Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2623: Move palace

  Chapter 2623 Moving Palace

  The speed of the team out of the city gate is faster, but because of the large number of frames, no matter how fast it is, it can’t go as fast.

  Man Bao took out a pouch of water from the horse's waist, unscrewed it and took a sigh, then sighed again.

  The lords on the side could not help but swallowed their saliva, and took out the water sacs to drink, but I don’t know why, Liu Shilang always felt that Zhou Man’s water was different from theirs, so he stared at her water sacs.

  Man Bao saw the sidewalk and said, "This is tea made with honeysuckle, Shi Lang Liu would like to drink it?"

  If Zhou Man wasn't a woman, Shi Lang would nod his head, but she was, so Shi Lang just smiled and shook his head.

  Man Bao remembered it in his heart, and when he went further, he left the team and ran forward to find Princess Mingda’s frame.

  Bai Erlang and Mingda were sitting together, the carriage was too slow, the sun was big and boring, so he was a little dozing off at this time.

  The frame was knocked, and he looked up. Seeing that Mingda seemed to have just been awakened, he opened the curtain to look.

  Man Bao rode a horse and walked by the carriage, and asked him, "What do you want to bring?"

   Bai Erlang pointed to the servant who followed: "Ask Ma Fuming."

  He suddenly didn’t want to sit in the car, so he greeted Mingda and asked the guards outside to ask for his horse.

  As soon as he got on the horse, he was so happy, "It's better to ride a horse."

  Man Bao glanced at him silently, "If you can say that in two quarters, I will respect you as a man."

  It won’t take two quarters of an hour, and after a while he can’t stand it, "Why is the sun so strong?"

   Isn’t this normal?

  Otherwise, why did the emperor travel to Beijing to escape the heat?

  Man Baodao: "I'll go to Duan Medical's help to get things. You ask Ma Fuming to go to the camp and ask for a stove."

  White Jiro can only run errands for her.

  If Man Bao traveled on their own, they wouldn’t be able to make a fire if they stopped at noon, but this is a holy car.

  But if Manbao and the others are light and easy, the distance from Beijing to Yongzhou would not be close to noon.

  Most people are dry food, ah, including the Shang Shu and the servants who followed, the imperial army also set up a few stoves to warm up the meals for the nobles.

  White Jiro directly asked for a brewing tea.

He listened to Man Bao’s, and asked the cook to cook two buckets of thick sour plum soup at home. Then he poured it directly into the pot, half a bucket at a time. Pour into a bucket with a lot of ice...

  Baijiro stood aside and watched, seeing the dark red soup falling from the white ice, he couldn't help swallowing, the ice looked so delicious...

  He took a spoon and asked for a spoon to come up, and was beaten by Man Bao who came by.

  Hakujiro: "...Why are you here so fast?"

  Man Bao: "Guess?"

  Shirajiro ignored her.

  The maid and the maids stirred the soup and ice in the bucket, and the ice melted quickly, then covered the bucket and sent it to the emperor first.

  In a short while, the accompanying officials were also given a slightly iced sour plum soup. Let alone, the sun is shining at this moment, and drinking a bowl of it is indeed very healing.

   After finishing the work, the maid and the maid sipped together and sipped the medicinal tea that didn’t take long to cook. It is also a good product for relieving heat, but the taste will not be as good as the sour plum soup used by adults.

  At this time, they can still drink herbal tea for relieving heat, and they are already very satisfied.

  The maidservants who were accompanying her, half of them were in cars, followed far behind, and the other half followed by their legs on the side of the frame.

  So they lose more water.

  Gu Zhong served the emperor after having lunch, he came over and asked for boiling water to make tea, and served a bowl of herbal tea specially iced.

  He took a sip and shook his head, "It's better to drink it warmly, you are superfluous."

  The waiter was startled and knelt down.

   "Fine," Gu Zhong waved his hand: "It's not a big deal, is it enough?"

   "Enough, not only the little ones, but also a bowl of herbal tea on the side of the Forbidden Army."

Gu Zhong nodded slightly, "Master Zhou is careful, and you are also careful. It's rare that someone remembers us as lowly people. If someone has a heat stroke, they will go to Duan for medical assistance. Don't be like in previous years. I'm going to die and live a few more."

  The waiter bends down.

  The speed of the frame is slow, and it has been almost dusk, and their team went to the Yongzhou Palace.

  The emperor and the nobles lived directly in the palace that had been arranged. It was full of treasures and did not have to be exhausted. After a breath, an attendant asked, "Am I in a yard alone, or with Master Bai from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

  The attendant smiled and said, "Master Bai is already living in Master Zhou's yard."

  Man Bao was satisfied, nodded and followed the waiter to her yard.

  This time, the emperor escaped the summer heat and paid attention to the ministers under his hand, so officials of rank 4 and above were allowed to take their families.

  There are not many officials above the fourth grade of the Korean Middle School, and only half of them come. Therefore, one yard is still affordable for one person.

  I don’t know if it’s because Bai Shan is from the Central Book of Letters, or because of Man Bao’s particularity, the yard they were assigned to is next to the yard of Mr. Wei and his yard, not very far from the Emperor's Long Qiu Palace.

  Outward is the residence of the servants.

  Yin Li lives in Xiangli, a distance from their two yards, um, it is diagonally opposite.

  Nothing idler Yin or wearing a big hat came over, and happened to run into Man Bao who was about to enter the door.

  When the two saw each other's eyes brightened, Man Bao stepped forward and smiled: "I'm looking for you during the lunch break. They said you came one step earlier. Why did you come in later than us?"

   Yin or smiled and said, "When I arrived, I would wait under the mountain, and wait until you all entered before coming in."

  Man Bao saw that he looked good, so he nodded and said, “I’ll go to clean up first, and when Bai Shan comes back, we will eat together.”

   Yin or nodding with a smile.

  Bai Shan obviously had no time for a while, Man Bao entered his small courtyard, the courtyard as soon as he entered, but in the middle of the three rooms, both east and west sides can live in.

  She pushed open the door of the main room and saw that it was cleaned inside. She took the official hat and hung it on it. She let out a sigh of relief. Today, she was only riding a horse, but she was so tired.

  She sat there for a while, and the people and luggage left behind finally passed the inspection and came up the mountain.

  Daji and the two guards carried two boxes, and the cakes and Mays were carrying a large baggage in their back and arms, and came in behind a servant.

  Man Bao heard the movement going out, and stretched out his hand to take the baggage in May’s arms. He was speechless, "Isn’t I just packed a box, how come so many more things come out?"

  May whispered in a low voice: "The old lady came to see it after the lady went out this morning, and felt that she had too few things, so she packed another box."

  So I almost missed the registration.

  The list of family members and subordinates who followed the officials was registered early in the morning, but the luggage is now registered. After taking a few suitcases, a few baggage will be remembered.

  How about today’s capital officials, all small and medium-sized officials, are all crazy.

  Man Bao thinks the easiest is the emperor.

  However, she felt that the easiest emperor only sat down and took a sip of tea before receiving the offer.

    I am a lovely manuscript saver, although there is only one chapter, hahahaha, see you at 8 o’clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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