Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2596: Dissecting the liver

  Chapter 2596 Dissecting the heart and analyzing the liver

  The emperor dropped the zhezi in his hand and snorted coldly.

  Others sat in their seats and meditated, and the prince suggested: "Father, it is better to let the imperial army go there."

  The emperor glanced at him and said, "It's just some tenant households making trouble, why do we need the ban army to pass?"

  Prince: it the tenant who is making trouble? Obviously those local clans.

   But he also slandered in his heart and didn't say anything.

  Wei Zhi also didn't want to use too radical means. The speed of using the forbidden army is fast, but the troubles are also endless. The big clans in other places have seen it, and they are afraid that they will be wary and hostile to the imperial court.

  It is not appropriate to intensify conflicts at this time.

   So he proposed: "Your Majesty, it is better to select some officials to inspect and appease Qizhou."

  The emperor nodded repeatedly, which was what he meant, so he swept his gaze down and asked, "Can you have a good candidate?"

   Yin Li's eyes flashed, and he went out and said: "Your Majesty, the minister feels that Tang He can be sent there. If there is a local clans who are encouraging the tenant farmers to make trouble, he should be able to find out and use this to bring them to justice."

  There is no evidence, they are not easy to do, but if there is evidence, it will be different.

  But the matter is not very big, and it is impossible for several ministers in the DPRK to come forward, but you can choose from among the young officials.

  Yin Li thinks Tang He is good.

  Lord Tang's eyebrows jumped, and he didn't say a word. The emperor didn't ask his opinion, but turned to ask Wei Zhi, "What does Wei Qing think?"

  Wei Zhi did it and said, "Yes."

   Yin Li was satisfied, so she asked: "Your Majesty thinks who can take over as the magistrate of Chang'an County?"

The emperor knocked on the table and started to think. He should be the magistrate of Chang'an County. First of all, he should not be born at a low level. The sieve?

  Don’t be too hard, or else something will happen if you can’t do it for a few months, and he will have to wipe his butt. Who is the county magistrate?

  The emperor began to ponder, and said after a long time: "Guo Yu is pretty good."

  Don’t talk about Wei Zhi, Mr. Tang was almost vomiting blood. He said angrily: "Your Majesty, Guo Yu is now the magistrate of Wannian County."

Although Wannian County and Chang'an County are of the same grade, the county magistrate of Chang'an County was before the county magistrate of Wannian County. Guo Yu had neglected his duty. Isn’t it just the left hand for the right hand?

  How to manage the team if the rewards and punishments are unknown?

  The emperor felt that since the farm weapon fighting had inside stories, it was uncontrollable, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, how could Guo Yu hide?

  So is this forgivable?

Yin Li thought for a while, felt that he had already promoted a subordinate, and it would be nothing to promote another, so he agreed with the emperor's statement. If he really wants to punish the county magistrate Guo, he can be punished from other places, such as fined him for two years. The salary, the last guilty resignation and so on.

  Lord Tang thought about it, but still refused to agree. Some rules still need to be said. If rewards and punishments are unknown, Pepsi can't be achieved. This matter cannot be an exception.

  This matter was temporarily shelved, the emperor thought for a while, leaving Bai Shan, and asked him, "What do you think of County Order Guo?"

  As a member of Zhongshushe, the emperor would ask about politics from time to time. This is a normal operation, so Bai Shan also replied normally: "The minister thinks it's good."

  He thought for a while and said, “Although rewards and punishments are clear, it’s okay to occasionally break the rules. County Order Guo was dereliction of duty for a while, but he was also somewhat innocent.”

  The emperor nodded his head with deep approval, and asked with a smile: “As a result, there is a magistrate in Chang'an County, but there is no magistrate in Wannian County. Who do you think is suitable?”

  Bai Shan seriously thought about it and shook his head, “The minister knows only a few people. Your Majesty may ask Master Wei and others.”

   "I have a personal choice," he looked at Bai Shan and smiled, "I think you are good."

  Bai Shan was surprised, and then immediately resigned, "Your Majesty, the minister is not suitable."

  The emperor asked him, "Why are you inappropriate?"

Bai Shandao: "Wannian County, like Chang'an County, is Guo County, the capital city. It is very important. Every county magistrate has experience in managing localities. The ministers first entered the officialdom, and after coming out of the imperial court, they entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Inexperienced, the ministers come to manage Wannian County, I'm afraid they will fail His Majesty's high hopes."

  The emperor frowned and pondered.

Upon seeing this, Bai Shan took the opportunity to say: "Your Majesty, the minister wants to choose a foreign release."

  The emperor frowned even more, "How long have you been promoted to Zhongshushe, why did you want to be released?"

  "The minister wants to learn how to manage the local affairs," Bai Shandao: "After entering the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the minister Fang Zhishu went to school is too simple, and your majesty often trembles when he asks the government, lest he can't answer it."

  He said: “This is not because the minister has not read enough books, but because the minister’s knowledge is not enough, and these knowledge cannot be learned from books, and it is not even possible to learn in the Hanlin Academy and the Chinese Ministry of Education."

The emperor lowered his eyes to think, then raised his eyes to stare at him, and asked after a long while: "Where do you want to go out?"

  Bai Shan was not polite, and said, "The minister wants to go to a middle or lower county, anyway, it’s not Guo county."

  The emperor understood after a little thought, he couldn't help but laughed, and pointed his finger at him and said, "You are not welcome, and you know how to avoid others."

  Bai Shan lowered his head and stared at his toes.

  The emperor got up, turned around two times and said, "It's okay, but there is no suitable place at this time. You should continue to stay in Zhongshu Province."

  Bai Shan bowed his head and replied, but he was very excited. He knew that the emperor had agreed to him and let him go out only when he had a suitable position.

  Bai Shan retired respectfully.

  Sheng Lang honestly wrote down, but he was a little sad in his heart. He finally got acquainted with a person. Someone would help him sharpen his ink when he was busy, but now this person is about to fly away.

   didn't know when he would be able to rise one liter, no longer as a living man squatting in a corner, but as a historian in the high room, looking through the living and recording history.

  The emperor began to find out the roster he had memorized, and began to calculate who else could be the magistrate of Wannian County and Chang'an County.

  Gu Zhong smiled and refilled him a cup of tea, "Your Majesty, it is better to rest your eyes."

The emperor sighed and put down the roster, "There are still few people available."

   "Then your Majesty promised Master Bai to go out like this?" Gu Zhong smiled and said, "The little madam is smart, but he has no experience now. After taking office, he will be able to study for a period of time."

  The emperor shook his head and said: "He has a longer way to go, I can't stop him."

  The emperor thought of something, put down his pen and laughed: "Who was not crazy when he was young? This kid is not only crazy, he is also crazy about himself. I have seen many children over the years, and Yang Heshu is the only one with him."

  Gu Zhong was surprised.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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