Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2603: New arrival

   Chapter 2603

  The new governor of Qizhou was transferred from Yunzhou. Although he was transferred at the same level, Qizhou, on the edge of the capital, is much richer than Yunzhou at the root of the Great Wall.

  The achievements made here are also easier to be seen by others.

Tang He sat cross-legged on the couch, and said to Bai Shan: "This governor's surname Yu, my father and I inquired about him before I came here. He is a tougher governor. His Majesty specially transferred him back from Yunzhou. Obviously, he also felt that Qizhou should be cleaned up."

"Such a character doesn't like people making decisions on their own behalf, and they don't like being forced by others, so you see me winking and acting." Tang He looked up and down at Bai Shan, who was wearing wet hair, and smiled slightly. Said: "Since your original intention is for the people of this side, you shouldn't care about fame, right?"

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: "The kid is new to officialdom, so he doesn't care much about this."

Tang He nodded, "Yes, you will have to put it out in the future. Don't care about these official voices. If you want me to say, whatever his reputation, as long as he can get things done, you can learn from your brother Yang on this point. Don't look at him like a gentleman, he is really shameless when he is shameless. Alas, he also has a good face, so he is not shameless when he is shameless."

  On the contrary, people who follow him are often accidentally injured.

Tang He mourned for himself in his heart, and then said to Bai Shan: "He should be able to arrive today. I don’t know if it’s a delay on the road. It seems that it will be later. You can ask Da Ji to choose a more elegant dress for you. , In short, how gentle and elegant, how to dress up, you are still tender, it’s okay to see someone pretending to be a kind-hearted prince who doesn’t have much ability, right?"

  Bai Shan was taken aback for a while and nodded.

  Tang He patted him on the shoulder happily, "Okay, okay, if you pretend to be good, we can not only rent land for more than a hundred households for a few years, but also rent land for other tenants."

  Bai Shan smiled slightly and said, “I don’t care if all the merits are given to Yu Cishi.”

"Hey, what is the use of my merits?" He said, "I am just getting promoted. As long as I can redeem the land and quell this tenant farming disorder, I will have done a lot. As for the other deeds, we will all eat it. Once the meat is served, we must share some for others to eat."

   "There are two yushi..."

Tang He waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, they are here to supervise us. We have to make our own decisions on how to do things. Even if they don't want to, they can't say it in front of Yu Cishi, let alone my father. "

   Tang He was refreshed when he said these words, it was indeed that he was finally exposed to his father's light.

  Bai Shan also thought, the world's official historians are all under Lord Tang. This is the son of Lord Tang anyway, and the son took the initiative to cede his achievements to the governor. What else can they do?

   So Bai Shan turned over the box. He was a little bit distressed. This time he brought four sets of clothes with him. For convenience, one of them was official clothes, and the others were casual clothes that were easy to get in and out.

Knowing that he was going to the village and he might have to deal with fights, he was wearing light narrow sleeves. Two sets of material were fine linen and one set was satin. The color was either azure or sapphire blue, the most vivid one. Instead, one set is an official uniform, if you want to look a little tender...

  Bai Shan turned around on several sets of clothes, and finally settled on the light red official uniform.

  There are two kinds of official uniforms, one is light red, and the other is dark green, all because he has a knighthood, and his majesty has a reward.

  Lao Liu made two sets of each type for him, plus the gift part, making a total of four sets.

  Because of the pressure this time, he specially brought a light red official uniform.

  Tang He walked up with his hands behind his back. After a glance, he remembered that this is not a capital city. Where can Bai Shan have such suitable clothes to wear?

  So his eyes were fixed on the official uniform.

   "Forget it, you should wear official uniforms, and we will wear them all at that time."

   Such a decision, Tang He remembered, he touched his chin and meditated: "You and I are both light red, and the two yushis are dark green. Not bad, not bad, so I'll wear official uniforms."

   So Bai Shan put on the official uniform, and waited after finishing his hair.

  Of course, they didn’t wait. The two went to meet Ren Yushi and summarized the events of the past few days.

  When they finished handling the matter and looked out, the sun was about to go down, and the new governor hadn’t arrived yet, and Liang Yushi hadn’t moved.

  The three of them looked at each other and couldn’t help but frown, “It’s not far from the capital to Qizhou. Didn’t it mean that the new governor went out of Beijing yesterday, right?”

  Tang He got up and walked out, calling a subordinate official from the Cishi Mansion, "Go to the gate of the city and take a look, why haven’t you welcomed the new Cishi?"


   "Wait a minute," Tang He called to live, looked around and asked, "Your Chang Shi Sima and Guo County magistrate haven't come back yet?"

   "Yes, they all went to the city gate to pick up the new governor."

  Tang He frowned slightly, looked back at Ren Yushi and Bai Shan, waved his hand to let the subordinates retreat, and then paced back, "Or let's eat first."

  Otherwise, he is afraid that he will be hungry again tonight, and always feel that something is going to happen.

  Bai Shan nodded again and again, where can Ren Yushi eat?

  Shouldn’t you hurry out of the city to take a look at the situation at this time?

  It’s impossible to see it. The situation in Qizhou is inherently complicated. When they arrived, Changshi was newly promoted, and Sima was on behalf of him. Oh, the former Changshi and Sima were both in prison now.

  So things in the Governor's Mansion are very messy, and there are some things that can't be done by anyone. Otherwise, if the four of them are in and out of the same, no one in the Governor's Mansion can help them.

  And the outside is too dangerous, they are afraid of accidentally dying outside.

  Tang He and Bai Shan immediately gave the kitchen a working meal. They rushed to eat two bowls of rice, then put down their chopsticks, and a rush of footsteps came from outside...

  Bai Shan and Tang He looked at each other. Sure enough, something went wrong?

  Ren Yushi, who keeps frowning and can't eat anything with anxiety:...

  He immediately got up, the clerk had already rushed in and shouted out of breath: "My lord, something has happened..."

  Tang He was already sitting calmly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

   "The new assassin killed someone!"

  Tang He got up in shock, Bai Shan was also startled, and asked in unison: "Who killed?"

  Xu’s staff paled and said, “Kill three people, the second master of the Zhu family, the eldest son of the Chai family, and the third master of the Zhang family.”

  Tang He's "ho", these three selections are wonderful, all of them are the main handlers of Gongtian on the file.

  He and Bai Shan looked at each other and asked, "Are there no other people besides the three of them?"

"No, no," Xu Xiao said, wiping the sweat on his forehead. "It was said that the new governor wanted to ask them for questioning. As a result, they not only refused to listen to the call, but also uttered bad words. The new governor sent someone to arrest him. Because of their stubborn resistance, their officers and soldiers missed their way in self-defense and wounded many domestic slaves in the three houses."

  "Can any tenants get injured?"

  Xun's official shook his head and said that he didn't know. He also only found out at the gate of the city. Where did he know if the tenants participated in the battle?

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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