Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2616: Listen to books

   Chapter 2616 Listening to Books

  Man Bao looked carefully.

   fell in the eyes of Lady Mei, it was Zhou Manwei closing her eyes in contemplation. She became a little nervous for a while and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

Man Baohao opened his eyes, met her irritated gaze, and could not help but smiled slightly: "Congratulations, the two differences have been communicated, but there are still some problems with the cold of the palace, I will treat you, by the way, adjust your body, in the future If you get married, it should be easier to get a child than it is now."

  Ms. Mei let out a sigh of relief, her eyes sparkling, and she wished to see if she could really give birth to a child right away.

  However, Mr. Mei was not in a hurry to find another son-in-law. He said to Mrs. Mei: "It's so easy to come to the capital. Since your health is much better, it's better to walk around and have a long experience."

   said again: "Father and find a son-in-law for you, if you marry again, you must marry a good one, and you will never be like Fang Saburo again."

   Lady Mei lowered her head, her face flushed and she responded with a yes.

  Mei said: "It was too anxious back then, so Fang Saburo was hurriedly ordered. Otherwise, if I know that he is such a person, I will not let you marry him if I say anything."

Lady Mei lowered her head.

Mr. Mei knocked on the table and said: "There are many people in the capital. There are not only literati, but also warriors, as well as merchants and rural villagers. The truth is, good health and good character are enough."

  Ms. Mei was not very hopeful, "Where can someone who is willing to be a son-in-law be better?"

  Fang Saburo is just studying but has no future. He can't even pass the county school exam. He is poor. Isn't the family really thinking about being a son-in-law when he can't afford it?

Mr. Mei said: "It's just a poor family, and we don't ask for family background. As long as we have a good character, good health, and understand the truth, it doesn't matter if we are illiterate. I teach it now."

  Unconsciously, Mr. Mei’s conditions have been lowered again.

  He said: "If you can't find it like this, I would rather you not hire a son-in-law for the father, and I will adopt one for you from the clan if you want a child in the future."

  Mr. Mei thought of something, and touched his beard and said, “It doesn’t have to be there. For example, Master Zhou, do you know who her father is?”

Ms. Mei shook her head blankly, and whispered: "She is so powerful, and my father is also a very powerful healer, right?"

  Mr. Mei smiled and said, "He is a very powerful person, but he is not a healer, but a chivalrous person."

  "Her father is also a patriarch, and his character is also precious. It can be seen that there is no such thing in this world, but we have not met yet."

  Ms. Mei has never paid attention to outside affairs. After hearing this, she was taken aback for a while and said, "So it turns out that Doctor Zhou is with her mother's surname?"

Mr. Mei: "...No."

  He was a little depressed, and faintly felt that it was not the time to look for a son-in-law, but to let his daughter understand the outside world.

So Mr. Mei took her daughter out, and after a round, he found a tea house and sat down. He sat down in a secluded place on the second floor facing the storyteller, and then took out dozens of copper plates to show him. To the humanity of the storyteller: "We want to hear the story of the little genius doctor Zhou Taiyi in Beijing."

  The guy’s eyes brightened, and he bent over after receiving the coins and asked, "Where do you want to hear from?"

Mr. Mei said: "Let’s start with her parents’ generation."

  Guy suddenly understood and became happier. Generally speaking from the very beginning, it must be heard from the beginning to the end. It is bound to be endless in a day or two. It must be said for several days. This is big business.

  So the guy went down to look for the storyteller happily, took the two copper plates and gave him the rest, pointed to the upstairs and whispered to him.

Mr.   The storyteller also has bright eyes. They like this kind of guests who specify the story the most. In addition to the money given by the teahouse and the rewards from the guests, there is a fixed large amount of income.

  After all, teahouses don’t give too much, and guests sometimes don’t give rewards. Unless there is a good story, it will be difficult for them to make a lot of money.

   Zhouman’s story is already well-known. Fortunately, her story is very tortuous, and she is very famous in Beijing, so even if some guests have heard it many times, it is still very popular.

  The most important thing is that Zhou Man is in the capital now. At the end, adding some stories, such as what illness she has seen recently, is also very fascinating.

  So Mr. Storyteller took a sip of tea, patted the table, and saluted: “Everyone, let’s put aside the story we just told. Today we will tell you the story of Zhou Xiao’s genius doctor.”

"To talk about Zhou Xiao’s genius doctor, it must talk about her parents. Speaking of which, her parents are also beautiful people, and that her mother comes from a family of gentry in Shangzhou, and her father is a talented scholar, which is also a poetry biography. Home……"

Mr. Mei took a sip of tea, turned his head and said to Ms. Mei: "Although the storyteller will say exaggerated words, but the story is generally unchanged, you can just listen to it. A lot of truth in life."

  Ms. Mei was very confused, "What is the principle of being a human being?"

  Mr. Mei smiled slightly and said, "Loyalty, justice, courtesy, wisdom and trust are all there."

  At this time, Mr. Zhuang, who was drinking tea in another place on the second floor, glanced at the storyteller below and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

  Mr. Jiang smiled and asked, “Why, you are not happy to say your disciple’s story? This is a good thing to be famous. How many people want Mr. Storyteller to tell their own story, but they don’t want to tell it.”

  Mr. Zhuang laughed and said: "The stories that can be liked by the storyteller are all twists and turns, and the stories are twists and turns, and natural life is also turbulent."

   "But I think that although your three disciples have gone through hardships, they have very good temperaments and are not cynical."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded, "That is because their family taught well, but in fact, the suffering of the predecessors will not disappear. The experience of the Zhoubai family is just a confirmation of the impermanence of life."

  Mr. Jiang was taken aback for a moment and asked: "Why are you joining the Buddha now?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, “It’s not considered Buddhist, but recently a few children often bring some Buddhist scriptures back from Huguo Temple. I looked through some of them, but they accidentally got infected.”

  Mr. Jiang shook his head and laughed.

   Mr. Zhuang said: "However, it is also said in "Zhuangzi. The World" that indifference is intangible and changeable. It can be seen that the two Buddhist and Taoist schools have similarities in the world at first sight."

Mr. Jiang is a Confucian and doesn't like to talk to him about Xuan, so he said: "You must either go out and turn right and go to Xuandu Temple to find the old Taoism and Daoism, or go out and turn left and go to the Huguo Temple to find Zhiren to argue the scriptures, and then say something paradoxical. If so, I can go."

  Mr. Zhuang quickly said: "It's rare to rest, dare not offend, dare not offend, let's have tea."

  Mr. Jiang is satisfied.

  Mr. Jiang was satisfied. After taking a sip of tea, he turned his head and looked out to the lobby.

  Mr. Zhuang is funny, "I have heard this story so many times, why are you still so addicted?"

  Mr. Jiang touched his beard and said, "Your three disciples, especially Zhou Man and Bai Shan, are really attractive and you can't get tired of listening. It's a pity..."

  Unfortunately, he is already a disciple of others, he can't grab it even if he wants to.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled, and turned his head to look down. It happened that a few people came in at the gate of the teahouse. They sat down directly in front of the table facing the storyteller and made Mr. Zhuang sitting on the second floor look straight.

  Mr. Zhuang recognized the other party, and the look on his face became a little cold and a little startled.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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