Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2602: Help me

  Chapter 2602 Help me

Without it, the remaining people are the ones who are willing and courageous enough. Ren Yushi came forward with a stern face, and the guards of the imperial guards with a long knife on the side came out. Most of the villagers in front had no power to bind the chicken and were organized. When I came over, I didn't even take a stick.

  So when those people were suppressed, the man with the **** behind hesitated to do it.

   Their aura is suppressed, and the courage that was clamored yesterday is gone.

   seven people were caught, and they were gagged and thrown aside. Only then did Bai Shan calm down and continue to preach.

  This village is not a natural village, but was later organized to relocate. Most of them are refugees and poor people after losing their land. Therefore, the family is not big and there is no leader as the head of the house. It is more convenient for them to persuade.

  Waiting for Bai Shan to finish preaching the imperial policy with them in a dry tongue, and then the head of each household was called together. There were more than 100 people and more than 20 elderly people.

  Bai Shan glanced over them, and saw that many people's clothes were covered with patches, only three of them wore muslin cloth, and not many people wore linseed cloth.

   So Chong Ren Yushi nodded slightly, and stepped forward: "I think you are not young, you should have some knowledge, not to mention there are more than 20 old masters."

He said: "The imperial court's policies are all based on official documents. Although it is a bit far from Qizhou City, if you wait, you can know what the imperial court means. I think you know what the saint is like. Since he made a promise, he will definitely do it, not to mention that there is still Master Wei in the DPRK."

  Hearing Wei Zhi, the more than one hundred people standing underneath are more relieved.

  Bai Shan gave them time to digest his words and paused for a while before continuing: “These fields originally belonged to the court and belonged to you. Now if you don’t become a child, there will always be in the future. Who does not have a child now?”

  Bai Shandao: "I was born this year. You can wait up to 16 years to divide the fields, but these fields have been in the hands of those people, and you will never have the opportunity to divide the fields."

The household registration system of Dajin is very strict. Except for the large-scale division of the fields in the first few years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the fields in the future will only be allocated to the Cheng Ding, and a Ding has only one chance to get the field in his lifetime. There is no longer a chance to get another field.

  In the middle, the divided fields cannot be bought and sold, and they still belong to the imperial court. After a person dies, or when a person cannot cultivate the land after leaving his hometown, the yamen will take it back. Only Yongye fields can be inherited and cannot be bought or sold.

  But it’s not true that you can’t buy or sell, and you can still sell it under special circumstances.

  In the beginning, the yamen would also review special circumstances, but later on, more and more people were selling land, and more escorts and paper and ink were spent, so the yamen didn’t care about this.

  As long as you sell it, someone buys it, and the yamen will transfer the ownership.

Bai Shandao: "Everyone, the two chiefs have a batch of fields in their hands. They are equivalent to the farms that your boss has placed here. Therefore, they naturally don't want the court to redeem the land, but your boss is really better than the saints. Is it okay for you?"

The heads of the household couldn’t help but look at each other. An old man was holding the hand of a young man next to him. His clothes were patched and his face was sad. He asked: "My lord, the court redeemed the land and went back. We really can still Does the tenant rent these land?"

  Bai Shan nodded decisively, "Yes!"

  He paused and said, "When the new governor arrives, I am willing to intercede for the middleman and for you. How about renting the land for the coming year for you?"

  Bai Shan said so many things before, but this sentence did not move people. When this word came out, everyone's eyes lit up, and the old man stared at Bai Shan and asked: "What is the name of this adult?"

  Bai Shan arched his hands and said: "Under Bai Shan."

  He thought for a while, and turned around to invite good luck, "Is there a famous post in the bag?"

  Stunned for a while, he immediately pulled out a famous post.

  Bai Shan handed the famous post to the old man in public, "If all the dust settles and you fail to get what I promised, you can take this post and find me."

  The old man squeezed the famous post in his hand, and knelt on the ground with the hand of the young man, and the others knelt down one after another.

  Bai Shan quickly helped him up.

   Behind Ren Yushi looked at and shook his head slightly, but did not object to it.

  Bai Shan said: "Next, you can take care of the crops in the field. The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and the wheat is about to be harvested. Don't miss the farming time again."

  The tenant farmers responded repeatedly, and Bai Shan promised that there would be no trouble in the future.

  When things are done, Bai Shan and Ren Yushi returned to Qizhou City with sweat and sourness.

The two had never washed during this time, they had also stepped on muddy water, sweated a lot, and had an unpleasant smell on their bodies. When they returned to Qizhou, Tang He smiled when they saw them: "Go take a shower, I Let someone prepare hot water for you."

  Ren Yushi did not move, but looked around and asked, "Where is Liang Yushi?"

  Tang He said: "He has gone to pick up the new governor, he said he is here today."

  Ren Yushi nodded, "Where are the two chiefs?"

"In the prison," Tang He smiled and said, "You stopped people in the village, and I arrested both of them. There were not many people who came to make trouble. I arrested everything that could be arrested, and I will come back together again. Try it."

  Ren Yushi nodded and turned to leave.

  Bai Shanbian also turned to take a bath, and Tang He strolled behind.

When Bai Shan was taking a bath, he sat cross-legged outside the screen, poured himself a cup of tea, caught a glimpse of the clothes, fanned with disgust, and called for good luck, "Hurry up and take these clothes off, it’s too influential. I'm in the mood."

  Wait until Da Ji went down holding the clothes, Tang He asked, "How did you handle it over there?"

  Bai Shan talked in detail, put on his clothes and came out and said, “I promised them to rent the land for them next year.”

  Tang He spouted a sip of tea and stared at him, "What do you think, how can you make such a promise?"

  Bai Shandao: "They are too many people. If we don't have this promise, I'm afraid that if we walk on the front foot, their back foot will follow into the city and continue to make trouble."

   "Moreover," he paused and said, "I don't think they are just looking for a place to stand. Why should we make them panic? Just give them a promise to make them feel at ease."

Master Tang emptied him for a long while unable to speak, "Even if he makes a promise, it is the promise made by the new governor. In the future, he will be in charge of this place, so he can be kind. The talents are easy to manage. You crossed him to give a promise and returned the famous post. Will they still listen to the Qizhou governor in the future?"

Bai Shandao: "So what I'm talking about is to intercede for them and be a middleman, and promise them to rent the land next year, but if the new governor gives them three and five years in one breath, who do you say they are grateful for? "

  Of course, that is the new governor.


  Master Tang glanced at him, "How do you know that the new governor is willing?"

  Bai Shan graciously poured him a cup of tea ceremony: "So Brother Lao Xue is here to help."

  Tang He regretted coming over. Why are his eyes so strong? How can he see the cunning and cunning old man, Ren Yushi, who seems to have a micro expression that wants to pit them?

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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