Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2594: Chance encounter

  Chapter 2594 Encounter

  Bai Shan silently returned to his seat, and together with his colleagues to minimize his presence.

  The living man has become accustomed to it. When he follows the emperor every day, there are many conspiracies and conspiracies he has seen.

  If you can be an emperor, even if your heart is not black, it can't be bright red. You have to bring a little black, so that the emperor can be safe.

  Man Bao got the medical books he wanted, so he didn't care about everything. He went to the Taiyuan Hospital with peace of mind every day to check the sickness of the ladies in the palace, and occasionally went out for medical treatment. The most regular place to go was the Zheng family.

  When they left the Zheng family again, the Zheng family finally remembered to give her a consultation, a plate of silver ingots, Man Bao did not hesitate to take it, let the two doctors who were accompanying them take it, and then gave them one for each.

   Duan Medical Aid two people hesitated to accept it. Legend has it that the doctor Zhou was very generous to the accompanying doctor. They had not had the opportunity to do her medical assistance before, but they did not expect it to be really generous.

Man Bao collected the remaining three silver ingots and said to them: "There are not many cases in the palace, and the weather will be hot next month. Therefore, the Imperial Medical Office plans to set up free clinic booths in Dongcheng and Xicheng. Every ten days, I have to make sure to go there for three days and write down the medical records. When I look back, Xiao Yuan and I are going to check."

  The two doctors and assistants were taken aback for a while and then they responded.

  When Zhou Man got on his horse and left, the two looked at each other with a silver coin.

Doctor Cai touched the silver ingot in his arms and said: "I heard a rumors a few days ago that the imperial medical department is short of staff. It is necessary to transfer a few imperial physicians from the imperial hospital to work exclusively for that side, so the imperial hospital needs a new one. Promote two imperial physicians."

  Duan doctor’s eyes brightened, "You mean us..."

  He was a little skeptical, and shook his head: "Liu Doctor Zhu is not only the granddaughter of Liu Taiyi, but also a disciple of Zhou Taiyi. She has already prescribed prescriptions independently, should she be the first to be promoted?"

Cai Yizhu didn’t think so, “The hospital is very disciplined, and the doctor Zhou is good at doctors. This is why he has been using it. Liu Yizhu is still worse than the doctor Zhou. Although she can see a doctor independently, she is good at acupuncture and moxibustion. In fact, there are not many prescriptions. She ranks below us in terms of qualifications."

  Duan's doctor's heart is also hot, if it is true, this will be a major event for them in their lives.

  Promoting from medical aid to imperial doctor is a big hurdle. Some people are unlucky, and after ten years of medical aid, they cannot be promoted to imperial doctor.

  Almost nothing has risen so fast like Zhou Man.

   is Xiao Yuanzheng. He rose so quickly because of the strong support of Old Doctor Tan.

  The two went home with money and dreams.

Man Bao ran home with silver in her pocket. Before she reached the door of the house, she saw Bai Shan from a distance. She immediately greeted him and hurried to catch up with him. He said happily, "I earn again today." It's money."

  Bai Shan smiled and asked, “Did the Zheng family pay the consultation fee? Or did they take the outside consultation separately?”

  "The Zheng family gave it." Man Bao handed the horse to the porter, took Bai Shan and went back to count the silver ingots.

  Well, it’s only three. It doesn’t need to be counted, but it’s very fat. There are twelve in one tablet. Three of them are put in a sleeve. That’s heavy, and they look great on the table.

  Bai Shan touched it and felt happy, "Shall we go out to eat at night?"

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay."

   So the two called for cakes, and asked Wu Yue to tell Mrs. Liu that they changed their clothes and went out.

  Daji and Xibing followed behind them.

  When they arrived at the market, the two of them were not in a hurry to find food, so they walked down the street. After shopping for a long time, Bai Shan asked her, "What do you want to eat?"

  Man Bao thought carefully and said: "Wonton, I want to eat wonton!"

   "Okay!" Bai Shan thought about it carefully, and finally found a delicious wonton in his mind, holding her hand and looking for it.

When I arrived at the place, it was time for dinner. There were already people in front of the stall. Bai Shan looked around and just saw a table of guests going away, so he took Man Bao to sit on it, then sat down and rushed up. Someone came out to sit next to them and shouted, "We are here first."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao turned to look at her, they looked familiar.

  The girl who successfully grabbed the stool looked up and saw that Bai Shan and Zhou Man also widened her eyes, and looked at them with her mouth slightly open. She immediately got up and bowed her head in salute, “The slave servant has seen Lord Bai and Lord Zhou.”

  Man Bao looked behind her and asked: "You are here, where is your princess?"

  The grand palace lady smiled embarrassedly: "The princess and the horse are waiting for the roast lamb over there, saying that ravioli is also delicious with grilled meat."

  Man Bao nodded, sat down on the edge of the table, and greeted Daji and the cake, "Sit down and take a seat, and Princess Changyu and the horse will come over to take a seat."

  This is a table fight. A table has at least four people. Six people can sit in one squeeze, so you have to occupy it in advance.

   Hearing the words, he immediately went forward and pulled a stool to sit down, and also pulled the maid of the palace.

  The lady of the big palace dropped a small piece of her **** on the stool. Although she was a little nervous, she was more excited. Master Zhou has always been tolerant and shouldn’t be angry about it.

  Man Bao was really not angry, and asked her, "How much did your princess eat?"

   "I didn't eat anything, the princess didn't go out until after the horse got off the office."

  Man Bao nodded, "Then have you eaten?"

  The palace lady shook her head and smiled implicitly.

  Man Bao made a lot of money today, very generous. A bowl of wontons with eight pennies and a bowl is still affordable, so he waved his hand: "I will ask you to eat, how many of you are there?"

  The lady of the palace hesitated for a moment before she said: "There are six people in the entourage."

  Man Bao said to the store: "When you come to twelve bowls of wontons, they will all be big bowls."

   "Hole, please wait a moment, guest officer."

  The store took a look at Manbao and the others, and then deliberately set aside the table for them when greeted the guests later.

  Waiting for a while, Changyu and Wei Yu squeezed over under the protection of the entourage maid, and they were also very surprised to see the two of Bai Shan and Man Bao.

  Especially Wei Yu, too happy, just sat down on the stool next to Bai Shan, smiled and asked, "When did you arrive?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “We just arrived too. I didn’t expect to meet you here by such a coincidence today.”

  Changyu sat next to Man Bao. He heard that she had ordered them a big bowl of wontons. He was very happy, “I ate them in a while, but it’s a pity that he has a lot of big bowls of wontons. I’m afraid I can’t finish them.”

  Man Bao said: "If you can't finish it, give it to me, I'll eat it for you."

  Changyu knew that Zhou Man had a good appetite and ate a lot, so he smiled and said, "You said this."

  She turned around and motioned to the maid to open the barbecue they bought. She said: "Wontons will take some time. Let’s eat barbecue first."

  Man Bao poke a piece with a sign to Bai Shan, and gave another piece to Daji and western cakes. Only then did he ate one piece and said in surprise: "Not bad."

   Changyu raised his head proudly and said: "Not bad, it's not worse than the food we had on Mid-Autumn Festival that year, but I have eaten a lot before I ate this good one."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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