Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2601: Raid

  Chapter 2601 Raid

  This village is too big, and it is organized to oppose the redemption of the land. It can't achieve its goal by careful and considerate persuasion like the previous villages.

  So they can only use other means.

   Before dawn, they all woke up. Now it is the most relaxed time of the day. Bai Shan and the others got up, avoiding the people staring at them and left quietly.

   Waiting for the two lieutenants to come here by appointment, there are only a few people left at the moment.

  They were taken aback for a moment, and were about to ask, Tang He had already got up and said: "Let's go, go back quickly, I haven't bathed in three or four days."

  The two chiefs hesitated to keep up, and walked far away to find a chance to speak, "Master Tang, where are the other two adults and officials?"

  Tang He waved indifferently, "They went to the next village."

He glanced at them and sneered: "You have enough troubles in Qizhou. These fields belonged to the court. You bought them at a low price. Now your Majesty buys them back at the original price. It has been cheaper for you all these years. Now, what's not satisfied?"

The expressions of the chiefs changed slightly. Before he could speak, Tang He curled his lips again and said, "But if this drudgery wasn't explained by the superiors, I would not be willing to come over and do thankless things. What the court is worried about now is These tenant farmers have become a mob thing, so as long as you can comfort the tenant farmers, it is not impossible to open the net and let it go with one eye and one eye closed."

  The hearts of the two elders followed and flew for nine days and then fell back, almost unable to bear it.

  At this time, Bai Shan and the others had already reached the end of the village and hid directly in the forest.

  Ren Yushi reached out and pressed the **** mosquito on the back of his hand, his face was dark, "It looks like a war."

Bai Shandao: "Looking at yesterday's posture and the battle, there are only 89 households with their own land, and the most farmland is 12 mu, the least is only 2 mu, and the rest is basically the same. Tenants who rely on tenant rents are also the result of the same situation as yesterday."

  Ren Yushi thought for a while and then said: "I will have to persuade the villagers to enter the village for a while. Your words will make you feel more friendly."

  Bai Shan nodded, but instead of leaving immediately, he said, “Last night, Lord Ren didn’t say what to do with these tenants in the future.”

  Ren Yushi glanced at him, "Master Tang told you to act on the camera, so Master Bai will obey."

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing it in his heart.

  Tang Xuexi is asking him to make his own decision, but isn’t this your Yushi here?

   Looking back, he made a promise to comfort the people. If you don’t fulfill it, he is not the one who was scolded?

   And what's the matter of impeaching him for not following the rules?

After receiving Ren Yushi's promise, Bai Shan led the people out, and he decided to do what he wanted.

  The officers and soldiers went and returned, and started sweeping from the end of the village where they were least noticed. They called out the people from house to house and led them to the center of the village.

  They only gathered from the end of the village. Eighty or ninety households gathered together so they gave up, and the rest came from hearing the movement.

  When some of the more active people in the village arrived carrying wooden sticks and hoes, Bai Shan and Ren Yushi were standing on a high platform temporarily set up with several tables.

  He nodded to the forbidden army on the side, and the forbidden army drew out his knife and slashed it on the wooden stake on the side, shouting loudly: "My lord has something to say, be quiet—"

  The noisy voices quieted down, and Bai Shan looked at them and said: "Do you know that just by attacking the imperial order officer yesterday, you can already be defined as a mob, and as a rebel, you can kill without mercy?"

  Everyone panicked, "But you have also seen that there are not as many people here today than yesterday. Do you know why?"

   "Why, why?"

"Because your chief came to the city to beg your sins on your behalf," Bai Shan opened his eyes and said nonsense: "What happened yesterday was not your chief's intention. He also said that you are afraid of the land being redeemed by the yamen and there will be no land to cultivate. Master Tang pityed you and waited, thinking that you were the first offender, so he decided to forgive you."

   "But there are some things that this official thinks is not enough if it is not clear to you." Bai Shan said: "Do you know that this piece of land was originally official land?"

Everyone knows this naturally, but they didn’t know it before, and now they all know it. Recently, the incident has become so big that they all say that the yamen is not moral in doing things. In the past few years, they were short of money, so they sold the land. Their owner.

  As a result, now that they are not short of money, they regretted it and wanted to buy the land force back.

  They have planted the fields for so many years, and they have planted this year. At this time, they have to take the fields back. The officials are going to kill them.

  As long as we think about it, everyone's emotions are stirred up again.

  Bai Shan said loudly: "These official fields were sold at low prices by the former Qizhou governor in collusion with local clans and noble families. The land price is less than one-third of the market price!"

  Everyone did not move, Bai Shan continued: "And these fields should have your share!"

  As soon as this sentence came out, everyone could not help but clamor.

Bai Shan raised his hand slightly and said, "According to the law of the Great Jin Dynasty, every individual who becomes a child can get 20 acres of Yongye field. , Can it be divided into fields again?"

"These Guantians are meant to be distributed to the males of Chengding, and because these official lands are sold, the registered official lands in your villages and towns are thin, and you will find that there is no land to divide when it is your turn to divide the fields! "

  Everyone couldn't help but whispered, "It seems to be true. Last year, Cheng Ding, the third boy of the Zhuzi family, didn't divide the land, and he didn't divide it in the past few years."

  "The official said it sounds nice. It's not necessarily true if you take back this field, and how many households can there be in our village? What about other people?"

   "Yes, we don't have land divisions, we don't have land to plant, and we starve to death in a year."

"Can you divide so much land?" Bai Shan said, "Of course not. The rest of the land still needs to be cultivated, and you just changed from tenant farmers of other people's households to tenant farmers of the court, and I can call the shots. The tenant rent collected by the court and you will never exceed 40%."

  Ren Yushi couldn’t help but turned his head to look at him, and started to wink him, don’t speak big words, no more than 40%, then at most 40%, the new Qizhou provincial governor knows how to tear Bai Shan?

Bai Shan continued: "The imperial court has already made its decree, and the announcement is posted on the city wall. It has already been stated that the harvest of this year's tenancy land will still belong to you. Where did you hear the rumor that destroyed the young crops, do you know that destroying the young crops is also a serious crime?"

After Bai Shan finished speaking, he gave Ren Yushi a wink, and Ren Yushi stepped forward and told them sternly what it was to destroy young crops and what it was to attack officials. Then he pointed to the following humanities who were still quietly agitating: "Master Bai doesn't care about you, but it's not something you can insult casually. If you catch these leaders, this official suspects that they are related to the recent rumors!"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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