Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2595: Sentiment

   Chapter 2595

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly and gave her a thumbs up.

Wontons were quickly delivered, a big bowl, and a big bowl of fat wontons, he said, "His noodles are not as good as the one outside the imperial city, but his fillings are well adjusted. And there are a lot of them. A wonton is so big."

Man Bao nodded repeatedly. After taking a bite, she said, "We went through Xiazhou before and found out that the wontons there are served on a plate, so they don't call them wontons, they call them dumplings, and they eat them with jealousy. , I think it's pretty good."

   "Really?" Changyu said: "I will try again later."

  After the group of them finished eating the wontons, there were not many people in the stalls. They just sat there and talked while watching the people coming and going on the street.

  Wei Yu sighed, "Guotai and the people are safe."

  Bai Shan smiled and said: "Min'an can only Cathay Pacific."

  But in his heart he couldn't help but think of the disputes of the adults in the small dynasty meeting these few days, as well as the various worries of the emperor in private.

  This Guotai Min’an still appears to be very weak, with too much time and too many hidden dangers.

  Bai Shan couldn't help turning his thumb on the joint of his index finger, and started thinking.

  Man Bao couldn't help turning her head to look at him when she returned, and she couldn't help reaching out and holding his hand when she was about to get home.

  Bai Shan looked down at her.

  Man Bao asked: "What's wrong with you?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, "It's okay."

   "After eating wontons, you are unusually silent, and you don't seem to be in a good mood."

Bai Shan held her hand tightly, and walked a few steps forward before slowly stopping. He paused and said, "Man Bao, until today I didn’t understand why Yang Xuexi came out of the imperial courtyard. Rejected the solicitation of the Ministry of Books and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and directly elected Luojiang County, the lower county, as the county magistrate."

  Man Bao looked at him quietly.

  Bai Shandao: "Although Dajin is young, the accumulated drawbacks are not light. Your Majesty is wise and generous, and willing to accept advice. That's why the current Guotai People's Security is here, but there are still many, many problems under this prosperity."

"I think I have read poems and books, including the miscellaneous historical narratives you brought up. I have imagined in my heart more than once how prosperous the Dajin will be in the future." Bai Shan raised his head and looked forward. There was a wide road in front of him. Not far away is the gate of Zhou's house, and the tall and long wall going down is Du's house.

"However, how confident I was before, now I am hesitant." He said: "Within these three months of effort, the Dajin I saw is very different from the Dajin I thought before. Wise and powerful. Like your majesty, as wise and fair as Lord Wei, and as tough as Lord Tang, they had to carefully retreat before many things."

  He said: "I used to take it for granted."

  Man Bao listened quietly.

Bai Shan squeezed her hand, and then loosened it, but in the end he couldn’t help holding it tightly. He said, “I can’t help it. Still have to tremble, calculate carefully, let alone wait for me?"

  What can be behind him?

  He will discard his four-five-five-year-old Bai family at any time, and then he is born in the family, still full of treasures who still walk on thin ice; Bai Er, who is attached to the royal family, and the lobby brother who is born like him...

  Maybe a prince will be added.

   But if even the emperor has to deal with the situation carefully, and the prince is added, how much weight can be added?

  So it is still a matter of method.

  Bai Shan, like the emperor, did not want to solve these problems with violence. Because of violence, the people who were the most injured in the end must be the people.

  Although it is prosperous, the people suffer; perish, the people suffer. But the dead people will definitely suffer more.

  Bai Shandao: "Stay in the capital, I can't find a solution, I want to release it."

  Man Bao was surprised, "Are you going to release it now?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “I want to apply for release next year when I’m going to report on my work, and I’ll start with a county parent official.”

  Is that decentralized?

  Man Bao tilted his head to look at him.

  Bai Shan sighed: "You also thought of it, it's demoted, but I still want to start with a county parent official."

  He said: "I now know why the Yang Xue Brothers insisted on sending local officials outside. I couldn't find a solution in the capital, so I could only find it locally."

  Man Bao probably understood what he meant, and said to him: "Go ahead, I support you."

  Bai Shan heard this, exhaled, took her hand and said, "If then we can't put it in one place..."

  Man Bao said: "I will miss you."

  Bai Shan: ... as if not being comforted.

  He squeezed Man Bao's hand tightly, and refused to let go.

  Man Bao looked around, taking advantage of Daji and cakes behind him not paying attention, he tiptoed up and kissed him on the cheek, whispering: "I really miss you."

  Bai Shan felt as if he had eaten honey, and then another sourness appeared. He whispered softly: "I will miss you too."

  Behind him: ...It sounds like they are going to separate tomorrow.

  The two went home holding hands. After thinking for a long time, Bai Shan still wrote to Yang Heshu. He felt that this matter should be told to Yang Heshu and asked for his opinion.

When the letter was sent to Xiazhou, officials from Yushitai and Dali Temple in Qizhou also returned to the capital, bringing back a large number of account books and land books, all of which were sold by the Qizhou governor over the past eight years. Land flow.

  The emperor met the Qizhou municipal governor only once, and then he was reluctant to see him again. Instead, he met with Clan Chief Zheng twice.

  After both the emperor and the imperial court conspiracy, the results of the treatment came out very quickly.

The governor of Qizhou was dismissed for dereliction of duty, and a large number of public land transactions that he sold during his tenure were cancelled. No matter how many hands the emperor made in the middle, and no matter how much the buyer paid for the last hand, he recovered the land at the original price. .

  The cancelled transaction was determined after careful investigation and calculation by Yushitai, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Households. They can be sure that none of them is innocent.

  This announcement will not only be posted on the city wall of Qizhou and on the bulletin board outside the Cishi Mansion, but also on the bulletin board of Dali Temple in Beijing, and a copy will be sent to each family.

Just when the parties were out of anger and planned to violently resist the law, the Zheng family returned the land without any money, and was asked to confess wrong, indicating that the land was bought by a steward in the family. When I bought it, I said that the land was cheap, but I didn't know that there was a hidden reason. The Zheng accidentally did a bad example for Da Jin, which is really guilty.

  Anyway, those ten hectares of land were sent back to the Qizhou Governor’s Mansion.

  The emperor then, for personal gain, directly allocated this piece of land to the household department, which was in short supply in the job field.

  Wei Zhi and other ministers opened their eyes and closed their eyes for not knowing.

  Other families saw it, and hesitated for a while, and then the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and the people from the local county government brought copper coins to the door to redeem the land...

  Some people handed over the land silently, but some people went behind closed doors, saying that they were not at home.

  This period is very sensitive. The spring ploughing has ended, the crops in the field have grown, and the wheat turns yellow, and it won’t take long for it to be harvested. At this time, the tenants who redeem the land do not agree with it.

  Even if the court has clearly stated that the land harvest this year still belongs to them, the court will only redeem it first, and will officially take over after autumn, but the tenants are still agitated.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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