Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2615: Mediation

   Chapter 2615 Mediation

  Master Tang nodded slightly and looked at Lady Mei, "Then Lady Mei is willing to leave?"

   Lady Mei lowered her head, tugging on her veil and said, "I listen to my father."

This sentence is very spiritual. Master Tang smiled slightly and looked at the young man and said: "Fang Saburo, you have also heard the words of Lady Mei, and the cut-off letter of peace is agreed upon by both of you, and you have already reconciled. , Then you don’t have a relationship anymore. If you are entangled with Mei’s father and daughter again, the servants can detain you for the crime of harassment."

   "I think Young Master Fang is also a scholar, and he should know the courtesy, justice, and integrity." He said: "Since we have reconciled, it is better to be one and two wide, and to bless each other."

Fang Saburo's face was ugly and did not speak.

Instead, Lady Mei looked up at him, then moved forward lightly, squatted down and said, "Fang Lang, you and I have no destiny. I only hope that everything goes well in the future, and you will marry a beautiful wife and give birth to two. A child of his own."

Mr. Mei looked much better, and pulled his daughter behind him again, and said to him: "Fang Saburo, I also put my current words here. If you want to be good for both sides, then it will be good. Otherwise, if you entangle again, I can do it myself. To deal with you, don’t say anything far away. Ordinarily, after you leave, you should also pay back the money your family owes to my Mei’s family?"

Fang Saburo shuddered and his face changed drastically.

  Mr. Mei clicked until the end, and after saluting with Mr. Tang, he said, "Thank you, Mrs. Tang, for your testimony today."

  Master Tang smiled and stood up, and said in reply: "Mr. Mei is polite, I am an official of the Jingzhao Mansion after all, and I should be in charge of the disputes in the capital."

   Fang Saburo left in despair.

  Mr. Mei is not in a hurry to leave, he knows that there must be many guests underneath who want to watch the jokes of their father and daughter.

  Fortunately, this is the capital city, not many people know him, if you are in your hometown...

  Mr. Mei's face became more and more cold, and Fang Saburo didn't like it even more in his heart.

Lady Mei was also startled. She was weak and somewhat incompetent, but she was not entirely a fool.

  Fangsaburo’s decision to sign and leave hurt her once, and the injury was even more serious at this time, so he didn’t say anything in a daze.

  Bai Shan and Tang Master knew that their father and daughter needed time to calm down, so they left.

  As soon as he returned to the next door, everyone turned their heads and looked over with piercing eyes. Master Tang waved his hand, "I have already sent people away."

  Ms. Tang asked, "How did you send it?"

  Master Tang smiled and said, "But I explained to him the laws of the Great Jin Dynasty. I moved with affection and understood the reason. How else can I dispose of it?"

  These words were not sincere at all, so Madam Tang looked at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan is He Man Baodao: "I don't think this son Fang will have a better life in the future."

   Baijiro: "Mr. Mei wants to retaliate against him?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "If he doesn't retaliate, he won't be well."

He said: "Listening to Mr. Mei, the Mei family got married, and the Mei family paid a lot, and the Fang family has debts in the Mei family. In this case, Fang Saburo thought about having a concubine and giving birth to a child, and let the concubine give birth to a child to inherit Mei. Home……"

Bai Shan shook his head, a little hard to say, "Moreover, when they were leaving, Mr. Mei gave him a sum of money, but it seems that he had spent almost the same amount before going to Beijing to seek peace. So... , He will not have a good time."

  Master Tang nodded with deep conviction, and said to them: "I live by myself. I have tried so many cases, and people like Fang Saburo have seen a lot."

He snapped the folding fan and slapped the fan and laughed: "In this world, everything can dissipate. Money, power, and even the love between husband and wife, and the love between father and son, will only accumulate more and more. It will not dissipate."

  Everyone looked at him curiously, "What?"

  Master Tang raised his chin slightly and said, "Ability!"

  Man Bao, Bai Shan and others thoughtfully, then nodded again and again.

  Ms. Tang also nodded, but only halfway through, then looked at Master Tang with a smile and asked, "You said that besides money and power, what else will dissipate?"

  Lord Tang stiffened, and looked at the others, "Should we order some refreshments? It's busy going up and down, and I'm a little hungry."

  Bai Shan smiled, and was about to ask the buddy to come in and order when the door was knocked.

  The maid guarding the door opened the door, and the guy brought in melons, fruit snacks and tea, and smiled: "My son and maid, these are the guests from the private room next door who ordered for you."

  Bai Shan was stunned for a moment and asked, "Has the guest next door gone?"

   "I just left."

  Bai Shan nodded and looked at Man Bao.

Man Bao looked down from the window, focusing on Lady Mei's face, and seeing that although she was a little sad, it was not too bad, so he nodded and smiled: "Miss Mei was unexpected. "

  Ms. Tang peeled off a lotus seed to eat, and said indifferently: “It’s not a happy marriage. It’s a couple who have been married for a few years and have no children. Could it be better than a father-daughter relationship?”

  Mr. Mei was also a little worried about his daughter, so when he got home, he took her to talk, "Do you blame the father?"

  Ms. Mei shook her head, "I know my father is for my good, but..."

   She bit her lip, and whispered: "What should I do if it's just a child?"

  Mr. Mei was helpless, and said to her: "I will recruit one more in the future. Besides, if the child is not a child, my father doesn't care very much now, I just hope you will be safe and well in the future."

He reached out and touched her head, and sighed: "You are the father's child. It is not easy to raise a child. You and a grandson or granddaughter who have never met before are naturally more important to you. You must really want to raise a child. From now on, it will be enough to choose a child from the clan to adopt."

It’s just that Mr. Mei doesn’t really want to use this method in his heart. His daughter’s temper is too soft. If he is gone, she will adopt a stepchild. In the future, not only the biological parents of the heir may suppress her, but if the heir cannot stand, it may also suppress her. .

  It's better not to raise children.

  Mr. Mei became worried and decided to come to see the doctor tomorrow Zhou Man. He had to ask her when Lady Mei’s condition would be effective.

  The difference between a biological child and a non-born child is quite big.

  As long as one is born, whether it is a boy or a girl, he has been well raised for more than ten years, and the future of the lady will depend on it.

  Man Bao stopped letting Keke scan after she determined that her current acupuncture method and medication were useful for Ms. Mei. After all, shouldn’t she have points?

   During this period of consultation, she has always used her pulse to judge.

Therefore, when he heard Mr. Mei's question, Man Bao listened carefully to Tingmai, and then took Lady Mei to check it, and after a long while pondering, he said to Keke: "I think it works, but there are still some symptoms of palace cold, otherwise Can you scan it?"

  Keke: "Points."

  Man Bao said generously: "buckle it."

  So Keke deducted and pulled out the scan results for Zhou Man to see.

    It’s too tiring to go out today, so don’t add any changes, I’ll add them tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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