.

  As it was written on Xing’s head, an editor shouted outside, "Editor Zhou, someone is looking for you."

  Man Bao said without raising his head: "Please come in."

  Man Bao wrote this page before raising his head, seeing Zhou Liru a few, slightly stunned, "How did you find it?"

   Zhou Liru whispered: "Teacher, this is the medical book you asked us to copy. We have all copied it."

  Man Bao put down the pen, reached out to take it, and praised: "Good job, then continue to copy."

   "No more." Zhou Liru was still aggrieved when he said this.

  Man Bao heard it, frowning, "Didn’t I ask Dr. Zheng to get it for you?"

Zhou Liru immediately said: "Yes, Grand Doctor Zheng also went in the morning, but the Hanlin Hospital didn't give it to him. It was said that Young Master Zheng’s injury had stabilized, and the Hanlin Hospital was no longer open to our hospital. So the doctor Zheng can't get the book back, and the copies we copied have been asked to go back."

  Man Bao glared, she still has several books that she hasn’t borrowed, especially some of the Materia Medica, some of which have additions, but the Chongwenguan and outside medical books lack those additions. How can she not lend them?

  Man Bao immediately got up, "What does the Hanlin Academy say?"


  Man Bao pursed his mouth, and immediately went to the Hanlin Academy. Halfway through, he felt that it was not good enough, so he turned to find Bai Shan.

   "The Hanlin Academy didn't lend you medical books?"

  Man Bao nodded, holding back his breath: "This medical book is nothing else. It's about curing diseases and saving people, building a seventh-level Buddha statue, why don't they agree?"

  Bai Shan asked: "Have you destroyed the contaminated books?"

"Are we that kind of people?" Man Bao said, "Just to prevent them from making this excuse. I told them not to contaminate the books. Doctor Zheng also checked them when they returned. There were no problems with the books. ."

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said, “I’m still working as a errand, and I can’t go to the Imperial Academy with you. You have to wait for me to change shifts after noon, and then I will go with you.”

  Man Bao nodded, then quietly glanced at the main hall, and asked: "How is your Majesty today?"

  Bai Shan asked: "Do you want to ask your Majesty?"

  Man Bao: "I want your Majesty to directly order me to lend out all the medical books."

  Bai Shan thoughtfully, "You don't need to ask your majesty for such a small matter, just ask the prince."

  He said: "Wait for me to accompany you in the afternoon. If you can't borrow it, I will ask your Royal Highness, and I will borrow it on the grounds that you want to edit it."


  Bai Shan nodded, “It is common for the Hanlin Academy and Chongwenguan to repair books and borrow books from each other. Now that Mr. Zheng’s injury has stabilized, borrowing books on this excuse is not enough, and..."

   He looked at Man Bao and smiled: “How much of the medical books you borrowed really involved Young Master Zheng’s injuries? I’m afraid there are quite a few people at the Hanlin Academy who have opinions.”

  Man Bao hummed: "But this is a medical book, not a military book, nor is it a secret book. What can be kept secret?"

When Gu Zhong found the door, he saw the young couple hiding behind the palace and muttering. Because of the angle, they didn’t see him, but he listened a lot. Hearing Zhou Man’s complaint, Gu Zhong smiled. , Turned back to the hall.

  The emperor was taking a break in midfield, rubbing his forehead with his hand, and seeing Gu Zhong came back alone, he said: "Don’t you let Bai Shan come to study for me?"

  Gu Zhong smiled and said, “Emperor Zhou is outside. The young couple are talking, and the young ones don’t bother much.”

   "What is Zhou Man doing?" The emperor became curious.

  It's not like that, Zhou Man was still locked in Huangzhuang for ten and a half months.

  Gu Zhong smiled and said, “Emperor Zhou has been wronged, so he is coming to Master Bai for help.”

   "Oh?" The emperor became more interested, his head no longer hurts, and he asked enthusiastically, "What has she been wronged for?"

  Gu Zhong tilted his head and thought, "Far away, I don’t hear clearly. It seems that the Hanlin Academy didn’t borrow medical books to Master Zhou. Master Zhou was so angry that he came to Master Bai for help."

  The emperor laughed loudly, but his face was condensed after he was happy, "Why does the Hanlin Academy hold the medical book and not give it to Zhou Man?"

  Gu Zhong smiled and said: "Probably it is because the injury of Master Zheng has stabilized. Isn't it because your Majesty started to write to Master Zhou for the injury of Master Zheng?"

   "But doctors can't go to the medical books every time there is a difficult disease, right?" The emperor coldly snorted, "The medical books are nothing else. The Hanlin Academy shouldn't control it like this."

  Gu Zhong lowered his head and did not comment on this matter.

  The emperor knocked on the table and remembered the matter in his heart, but Bai Shan didn't speak, so he didn't say anything, watching the couple toss.

When Bai Shan came back to read to the emperor, the two of them talked again. When it was noon, the emperor went to have lunch and lunch break. Bai Shan also went to eat his work meal. Then he ran to find Manbao during his break and went to Hanlin together. hospital.

  Hanlin Academy also followed the rules, and of course he refused to give it.

   So Bai Shan could only take Man Bao to Zhan Shifu to find the prince.

The prince    was also busy, so I heard the two of them start to ask, "So which medical books do you want?"

This Manbao did her homework. Before, she and Baishan Baierlang went through the book catalogues of the two buildings in the Hanlin Academy. All the medical books Manbao hadn’t read were written down, minus the time she had borrowed. There are only nineteen copies left, not many.

  Man Bao directly gives the order to the prince.

  The prince glanced at it, and directly took a pen to write them a piece of paper, affixed his official seal, and handed it to Bai Shan: "Go to Zhan Shifu to build another one, and take it to the Hanlin Academy to receive the book."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were both overjoyed, and Bai Shan respectfully presented the list of books, "His Royal Highness, or else, would you also stamp a chapter on it?"


  He glared at the two of them secretly, and he still stamped them on the book list.

  The two left happily, and went to the front to find Guo Zhanshi to stamp.

    See you tomorrow, there are too many things today, I didn’t add more, I’ll have two chapters earlier tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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