Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2593: Proceedings (to book friends "2020051722263

  Chapter 2593 Discussion (Add two more to the book friend "20200517222639522")

  He stretched out his hand and took a look. There were two Hanlins who were particularly good at surgery and had a certain understanding of water conservancy projects. The remaining three were people who deliberately stuck with Zhou Man’s medical books this time and refused to lend them.

He was silent for a moment and couldn't help saying: "Master in charge, although they did not do this properly, they still acted according to the rules. The handwritten script held by Zhou Man only said to find a medical book for the treatment of Zheng Erlang, but she did not say that she could treat us in the Hanlin Academy. I borrowed all of his medical books."

   "What's more, Zheng Erlang's injury has already stabilized, and this warrant has naturally lost its effectiveness."

  President said: "The rules are changeable, and the legal principles are nothing more than human conditions, let alone such trivial matters?"

He said: "Medical books are not other books. As long as they love them, they should borrow them. What's more, Zhou Man's medical skills are known to all. These books are only one of thousands of books if they remain in our Imperial Academy. In the hands of Zhou Man, that is the real treasure."

  The Palm House raised his eyelids and glanced at his confidant hand, then slightly shook his head and said: "It's just because I am jealous of Baishan, I can't understand the convenience of another innocent person. I can't think of the overall situation. It is not only short-sighted, but also flawed in character."

When Hanlin heard this, he couldn't help but lower his head and asked, "Is your lord going to teach them a lesson?"

The Palm Academy shook his head slightly, then nodded and said, "This is a lesson for them and an opportunity for them."

He said: "Bai Shan is now a member of Zhongshu Sheren. Among the six sheren, he spends the most time with His Majesty, studying, playing chess, and asking about politics. He is the one who calls the most. Do you think that your Majesty will have no idea?"

"Even if your majesty doesn't know it, the servants of the palace around him will always mention that Zhou Man's position in the palace is supernatural. Don't underestimate these servants of the palace. They don't have the right to participate in politics, but they can do some things more conveniently than us. NS."

The Sangyuan said coldly: "This matter is not a big deal, but when it reaches His Majesty's ears, he will not like them much. At this time, the transfer of them out is to temper them, and also to keep them from avoiding His Majesty’s eyes. , Not in front of your majesty, he will forget about it in three or five months."

  The emperor manages everything. At this moment, he remembers that if he can't find anyone, he will forget it after a while.

  Hmph, the emperor brought the imperial medical office in front of others. It was when Xiao Zizhan was pampered. At this time, he was fighting against the imperial medical office.

  Bao happily took the book back to the hospital, and then distributed it to Zhou Liru to continue copying, "Some books are stained, please be careful, and if you have any words that are not clear, please ask me."

  Everyone responded together.

  Man Baodao: "Copy it well. This is the last batch. In the future, you have to copy a copy of the copied book back to the Imperial Medical Office for the students in the department to check."

  Everyone responded.

  Man Bao left with his hands behind his back, and went back to Chongwenguan to repair her book.

  This incident didn't even alarm Xiao Yuanzheng, if it weren't for Grand Doctor Zheng to complain to Xiao Yuanzheng later, he still didn't know about it.

  The emperor was disappointed when he heard that the prince came forward to deal with the matter, so he went to see Bai Shan all afternoon.

  Bai Shan held the gaze of the boss, bite the bullet and sat down on his knees, completely unaware of what happened.

   Seeing that the emperor went to see Bai Shan again, Wei Zhi couldn't help it, so he simply named Bai Shan and asked him, "What do people think of Bai She?"

  Bai Shan could only stand up and replied: "The lower official thought that this system should be abolished."

He said: "In the beginning, the imperial government allowed local government offices to sell their own land. Because the public treasury was empty and the state treasury had no money, land sales could support the local finances. But now that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, a county government will not even be even poor. The salary cannot be issued, so this one can be cancelled."

Wei Zhi nodded slightly. He thought so too. This system is obviously not in line with the current situation. "Your Majesty, the Baishe people are right. Now the most important thing is to ensure that the land held by the imperial court can be successfully handed over to the new ones. Ding, therefore, no more land should be bought or sold."

  The emperor nodded slightly and asked, "What about the plan to open up wasteland?"

   "It can continue to exist, but it needs to be added. After the settlement, the Yongyetian land that has been opened up is not allowed to be traded within five years."

  Lord Tang also had no opinion on this, while the other ministers looked at each other and discussed it in private. Seeing that many people had agreed, they could only agree.

  It’s just that I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. In this way, I can only buy land with private individuals in the future, and it is impossible to buy it from the court.

  Someone thought of something and went out and said: "Your Majesty, Qizhou Governor has entered Beijing, can your Majesty be summoned?"

   "Let him rest in the inn first, I don't want to see him now."

  He was afraid that he couldn't help being angry when he saw him, so he had to wait and see him later.

  How to deal with the land that was sold by Qizhou Governor?

  He was about to open his mouth, looked up and saw the emperor's ugly face, then swallowed silently again, and stopped talking.

  The emperor also thought of the blockbuster film that was sold by the Qizhou governor, so his anger became more intense. He directly waved his hand to let most people go down, leaving only the four of Wei Zhi, Old Tang and Liu Shangshu Yinli.

  Well, there are also two dormitories and living men sitting on their knees in the corner.

  After everyone left, the emperor asked: "Have you found out about Zheng Erlang? Was his injury accidental or intentional?"

  Wei Zhi closed his eyes slightly, and sat as steady as Mount Tai, as if he hadn't heard the emperor's words.

  Lord Tang did not speak, the emperor Yin Li's confidant could only speak: "He was led to the farm, but the head of the prison did not speak. No matter how interrogated, it is useless."

The emperor frowned and asked directly: "Does Yin Qing think it is related to Zheng Dalang?"

  Yin Li said honestly: "The minister doesn't know, the minister is not as good as Master Tang in solving the case."

  The emperor looked at Mr. Tang, his eyes piercing.

  Lord Tang said: "The officials have checked, Zheng Dalang and Zheng Erlang are indeed at odds with each other, but they are not so good that the king does not see the king."

He said: "Zheng Dalang is the son of the ancestor. It is normal for everything to be family-oriented. Zheng Erlang has studied with Zheng Jilang since he was a child. He has a pure temperament and good knowledge. You can know this by asking Master Wei. Although he has never attended the Imperial College, he is capable. It's not weaker than Guozijian students."

  The emperor asked without expression: "So..."

"With Zheng Dalang's knowledge and education, the younger brother is so good, even if there is political disagreement, it is a person in the family's favor. Whether it is from feelings or interests, the minister does not think that Zheng Dalang will be the hand." Old Tang The adult paused and said, "Of course, this certain theory is not just speculation, but also some evidence."

Old Tang looked at Yin Li, "I read the confessions of the few people in the farm. Although the words implied to Zheng Dalang, the people they came into contact with were all the servants and confidants sent by Sun Zhi. Acting in the name of Zheng Dalang."

  Judging from the evidence, this belongs to their cousins.

  The emperor was silent for a while, knocked on the table and said, "Then Zheng Dalang instructed this to be done."

  The four ministers of Lord Tang:!

  Wei Zhi opened his eyes and looked at the emperor sharply.

  The emperor said: "I want to take back all the land that Qizhou Governor has sold cheaply in the past eight years, no matter how many hands he has done."

  The four ministers were silent, and began to think about the operability of this matter.

  The Zheng family accounted for the bulk of the land sold by the Qizhou municipal governor. If the Zheng family is in the lead...

  A few people glanced at each other, and they all acquiesced.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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