Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2600: Division of labor

   Chapter 2600 Division of Labor

  Liang Yushi sat on the edge of the fire, stretched out his feet to take off his shoes, an unspeakable smell came, Bai Shan slapped, turned around and changed positions and sat down.

  As a result, county magistrate Tang also took off his shoes and socks.

  Bai Shan looked at them and asked, "Do you still have socks?"

  The Tang county magistrate sighed: "The ones I walked through before were all washed and dried in the city."

  Bai Shan frowned, and for the sake of his nose, he gave them three new pairs of socks.

  Everyone took a look, and immediately took it with joy, and said with a smile: "Master Bai is more particular."

  Bai Shan took things out of his bag, and first put the medicine bag he had been wearing today on the fire, and let it slowly emit the smell of medicine, driving away the mosquitoes that kept buzzing around them.

   Then took out a bottle of ointment and opened it and smelled it.

   Tang He immediately asked, "What is this?"

  Bai Shan smoothly handed the ointment to him, and said: "It's refreshing, I'm not lightly smoked."

  Tang He opened it and smelled it. He felt a lot of coolness and instantly refreshed his mind. He smiled and handed it to Liang Yushi and Ren Yushi who looked at him, both: "You still have a lot of good things on your body."

  The two Yushi nodded again and again, "Yeah, yeah, Lord Bai has a good wife."

  Bai Shan ignored them. In the past few days, they didn't rub his things less. They thought they were really hard and simple, but it was troublesome to bring things by themselves. Someone would still use them if they took them.

  Master Tang stepped barefoot on the grass, washed his hands in a puddle, then took the cakes baked by his entourage, and sat on the grass casually and asked: "Do you explain that we are still entering the village?"

Liang Yushi said: "This is a big village with 167 households. If there are few nearby villages, it can become a big bazaar. It's so dangerous today that the chiefs stopped them, otherwise their hoes might be real. Can smash on our heads."

  Ren Yushi sneered, “Do you think it’s really kind to grow there? If we died and they were accomplices in conspiracy, things were even more out of control, do you think they would stop it?”

He said: "I think the first evil here is the two chiefs. Look, we have been through many villages in the past few days, and most of them can be calmed down, and even though they have heard the rumors and are dissatisfied with the court, But I don’t dare, and are reluctant to pull out the young crops, but this whole big village, you have a look on the side."

  Ren Yushi was heartbroken, "Such good young crops have grown so high, and they are still willing to pull them out. I don't believe it if there is no place that grows in it to fuel the flames."

  Bai Shan also glanced at the nearby field. Although it was dark, the moonlight reflected on the water in the field could still see the situation in some fields. The young crops in this field had been pulled out by half.

  He sighed. At this time, he pulled out the young crops, and couldn't even replant them.

  Master Tang said while eating the cake: "So tomorrow we have to find a way to get away the two chiefs in this village, and then enter the village and talk to the villagers."

  Bai Shan asked: "How to cite?"

  Master Tang was about to speak, when a guard of the Imperial Guard ran up and said, "My lord, those two li are here."

  Master Tang smiled and said, "Isn’t this here?’

  He asked the two liens to be brought up.

  They did not come by themselves, and some young men followed behind them, carrying two big baskets.

  Bai Shan whispered after sniffing it: "It's the taste of steamed buns and steamed buns."

  The two chiefs ran up, and as soon as they stepped forward, they knelt down at Tang He, repeatedly kowtow, "Today I scared the adults, the minor is guilty, and the minor is guilty."

Tang He didn't wear shoes and socks, and he quickly stepped forward to help him up, and said with a righteous expression: "What is Lao Zhang's words? If Lao Zhang didn't stop him today, we would have been beaten to death by the mob. ."

  He looked angry, “A group of unsophisticated people dare to attack the court officials. When I return to Beijing to report to Ming Sheng, I must send a banned army to wipe them out.”

The two chiefs became stiff, and they said quickly: "The adults forgive their sins. They have no knowledge. Seeing that the adults have brought so many officials into the village, they thought they were going to forcibly repossess the land. Then they became impulsive and asked the adults to give them to the minions. Opportunity, if you say that they are mobs, it is absolutely dare not."

  Master Tang frowned.

  The chief li drew close to Master Tang immediately, and a purse was stuffed into Master Tang's hand calmly, and he whispered: "Please also Master Haihan..."

  Master Tang squeezed the purse, and he could find out that it was silver. Anyway, it was definitely not a copper coin. Such a large piece would be quite a lot.

The chief of    is so generous to him, he seems to be very rich.

  Master Tang tucked it directly into his sleeve.

Seeing that he had received it, the lichang was immediately happy. He quickly turned his head and asked people to lift the two big baskets up, open the top cover, and let everyone see the steaming steamed buns and buns inside. He bent over and said: "The adults have not yet Let’s eat. The village is shabby and there is nothing to take away, so Xiaomin asked his family to prepare some steamed buns. Adults should not dislike it."

  Tang He swallowed. Although he wanted to eat it, he didn’t dare to eat it, so he smiled and nodded and said, “That’s great, you can stay.”

He said: "Since it is the old man who intercedes, the officer will give them another chance. In this way, you two will come and follow me back to the Governor's Mansion tomorrow morning to meet people. Then there will be some documents that need to be signed, so that the officer will go back. An explanation."

  If he pointed out something, he said, "The official came here from the capital for a long time, but he came here for meritorious service. If the errand cannot be done, whoever does not let the official live well, the official will make anyone sad."

When the two lieutenants heard this, they immediately said: "Yes, yes, Xiaomin knows." They slandered in their hearts, how come they have travelled a hundred miles from the capital to here?

  Master Tang let them leave.

   and the others left, a dog was brought up by a clerk. From the depths of the two baskets, he took out two steamed buns and buns and gave it to eat. Everyone closed the lid and swallowed at them.

  A secretary of the Cishi Mansion couldn’t help but said: “My lord, are we too cautious? With so many of us, but also court officials, don’t they dare to poison us?”

Master Tang took out the purse from his sleeve, threw it away, and threw it to Ren Yushi, who asked him to record it. Hearing this, he said, "It's not a big mistake to be careful. Don’t have too many tragedies."

  Bai Shan asked: "Who will enter the village tomorrow?"

  Master Tang smiled at him, "What do you think the younger brother?"

   "I can enter," Bai Shan said, "I have seen roughly today and noted the main troublemakers. When I go in, I will avoid them first, but you have to leave most of them to me."

  Master Tang looked at the two Yushis. They came down to continue investigating the affairs of Qizhou and stared at them, so one of them must stay behind.

  Ren Yushi thought for a while and said, "I will stay."

  Master Tang nodded, "Okay, I will only take two guards and my entourage, and leave the rest to you."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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